Strain Name: Tg (EF1alpha:GEPRA-B) / Allele: rw0421

Allele rw0421
Strain Name Tg (EF1alpha:GEPRA-B)
Type Transgenics
Affected Gene
Origin and Depositor RIKEN CBS (Atsushi Miyawaki)
Link to ZFIN
GEPRAs are genetically encoded indicators for retinoic acid (RA). GEPRAs enable the visualization of the endogenous RA.  

The Conditions to Distribute Strains
The BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE contains fluorescent proteins: CFP4 (T65S) and YPet created by the DEPOSITOR with reference to literatures (CFP4, YPet: Nat. Biotechnol. 23, 355-360; T65S mutation: Nat. Methods 7, 137-139), a fragment of a FANTOM3 clone (6820403N24) and pT2KXIGΔin vector (patented) provided by Dr. Koichi Kawakami, National Institute of Genetics.
The RECIPIENT shall acknowledge the following: The DEPOSITOR obtained the permission of its collaborators to deposit the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE on the condition that the RECIPIENT agrees to use the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE for non-profit research purposes and in compliance with the terms and conditions in this MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT.
The RECIPIENT agrees to acknowledge the DEPOSITOR in any publications, oral or written, reporting use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE and provide a copy of the publication to the DEPOSITOR.
The RECIPIENT agrees to cite the following manuscript in publishing the research results related to the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE.
Shimozono S., Iimura T., Kitaguchi T., Higashijima SI. and Miyawaki A. (2013) Visualization of an endogenous retinoic acid gradient across embryonic development. Nature 496, 363-366  
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Facility RIKEN Center for Brain Science