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BioResource Newsletter "BioResource now!"

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Vol.12 No.12(Published on 2017/3)

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Our monthly newsletter features a variety of information, highlighting current domestic and international issues concerning bioresources.
Previous issues are available in English from the menu on the left.
* The latest publication of this newsletter will normally be released in the last week of the month.

Contact : Genetic Resource Center  (Yamazaki)
Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540 Japan
tel : 055-981-6885 / e-mail: brnews@shigen.info


- Hot News No.50


Ratification of the Nagoya Protocol is in the countdown phase
-How to cope with it-

Mutsuaki Suzuki, Intellectual Property Unit, National Institute of Genetics

- Ongoing Column No. 112



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*The Genetic Resource Center, NIG owns the copyright to any content on this site unless stated otherwise.

shigen [at] nig.ac.jp National Institute of Genetics (NIG)