遺伝子 - 詳細

詳細 - 遺伝子


Basic Information
CGSNL 遺伝子シンボル MIR399J
遺伝子シンボルシノニム OsmiR399j, osa-miR399j, osa-MIR399j, Os-miR399j, miR399j
遺伝子名シノニム microRNA399j, osa-miRNA399j
タンパク質名 _
染色体番号 4
解説 miRBASE accession: MI0001062. miR399 was upregulated by phosphate starvation.(Jeong et al. 2011) TO:0020102: phosphate content. GO:0072732: cellular response to calcium ion starvation.LM379302
形質クラス 耐性、抵抗性 - ストレス耐性
cDNA Accession No. -
Links -
INSD Accession List
(Test version)
リンケージマップ Classical linkage map
Liu J., Liao W., Nie B., Zhang J., Xu W.
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OsUEV1B, an Ubc enzyme variant protein, is required for phosphate homeostasis in rice.
Ruan W., Guo M., Wu P., Yi K.
Plant Mol. Biol. 2016   
Phosphate starvation induced OsPHR4 mediates Pi-signaling and homeostasis in rice.
Hu B., Wang W., Deng K., Li H., Zhang Z., Zhang L., Chu C.
Front Plant Sci 2015  6  188
MicroRNA399 is involved in multiple nutrient starvation responses in rice.
Wang S., Zhang S., Sun C., Xu Y., Chen Y., Yu C., Qian Q., Jiang D.A., Qi Y.
New Phytol. 2014  201(1)  91-103
Auxin response factor (OsARF12), a novel regulator for phosphate homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa).
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Plant Cell 2013  25(11)  4285-304
Spatio-Temporal Transcript Profiling of Rice Roots and Shoots in Response to Phosphate Starvation and Recovery.
Dai X., Wang Y., Yang A., Zhang W.H.
Plant Physiol. 2012  159(1)  169-83
OsMYB2P-1, a R2R3 MYB transcription factor, is involved in regulation of phosphate-starvation responses and root architecture in rice.
Kozomara,A. and Griffiths-Jones,S.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2011  39  D152-D157
miRBase: integrating microRNA annotation and deep-sequencing data
Jeong D.H., Park S., Zhai J., Gurazada S.G., De Paoli E., Meyers B.C., Green P.J.
Plant Cell 2011  23(12)  4185-207
Massive analysis of rice small RNAs: mechanistic implications of regulated microRNAs and variants for differential target RNA cleavage.
Hu B., Zhu C., Li F., Tang J., Wang Y., Lin A., Liu L., Che R., Chu C.
Plant physiology 2011  156  1101-1105
Leaf tip necrosis1 plays a pivotal role in the regulation of multiple phosphate starvation responses in rice
Wang C,Ying S,Huang H,Li K,Wu P,Shou H
Plant J. 2009  57  895-904
Involvement of OsSPX1 in phosphate homeostasis in rice.
Wang Z,Hu H,Huang H,Duan K,Wu Z,Wu P
J. Integr. Plant Biol. 2009  51(7)  663-74
Regulation of OsSPX1 and OsSPX3 on expression of OsSPX domain genes and Pi-starvation signaling in rice.
Bari R, Datt Pant B, Stitt M, Scheible WR.
Plant Physiol. 2006  141(3)  988-99
PHO2, microRNA399, and PHR1 define a phosphate-signaling pathway in plants.
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DB Reference
Gramene ID -
Gene Ontology mRNA cleavage( GO:0006379 )
cellular response to iron ion starvation( GO:0010106 )
cellular response to phosphate starvation( GO:0016036 )
RNA-induced silencing complex( GO:0016442 )
micro-ribonucleoprotein complex( GO:0035068 )
gene silencing by miRNA( GO:0035195 )
cellular response to potassium ion starvation( GO:0051365 )
Trait Ontology -
Plant Ontology -
2023-03-16 10:07:59.041
