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Catalogue of Gene Symbols

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tsc1 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (chlorosis) v:Katepwa,v:Opata 85,v:Synthetic W-7984
Insensitivity is recessive. QTsc.ndsu-1A {9924}.  
Tsr4 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Resistance to tan spot tsn4 3A v:Salamouni
Resistance is recessive. Resistance to race 1 (culture ASC1a) {10350}.  
QTsc.ndsu-4A Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (chlorosis) 4AL v:Opata 85/Synthetic W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population; resistance was contributed by W-7984,v:In W-7976/Trenton resistance was contributed by W-7976,ma:Association with Xksu916(Oxo2)-4A and Xksu915(14-3-3a)-4A,ma:In W-7976/Trenton there was association with Xwg622-4A,ma:Minor QTLs in chromosomes 1AL, 7DS, 5AL and 3BL were associated with resistance in adult plants
Tsr6 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Resistance to tan spot 2BS v:ND-735,ma:Xwmc382-2B - 15.3 cM - wPt-0289 - 4.6 cM - Tsr6 - 18.7 cM - Xwmc-2B
Resistance is recessive. According to {10668} Tsr6 should be identical to tsc2 (see Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (chlorosis)).  
tsc2 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (chlorosis) v:Opata 85,v:Salamouni,tv:Altar 84,ma:Xmag681-2B/XTC339813 - 2.7 cM - Tsc/XBE444541 - 0.6 cM - XBE517745,ma:An XBE444541 EST-STS co-segregating marker for Tsc2 was developed and lines with tsc2 produced a 505 bp fragment whereas those with Tsc2 produced a 340 bp band
Insensitivity allele {10015}  
Tsn1 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (necrosis) v:Bobwhite,v:Cheyenne,v:Glenlea,v:Grandin,v:Hope,v:Jagger,v:Katepwa,v:ND2709,v:ND495,v:Sumai 3,v:Timstein,v2:Kulm Tsc1,v2:Trenton Tsc1,dv:Two Ae. speltoides accessions,tv:Langdon,tv:Some T. dicoccoides accessions,ma:Xbcd183-5B - 1.2 cM - Tsn1/Xbcd1030-5B - 2.4 cM - Xrz575-5B,c:Tsn1 has 8 exons and a S/TPK-NBS-LRR structure; all three domains are required for function and TSN1 protein does not interact directly with ToxA
Sensitive to Ptr ToxA. In Kulm/Erik, toxin response accounted for 24% of the variation in disease response, which was affected by 4-5 genes {10030}.
Ptr ToxA is functionally identical to S. nodorum ToxA but has two predicted amino acid differences {10459}. See Reaction to Phaeosphaeria nodorum.
Australian cultivars with tsn1 and Tsn1 are listed in {10540}.  
TsrHar Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Resistance to tan spot 3B v:Dashen,v:HAR 604,v:HAR 2562
Effective against races ASC1a (race 1) and DW-16 {10590}.  
tsn1 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (necrosis) 5BL v:AC Barrie,v:AC Cadillac,v:AC Elsa,v:Atlas 66,v:BR34,v:CEP17,v:Chinese Spring,v:Erik,v:IA807,v:IA905,v:Laura,v:ND688,v:Opata 85,v:Synthetic W-7976 = Cando/R143/Mexicali 'S'/3/Ae. squarrosa C122,v:Synthetic W-7984 = Altar 84/Ae. tauschii CI 18,tv:Altar 84,tv:D87450,tv:T. dicoccoides Israel A,ma:Xbcd1030-5B - 5.7 cM - tsn1 - 16.5 cM - Xwg583-5B,ma:tsn1 - 3.7 cM - Xbcd1030-5B,ma:Xfgcg7-5B - 0.4 cM - Tsn1/Xfcg17-5B - 0.2 cM -Xfcg9-5B,ma:Xfcg17-5B - 0.2 cM -Tsn1 - 0.6 cM - Xfcg9-5B,ma:Xfcp1-5B and Xfcp2-5B delineated Tsn1 to an interval of about 1 cM,ma:Tsn1 was placed in a 2.1 cM region spanned by XBF483506 and XBF138151.1/XBE425878/Xfcc1/XBE443610
Insensitivity (disease resistance) is recessive {346}. Tsr1 {10508}, see Resistance to tanspot. According to {10376} the same dominant allele, presumably tsn1, conferred resistance to chlorosis induced by races 1 and 3 in cultivars Erik, Hadden, Red Chief, Glenlea and 86ISMN 2137 in crosses with 6B-365.  
QTsc.ndsu-1A Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (chlorosis) Tsc1 1AS v:Synthetic W7984,ma:Association with Gli-A1
Resistance is likely recessive {344} QTsc.ndsu-1A, or a closely associated gene, confers insensitivity to Ptr ToxC, see {0315}. Inoculation with purified toxin Ptr ToxC was used to map this locus. QTsc.ndsu-1A confers resistance in both seedlings and adult plants.  
Tsr1 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Resistance to tan spot 5BL v:Genetic stocks that do not have Tsn1 and other genes that respond to toxins produced by the pathogen
[tsn1 See: Insensitivity to tanspot toxin]. Resistance is recessive. The gene in Erik was allellic with resistance in a diverse set of genotypes including spelt and durum derivatives {10557}.  
Tsr2 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Resistance to tan spot tsn2 3BL sutv:LDN (DIC-3B),tv:T. dicoccoides Israel-A,tv2:T. turgidum no. 283, PI 352519 Tsr5,ma:Identified as a QTL in region Xgwm285-3B - Xwmc366.2-3B (R2 = 91%),ma:also classified as a single gene: Xgwm285-3B - 2.1 cM - tsr2 - 15.2 cM - Xwmc366.2-3B
Resistance is recessive. Confers resistance to race 3 {10344}.  
Tsr5 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Resistance to tan spot tsn 3BL tv2:T. turgidum no. 283, PI 352519 Tsr2,ma:Tsr5 - 8.3 cM - Xgwm285-3B - 2.7 cM - Tsr2
Tsc1 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (chlorosis) 1AS v:6B365,v:Opata 85,v2:Kulm Tsn1,v2:Trenton Tsn1,ma:Gli-A1 - 5.7 cM - Tsc1 - 11.7 cM - XksuD14-1A
Sensitivity to Ptr ToxC {344}. According to {10376} the same allele, presumably tsc1, conferred resistance to chlorosis induced by races 1 and 3 in cultivars Erik, Hadden, Red Chief, Glenlea and 86ISMN2137 in crosses with 6B-365.  
TsrAri Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Resistance to tan spot 3A v:Arina,v:Heines VII,v:Zenith
Tsr3 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Resistance to tan spot tsn3 3D,3DS v:XX41 = [Langdon/Ae. tauschii CI 00017],v:XX45,v:XX110,dv:Ae. tauschii CI 00017,ma:Xgwm2a - tsn3, 15.3 cM, 14.4 cM and 9.5 cM in CS/XX41, CS/XX45 and CS/XX110, respectively
Resistances in XX41 and XX110 were recessive whereas that in XX45 was dominant - all three were hemizygous-effective {10394}. The genes were given different temporary designations {10394, 10419}, but all will be considered to have a common gene until they are shown to be different.  
Tsc2 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (chlorosis) 2BS bin:2BS3 0.84-1.00,v:Katepwa,v:Synthetic W-7984
Sensitive to Ptr ToxB {10015}.  
Tsn2 Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anomorph: Drechlera tritici-repentis) Insensitivity to tan spot toxin (necrosis) 3BL sutv:LDN(DIC-3B),tv:T. turgidum no. 283, PI 352519,tv:T. dicoccoides Israel-A,ma:Identified as a QTL in region Xgwm285-3B - Xwmc366.2-3B (R2=91%),ma:Also classified as a single gene: Xgwm285-3B - 2.1 cM - tsn2 - 15.2 cM - Xwmc366.2-3B
Conditions resistance to race 3 {10344}  