遺伝子 - 詳細

詳細 - 遺伝子


Basic Information
CGSNL 遺伝子シンボル SPL1
遺伝子シンボルシノニム Spl1, spl1(sl,bl2), sl, bl2, spl1
遺伝子名シノニム 病斑葉1
染色体番号 12
解説 比較的大きい赤褐色の点が幼苗期から葉に現れ、出穂期まで続く。[137] PO:0009025; leaf. GRO:0007047; 02-seedling.
形質クラス 耐性、抵抗性 - 病斑擬態
cDNA Accession No. -
Links -
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位置情報(cM) 21.0
リンケージマップ Classical linkage map
Liu G, Wang L, Zhou Z, Leung H, Wang GL, He C.
Molecular Genetics & Genomics (Molecular General Genetics up to 2001) 2004  272(2)  108-115
Physical mapping of a rice lesion mimic gene, Spl1 , to a 70-kb segment of rice chromosome 12.
Mizobuchi, R., H. Hirabayashi, R. Kaji, Y. Nishizawa, A. Yoshimura, H. Satoh, T. Ogawa, M. Okamoto
Plant Sci. 2002  163(2)  345-353
Isolation and characterization of rice lesion-mimic mutants with enhanced resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight.
Ideta, O., A. Yoshimura, M. Ashikari and N. Iwata
RGN 1994  11  116-117.
Integration of conventional and RFLP linkage maps in rice.III. Choromosomes 5, 7, 8 and 12.
Ideta, O., A. Yoshimura, T. Matsumoto, H. Tsunematsu, T. Mikoda, H. Satoh and N. Iwata
Japan. J. Breed. 1992  42(Suppl. 2)  126-127.
Integration of conventional and RFLP linkage maps in rice.III. On the arrangement of some marker genes and RELP markers.
Kishimoto, N., E. Shimosaka, S. Matsuura and A. Saito
RGN 1992  9  118-124.
A current RFLP linkage map of rice Alignment of the molecular map with the classical map.
Khush, G.S. and R.J. Singh, S.C. Sur and A.L. Librojo
Genetics 1984  107  141-163.
Primary trisomics of rice Origin, morphology, cytology and use in linkage mapping.
Iwata, N. and T. Omura
Jpn. J. Genet. 1984  59(3)  199-204.
Studies on the trisomics in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). VI. An accomplishment of a trisomic series in japonica rice plants.
Yoshimura, A., N. Iwata and T. Omura
Japan. J. Breed. 1982  32(4)  323-332.
Linkage analysis by reciprocal translocation method in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). III. Marker genes located on chromosomes 2, 3, 4 and 7.
Iwata, N., T. Omura and H. Satoh
J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ. 1978  22  243-251.
Linkage studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.). On some mutants for physiological leaf spots.
Iwata, N. and T. Omura
Japan. J. Breed. 1975  25(6)  363-368.
Studies on the trisomics in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). III. Relation between trisomics and genetic linkage groups.
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DB Reference
Gramene ID GR:0060902
Gene Ontology defense response( GO:0006952 )
Trait Ontology variegated leaf( TO:0000069 )
mimic response( TO:0000063 )
Plant Ontology vascular leaf( PO:0009025 )
遺伝子保存系統 1
標識遺伝子集積系統 9
準同質標識遺伝子系統 1
提供元: 吉村 淳
2011-05-01 00:00:00.0
