Gibbons(List) in Japan Monkey Centre

Name of facility :

Individuals currently bred

There are currently 16 gibbons living in Japan Monkey Centre.

*If you click the item in the table, information can be sorted by the clicked item.
*If you click the abbreviation for a facility, the pedigree of the individual will be displayed.
*C = Chimpanzee, B = Bonobo, G = Gorilla, O = Orangutan, and H = Gibbon
>>Display a pedigree ( C , B , G , O , H )
Group GAIN ID number Name Species /
Sex Date of birth Death date Facility
H 0309 Eleven LO M 2010.01.21   JMC
H 0024 Jas LO M 2010.06.01   JMC
H 0322 Joji LO M 2014.08.11   JMC
H 0115 Donto PO M 1967?   JMC
H 0027 Kanako PO F 2001.01.27   JMC
H 0028 Kan PO M 1998.01.02   JMC
H 0304 Trick PO M 2012.10.31   JMC
H 0110 Cricket MO F     JMC
H 0031 Abo SO M 199?   JMC
H 0132 Durian SO M 2005.10.30   JMC
H 0111 Linda SO F 1995.02.03   JMC
H 0323 Melon SO F 2014.09.04   JMC
H 0113 Mayu SO F 1999.01.21   JMC
H 0300 Lychee SO M 2012.09.29   JMC
H 0326 Suika SO M 2014.10.30   JMC
H 0131 Ichigo SO F 2001.05.21   JMC
Page : ALL

Japan Monkey Centre   

Location 484-0081  26 Kanrin, Inuyama, Inuyama-shi, Aichi
Tel. no. 0568-61-2327 Fax no.  
Opening hours 10:00-17:00
10:00-16:00 (November-February)
Closed day Tuesday & Wednesday
Entrance fee high school students and older 800yen, junior-high and elementary school students 400 yen, 3 and older 300yen
Note -


*By clicking an image, you can pop-up the original image.

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