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Gene Catalogue 2013
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Catalogue of Gene Symbols

Gene Symbol detail

Gene Symbold
Class Level 1 Reaction to Blumeria graminis DC.
Level 2 Designated genes for resistance
Level 3
Level 4
Symbol Wild Type Pm4
Allele Pm4a Pm4b Pm4cPm4d
Synonyms Mle{1591}
Chromosomes 2A{052}, 2AL{1464}
Germplasms i:Federation*7/T. carthlicum W804{1464}, v:Achill{540}, v:Ajax{540}, v:Arkas{540}, v:Armada{096}, v:Atlantis{0011}, v:Boheme{0011}, v:Botri (heterogeneous){854}, v:ELS{1591}, v:Facta{854}, v:Factor (heterogeneous){854}, v:Fakon{854}, v:Fazit{854}, v:Hermes{540}, v:Horizont{540}, v:Maris Halberd; Max{540}, v:Olymp{540}, v:Orbis{540}, v:RE714{1220}, v:Renan{0016}, v:Ronos{1079}, v:S-25{052}, v:S-28{052}, v:TP 229{626,1591}, v:Weihenstephan M1{1591}, v:VPM1{097}, v2:Apollo Pm2 Pm8{541,802}, v2:Boxer Pm5{541}, v2:Compal Pm2{854}, v2:Kadett Pm3d{540}, v2:Kronjuwel Pm8{541}, v2:Mission Pm5{541,1531}, v2:Rang Pm1{052}, v2:Rendezvous Pm2 Pm6{1531}, v2:Solo Pm1 Pm2{052,540}, v2:Sorbas Pm6{541}, v2:Timmo Pm2 Pm6{096}, v2:Turbo Pm3d{540}, v2:Walter Pm2 Pm6{1428}, ma:Pm4b - 4.8 cM - Xgbx3119b-2A{0272}, ma:Xgwm382-2A - +/- 10 cM - Pm4b - +/- 2 cM - XgbxG303-2A{0354}, ma:STS241 - 4.9 cM - Pm4b - 7.1 cM - SRAP Me8/Em7220 - 4.7 cM - Xgwm382-2A{10553}

Related Reference
097 : Bennett FGA 1984
096 : Bennett FGA 1982
540 : Heun M & Fischbeck G 1987
541 : Heun M & Fischbeck G 1987
626 : Jorgensen JH & Jensen CJ 1972
802 : Limpert E, Felsenstein FG & Andrivon D 1987
854 : Lutz J, Katzhammer M, Stephan U, Felsenstein FG, Oppitz K & Zeller FJ 1995
1079 : Niewoehner AS & Leath S 1998
1220 : Robe P & Doussinault G 1995
1428 : Streckeisen P & Fried PM 1985
1464 : The TT, McIntosh RA & Bennett FGA 1979
1531 : Van Kints TMC 1986
1591 : Wolfe MS 1967
0011 : Hartl L, Mohler V, Zeller FJ, Hsam SLK & Schweizer G 1999
0016 : Chantret N, Pavoine MT & Doussinault G 1999
0272 : Chantret N, Mingeot D, Sourdille P, Bernard M, Jacquemin JM & Doussinault G 2001
0354 : Mingeot D, Chantret N, Baret PV, Dekeyser A, Boukhatem N, Sourdille P, Doussinault G & Jacquemin JM 2002
10553 : Yi YJ, Liu HY, Huang XQ, An LZ, Wang F & Wang XL 2008
052 : Baier AC, Zeller FJ, Oppitz K & Fischbeck G 1973