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Genome / Development
Genome BLAST BLAT JBrowse JBrowse2


Genome assembly: We release a high-quality, chromosome-level genome assembly for the hexaploid common wheat cultivar eFielderf known for its amenability to Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation and genome editing. Accurate, long-read sequences were obtained using PacBio circular consensus sequencing (CCS) with the HiFi approach. Sequence reads from 16 SMRT cells assembled using the hifiasm assembler produced a contig and pseudomolecule assembly with N50 greater than 20 Mbp. We used the Omni-C chromosome conformation capture technique to order contigs into chromosome-level assemblies, resulting in 21 pseudomolecules with a cumulative size of 14.7 and 0.3 Gb of unanchored contigs.

Gene models: Representative coding sequences of each informant locus from the published high-confidence gene models for eChinese Springf were aligned to pseudomolecules.

Reference: Sato et al. (2021) Chromosome-scale genome assembly of the transformation-amenable common wheat cultivar eFielderf. DNA Research.
