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cDNA BLAST Tissue specific clones complex contig list (2012) Query Form  -------------------------- How to use Virtual Display (2012)  -------------------------- Related Sites Download

Tissue specific clones

References   1. Mochida K. et al.,Mol. Gen. Genomics(2006), PMID 16832693 .
2. Ohihara Y. et al., Plant J(2003), PMID 12631325 .
3. Ogihara Y. et al., Genes Genet Syst(2004), PMID 15514442 .
4. TriFLDB
5. Manickavele et al. DNA Res.(2012), PMID 22334568 .
* Contig derived from a single library
** Contig derived from multiple libraries
Library Sequence name Strain Tissue 5'ESTs 3'ESTs Total sequences Contigs1 * Singlets Contigs1 + Singlets Contigs2 **
Wh wh Chinese Spring Spike at meiosis 7283 7487 14770 0 0 0 16291

Wh_SL whsl Chinese Spring Seed DPA30 6296 6277 12573 0 0 0
Wh_dL whdl Chinese Spring Crown of seedling 4958 5111 10069 0 0 0
Wh_e whe Chinese Spring Seed DPA10 5578 5704 11282 0 0 0
Wh_f whf Chinese Spring Spike at flowering date 6040 6260 12300 0 0 0
Wh_h whh Chinese Spring Spike at heading date 5529 5756 11285 0 0 0
Wh_oh whoh Chinese Spring Pistil at heading date 5108 5241 10349 0 0 0
Wh_r whr Chinese Spring Root 5180 5322 10502 0 0 0
Wh_yd whyd Chinese Spring Spikelet at late flowering 5837 6193 12030 0 0 0
Wh_yf whyf Chinese Spring Spikelet at early flowering 5488 5584 11072 0 0 0
Wh_CSEC whcs Chinese Spring Callus 4960 5256 10216 2167 1694 3861 25428

Wh_DPA20 whdp Chinese Spring Seed DPA20 5589 5719 11308 2494 1457 3951
Wh_EM whem kitaKEI1354 Dormant seed with water absorption 4912 5243 10155 2302 2073 4375
Wh_EMC whec kitaKEI1354 Dormant seed with cold treatment after water absorption 5064 5146 10210 2338 1912 4250
Wh_EMI whei kitaKEI1354 Dormant seed with water absorption after breaking 5061 5156 10217 2199 1685 3884
Wh_GCPCDAM whgc DT4B(CS) Anther at meiosis of DT4B CS wheat 4613 4811 9424 2395 1520 3915
Wh_HGCPCDAM whhg MT4B(CS) Anther at meiosis of MT4B CS wheat 4411 4597 9008 2316 1429 3745
Wh_KMP whkp Kmppd(CS) Shoot grown under continuous light 5533 5821 11354 2734 1419 4153
Wh_KMV whkv Chinese Spring Shoot grown with continuous light after cold treatment 5271 5471 10742 2572 1545 4117
Wh_MS whms DT3DL(CS) Seed DPA5 of DT3DL CS wheat 5285 5444 10729 2768 1368 4136
Wh_OKCS whok Chinese Spring Seed DPA5 5133 5328 10461 2548 1350 3898
Wh_PCDAM whpc Chinese Spring Anther at meiosis 4503 4702 9205 2168 1052 3220
Wh_RDr whrd kitaKEI1354 Root of dessiccated seed 5224 5411 10635 2682 1590 4272
Wh_SHC whsc kitaKEI1354 Shoot grown with cold treatment 5191 5467 10658 2536 1761 4297
Wh_SHDr whsd kitaKEI1354 Shoot grown with dessication 4818 5069 9887 2262 1442 3704
Wh_V4816 whv Valuevskaya Shoot grown under cold condition for 16days 4680 5088 9768 1809 1141 2950
Wh_V483 whv3 Valuevskaya Shoot grown under cold condition for 3days 4436 4747 9183 1708 1117 2825
Wh_VABA whva Valuevskaya Shoot with ABA treatment 4136 4906 9042 1517 1459 2976
Wh_VHS whvh Valuevskaya Shoot with heat shock treatment 4497 4605 9102 1486 832 2318
Wh_VSCB whvs Valuevskaya Liquid cultured tissue 5289 5516 10805 2577 1766 4343
Wh_VWD whvd Valuevskaya Shoot grown with dessication 5055 5340 10395 1946 1293 3239
Wh_FL whfl Chinese Spring Spikelet (at early flowering) full length cDNA 12058 12510 24568 2256 0 2256
Wh_SH whsh Chinese Spring - 3278 3000 6278 1285 0 1285
Norin 26 Young spikelets 2110 0 2110 0 0 0
Wh_ATL wh_atl Atlass66 Root 11750 12129 23879 0 0 0
Wh_SCT wh_sct Scout66 Root 12793 12823 25616 0 0 0
Wh_ATLAL wh_atlal Atlass66 Root, treated at 50 microM Al for 6h 12861 12958 25819 0 0 0
Wh_SCTAL wh_sctal Scout66 Root, treated at 50 microM Al for 6h 11425 12746 24171 0 0 0
Wh_THLS wh_thls Thatcher Avr Lr10 Seedling, infected with leaf rust 11804 11879 23683 0 0 0
Wh_THKLES wh_thkles Near isogenic line Thatcher Avr Lr10 Seedling, infected with leaf rust 11807 11696 23503 0 0 0
Wh_CHAN wh_chan Chancellor AvrPm3b Seedling, infected with powdery mildew (AvrPm3b) 12025 12137 24162 0 0 0
Wh_CHUL wh_chul Near isogenic line AvrPm3b Chu/*8chan Seedling, infected with powdery mildew (AvrPm3b) 11986 12034 24020 0 0 0
Total 274855 281690 556545 51065 30905 81970
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** Contig derived from multiple libraries
Library Sequence name Strain Tissue 5'ESTs 3'ESTs Total sequences Contigs2**
Full length SET, WT Chinese Spring mixture of seedling, early floweringflowering, late, booting, heading, and maturing 0 0 16807  
Wh_SL whsl Chinese Spring Seed DPA30 6111 5916 12027 37138

Wh_dL whdl Chinese Spring Crown of seedling 4994 4875 9869
Wh_e whe Chinese Spring Seed DPA10 4842 5159 10001
Wh_f whf Chinese Spring Spike at flowering date 5516 5589 11105
Wh_h whh Chinese Spring Spike at heading date 5044 5232 10276
Wh_oh whoh Chinese Spring Pistil at heading date 4525 4822 9347
Wh_r whr Chinese Spring Root 4755 4930 9685
Wh_yd whyd Chinese Spring Spikelet at late flowering 5728 5812 11540
Wh_SH whsh Chinese Spring - 2679 3354 6033
Wh_CSEC whcs Chinese Spring Callus 4430 4870 9300
Wh_DPA20 whdp Chinese Spring Seed DPA20 5478 5403 10881
Wh_EM whem kitaKEI1354 Dormant seed with water absorption 4824 5073 9897
Wh_EMI whei kitaKEI1354 Dormant seed with water absorption after breaking 4978 4960 9938
Wh_HGCPCDAM whhg MT4B(CS) Anther at meiosis of MT4B CS wheat 4223 4423 8646
Wh_KMP whkp Kmppd(CS) Shoot grown under continuous light 5292 5403 10695
Wh_KMV whkv Chinese Spring Shoot grown with continuous light after cold treatment 4293 5122 9415
Wh_MS whms DT3DL(CS) Seed DPA5 of DT3DL CS wheat 5042 5149 10191
Wh_OKCS whok Chinese Spring Seed DPA5 4832 4903 9735
Wh_PCDAM whpc Chinese Spring Anther at meiosis 4247 4299 8546
Wh_RDr whrd kitaKEI1354 Root of dessiccated seed 5004 5080 10084
Wh_SHC whsc kitaKEI1354 Shoot grown with cold treatment 5122 5148 10270
Wh_SHDr whsd kitaKEI1354 Shoot grown with dessication 4557 4629 9186
Wh_V4816 whv Valuevskaya Shoot grown under cold condition for 16days 4453 4682 9135
Wh_V483 whv3 Valuevskaya Shoot grown under cold condition for 3days 4287 4490 8777
Wh_VABA whva Valuevskaya Shoot with ABA treatment 3884 4467 8351
Wh_VHS whvh Valuevskaya Shoot with heat shock treatment 4303 4330 8633
Wh_VSCB whvs Valuevskaya Liquid cultured tissue 5058 5103 10161
Wh_VWD whvd Valuevskaya Shoot grown with dessication 4797 4842 9639
WH_XI whxi Chinese Spring Two-week old seedlings(22℃ 16L-8D) 5135 4879 10014
WH_XJ whxj Chinese Spring Roots, two-week old seedlings treated with 150-mM NaCl for 6h (22℃ 16L-8D) 4991 4852 9843
WH_XK whxk Chinese Spring Shoots, two-week old seedlings treated with 150-mM NaCl for 6h (22℃ 16L-8D) 5277 5058 10335
WH_XL whxl Chinese Spring Roots, two-week old seedlings treated with 150-mM NaCl for 24h (22℃ 16L-8D) 5067 5010 10077
WH_XM whxm Chinese Spring Shoots, two-week old seedlings treated with 150-mM NaCl for 24h (22℃ 16L-8D) 4912 4893 9805
WH_XN whxn Norin 4 Leaves, plant was grown at constant 23℃ 10814 11068 21882
WH_XO whxo Norin 4 Leaves, seedling were infercted with blast strain Pr48 for 4 days (23℃ ) 6422 6386 12808
WH_XP whxp Norin 4 Leaves, seedling were infercted with blast strain Pr58 for 4 days (23℃ ) 11035 11173 22208
WH_XQ whxq Norin 4 Leaves, seedling were infercted with blast strain Pr58 for 4 days (27℃ ) 8787 8987 17774
WH_XR whxr Halberd Roots, 18 day old plants were grown hydroponically 9042 10074 19116
WH_XS whxs Halberd Roots, 18 day old plants were grown hydroponically (supplemented with 10 mM Boric Acid for 24 h) 9439 9906 19345
WH_XT whxt Cranbrook Roots, 18 day old plants were grown hydroponically 9439 10283 19722
WH_XU whxu Cranbrook Roots, 18 day old plants were grown hydroponically (supplemented with 10 mM Boric Acid for 24 h) 8837 10130 18967
WH_CA whca 325 105 430
WH_SP whsp 4897 4848 9745
WH_XA whxa Atlass66 Root 8013 8063 16076
WH_XB whxb Scout66 Root 10375 12013 22388
WH_XC whxc Atlass66 Root, treated at 50 microM Al for 6h 11989 11894 23883
WH_XD whxd Scout66 Root, treated at 50 microM Al for 6h 10788 12214 23002
WH_XE whxe Thatcher Avr Lr10 Seedling, infected with leaf rust 11111 9868 20979
WH_XF whxf Near isogenic line Thatcher Avr Lr10 Seedling, infected with leaf rust 11247 7702 18949
WH_XG whxg Chancellor AvrPm3b Seedling, infected with powdery mildew (AvrPm3b) 11362 11062 22424
WH_XH whxh Near isogenic line AvrPm3b Chu/*8chan Seedling, infected with powdery mildew (AvrPm3b) 11301 11006 22307
WH_XV whxv Norin 4 Leaves, plant was grown at constant 23℃ 3071 3474 6545
WH_XW whxw Norin 4 Leaves, seedling were infercted with blast strain Pr48 for 4 days (23℃ ) 2989 3337 6326
WH_XX whxx Norin 4 Leaves, seedling were infercted with blast strain Pr58 for 4 days (23℃ ) 3115 3332 6447
WH_XY whxy Norin 4 Leaves, seedling were infercted with blast strain Pr58 for 4 days (27℃ ) 3025 3204 6229
WH_R/WH_SD whr/whsd 9 0 9
WH_F/WH_R whf/whr 0 213 213
Total 336112 343099 679211