

Allele Nametm1200
Allele Type通常株
Sequence NameC16C10.3
Gene Namehrde-1
Worm BaseAllele Name tm1200
Gene Name hrde-1
Sequence C16C10.3
Phenotype Information from the receiver is posted in the form of a "researcher : phenotype" homozygous viable. Dr. C. Mello, Cell 127, 747-457 (2006).
Mutation site Please see gene structure to locate the deletion in relation to exon(s) 32390/32391-32764/32765 (374 bp deletion)
Putative gene structurecomplement(join(30115..30274, 30324..30514, 30560..31508, 31556..32080, 32130..33083, 33129..33339, 33391..33499))
Map position-3.71
Map position of balancer
Distributed lab
DepositorDr. S. Mitani
References Please submit your publication
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