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Species | Database | Institution | keyword |
Drosophila | 2014 Annual Drosophila Research Conference http://www.genetics-gsa.org/drosophila/2014/ |
Drosophila Research Conference | |
Drosophila | A Database of Drosophila Genes & Genomes http://flybase.org/ |
Center for Genomics,Proteomics and Bio informatics(CGPB) | |
Drosophila | AAA : 12 Drosophila Genomes http://rana.lbl.gov/drosophila/ |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Davis | |
Rice, Plant.Others, Drosophila, Human | BAC Special Projects http://www.genome.arizona.edu/BAC_special_projects/ |
Arizona Genomics Institute | |
Drosophila | Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project http://www.fruitfly.org/ |
Consortium of the Drosophila Genome Center | |
Drosophila | Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/ |
Indiana University | |
Drosophila | DGRC - Drosophila Genetic Resource Consortium http://fruitfly.jp/flystock/index_e.html |
National Institute of Genetics | |
Drosophila | DrosDel: An isogenic deficiency kit for Drosophila melanogaster http://www.drosdel.org.uk/ |
Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK | |
Drosophila | EHIME-Fly, Drosophila Stocks of Ehime University http://kyotofly.kit.jp/cgi-bin/ehime/index.cgi |
Ehime University | |
Drosophila | Electron micrograph maps of Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes http://www.helsinki.fi/~saura/EM/ |
University of Helsinki, Finland | |
Drosophila | FLYBRAIN http://flybrain.neurobio.arizona.edu/ |
Flybrain organization | |
Drosophila | FlyChip http://www.flychip.org.uk/ |
University of Cambridge | |
Drosophila | FlyEx Database(A Database of Segmentation Gene Expression in Drosophila http://urchin.spbcas.ru/flyex/ |
Center for Research Resources of the NIH | |
Drosophila | FlyMove http://flymove.uni-muenster.de/ |
Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster | |
Drosophila | Flytrap http://www.fly-trap.org/ |
University of Glasgow | |
Drosophila | FlyView http://flyview.uni-muenster.de/ |
Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster | |
Drosophila | GDP Screen Database http://flypush.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu/pscreen/ |
Project of the Bellen/Hoskins/Rubin/Spradling labs. | |
Drosophila | Jfly Home Page http://jfly.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ |
University of Tokyo | |
Drosophila | KYORIN-Fly, Fly Stocks of Kyorin University http://shigen.nig.ac.jp/fly/kyorin/cgi-bin/index.cgi |
Kyorin University | |
Drosophila | KYOTO Drosophila Stock Center https://www.dgrc.kit.ac.jp/ |
KYOTO Drosophila Stock Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology | |
Drosophila | NIG-Fly - Fly Stocks of National Institute of Genetics http://shigen.nig.ac.jp/fly/nigfly/ |
National Institute of Genetics | |
Drosophila | Reactome Pathway Database http://www.reactome.org/ |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and European Bioinformatics Institute. | |
Drosophila | TGI databases http://compbio.dfci.harvard.edu/tgi/ |
Dana Farber Cancer Institute | |
Drosophila | The Database on Taxonomy of Drosohpilidae http://www.taxodros.uzh.ch/ |
Universitat Zurich | |
Drosophila | The Drosophila Gateway Vector Collection http://emb.carnegiescience.edu/labs/murphy/Gateway%20vectors.html |
Carnegie Institution for Science | |
Drosophila | The Interactive Fly http://www.sdbonline.org/sites/fly/aimain/1aahome.htm |
Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) | |
Plant.Others, Rat, Amphibian, C.elegans, Drosophila, Animal.Others | The McDonnell Genome Institute http://genome.wustl.edu/ |
Washington University, School of Medecine | |
Drosophila | The Transgenic RNAi Resource Project http://www.flyrnai.org/TRiP-HOME.html |
Harvard Medical School | |
Drosophila | The Villefranche-sur-mer Developmental Biology Laboratory http://biodev.obs-vlfr.fr/ |
The Gavdos group | |
Drosophila | The WWW Virtual Library: Drosophila http://ceolas.org/VL/fly/index.html |
The WWW Virtual Library: Drosophila | |
Drosophila | VDRC http://stockcenter.vdrc.at/control/main |
The Vienna Drosophila RNAi Center | |
Drosophila | VISTA Gateway http://pipeline.lbl.gov/cgi-bin/gateway2?bg=dm1 |
Drosophila | Drosophila Virtural Museum of Genetic http://www.nig.ac.jp/museum/livingthing/13.html |
National Institute of Genetics (Japan) | |
Drosophila | Tokyo Metropolitan University Drosophia http://www.biol.se.tmu.ac.jp/fly/index.html |
Tokyo Metropolitan University | |
Drosophila | Japan Drosophila Database (JDD) http://www.drosophila.jp/jdd/ |
KYOTO Drosophila Stock Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology | |
Drosophila | Japanese Drosophila Research Conference http://jfly.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/jdrc/ |
Japanese Drosophila Research Conference |