Mutants (Isolated)


Allele Nametm2438
Allele TypeNormal
Sequence NameH24K24.5
Gene Namefmo-5
Worm BaseAllele Name tm2438
Gene Name fmo-5
Sequence H24K24.5
Phenotype Information from the receiver is posted in the form of a "researcher : phenotype" homozygous viable
Mutation site Please see gene structure to locate the deletion in relation to exon(s) 2375/2376-2671/2672 (296 bp deletion)
Putative gene structurecomplement(join(38..370, 1245..1626, 2035..2160, 2210..2524, 3032..3275, 3322..3416, 4144..4205))
Map position-19.95
Map position of balancer
Distributed lab
DepositorDr. S. Mitani/NBRP
References Please submit your publication
Hirani N, Westenberg M, Seed PT, Petalcorin MI, Dolphin CT.
C. elegans flavin-containing monooxygenase-4 is essential for osmoregulation in hypotonic stress.
Biol Open. 2016 5(5) 537-49. 
[ PubMed ID = -1 ] [ RRC reference ]

Gujar MR, Stricker AM, Lundquist EA.
Flavin monooxygenases regulate Caenorhabditis elegans axon guidance and growth cone protrusion with UNC-6/Netrin signaling and Rac GTPases.
PLoS Genet 2017 13(8) e1006998 
[ PubMed ID = 28859089 ] [ RRC reference ]