Mutants (Isolated)


Allele Nametm446
Allele TypeNormal
Sequence NameK01A6.2
Gene Namemagi-1
Worm BaseAllele Name tm446
Gene Name magi-1
Sequence K01A6.2
Phenotype Information from the receiver is posted in the form of a "researcher : phenotype" homozygous viable. Dr. J. Kaplan: wild type movement, nonEgl, nonRic, apparently wild type pattern of GLR-1::GFP. Dr. J. Saterlee: normal brood size, development and movement. Dr. J. Rand: normal thermotaxis. Dr. K. Shen: normal synapse formation as determined by VAMP::YFP localization to presynaptic sites in HSNL. Dr. A. Hajnal: WT localization of LET-23 in the vulval precursor cells.
Mutation site Please see gene structure to locate the deletion in relation to exon(s) 9841/9842-10251/10252 (410 bp deletion)
Putative gene structurejoin(7453..7517, 8492..8559, 8607..8671, 8848..8914, 9435..9672, 9718..9914, 10311..10430, 15971..16103, 16441..16536, 18407..18545, 18596..18877, 19804..20457, 20507..21388, 21822..21968, 22323..22448)
Map position5.24
Map position of balancer
Distributed lab
DepositorDr. S. Mitani
References Please submit your publication
Stetak A, Hörndli F, Maricq AV, van den Heuvel S, Hajnal A.
Neuron-specific regulation of associative learning and memory by MAGI-1 in C. elegans.
PLoS One 2009 4(6) e6019 
[ PubMed ID = 19551147 ] [ RRC reference ]

Emtage L, Chang H, Tiver R, Rongo C.
MAGI-1 modulates AMPA receptor synaptic localization and behavioral plasticity in response to prior experience.
PLoS One 2009 4(2) e4613 
[ PubMed ID = 19242552 ] [ RRC reference ]