gibbon : Ibu

GAIN ID numberGAIN ID number
We assinged GAIN original IDs based on the domestic studbook numbers.
:0002    (2012-04-25Updated)
International studbook number: -

Name Ibu
Sex Female
Species or Subspecies Hylobates agilis unko
Date of birth 不明
Place of birth unknown
Current facility ​Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Kyoto University
[Japanese studbook number:H.agilis38]
[P.R.I. KyotoUniv.H.a#2]
The individual is strongly built, is covered with black hair, and has large eyes. All of her canines have been cut down. Her skin is sensitive and tends to be sore when iodine tincture is applied.
She had no name for a long time but was finally named Ibu (denoting mother in Indonesian), when Raja was so named. She had a mouthful of cavities, and her left face was repeatedly swollen in her later years.
Her whole body has been laid in state as skeletal preparations are being made. (KUPRI#8135).
Great calls of Ibu. Sound file
Although the individual appeared to distrust most humans, sometimes she was very emotionally dependent. When she was separated, she squeezed the keeper's hands for awhile.
She gave birth in 1998 and 1999, but since there were problems, such as inability to hold the babies correctly and a reluctance to breast-feed, the babies were separated from their mother to be hand raised. She was considerate, often grooming and playing with post-weaning babies. She also groomed and played with Mamy.
Life history
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Research results using samples from this individual

Selection of Apes