Gene - Detail

Detail of Gene

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Basic Information
CGSNL Gene Symbol LPS1
Gene Symbol Synonym SDH2, SDHB, sdhB, RPS14, rps14, sdh2-1, SDH2-RPS14, OsLPS1, OsSDH2-1
Gene Name Synonym SUCCINATE:UBIQUINONE OXIDOREDUCTASE, mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase subunit B, ribosomal protein S14, succinate dehydrogenase (iron-sulphur protein subunit), chimeric SDH2-RPS14
Allele lps1
Chromosome No. 8
Explanation Q9S827. AB017427, AB017428, AB017429. D10414. The gene transcripts of sdhB and rps14 result from a single mRNA precursor by alternative splicing (Kubo et al. 1999).
Trait Class Reproductive organ - Pollination, fertilization, fertility
Coloration - Others
Coloration - Chlorophyll
Reproductive organ - panicle
Vegetative organ - Culm
Character as QTL - Yield and productivity
Vegetative organ - Leaf
Tolerance and resistance - Stress tolerance
Biochemical character
cDNA Accession No. AK059815
MSU ID LOC_Os08g02640.1
RAP ID Os08g0120000
Links Oryzabase Chromosome View ( IRGSP 1.0 / Build5 )
RAP-DB ( IRGSP 1.0 / Build5 )
Related IDs List ( IRGSP 1.0 / Build5 )
INSD Accession List
(Test version)
Link map Classical linkage map
Li C., Liu C.Q., Zhang H.S., Chen C.P., Yang X.R., Chen L.F., Liu Q.S., Guo J., Sun C.H., Wang P.R., Deng X.J.
Int J Mol Sci 2020  22(1) 
<i>lps1</i>, Encoding Iron-Sulfur Subunit SDH2-1 of succinate dehydrogenase, Affects leaf senescence and grain yield in Rice.
Huang S,Taylor NL,Narsai R,Eubel H,Whelan J,Millar AH
Plant Mol. Biol. 2010  72(3)  331-42
Functional and composition differences between mitochondrial complex II in Arabidopsis and rice are correlated with the complex genetic history of the enzyme.
Kubo,N., Harada,K., Hirai,A. and Kadowaki,K.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1999  96(16)  9207-9211
A single nuclear transcript encoding mitochondrial RPS14 and SDHB of rice is processed by alternative splicing: common use of the same mitochondrial targeting signal for different proteins.
Umeda,M., Hara,C., Matsubayashi,Y., Li,H.H., Liu,Q., Tadokoro,F., Aotsuka,S. and Uchimiya,H.
Plant Mol. Biol. 1994  25(3)  469-478
Expressed sequence tags from cultured cells of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under stressed conditions: analysis of transcripts of genes engaged in ATP-generating pathways.
Uchimiya,H., Kidou,S., Shimazaki,T., Aotsuka,S., Takamatsu,S., Nishi,R., Hashimoto,H., Matsubayashi,Y., Kidou,N., Umeda,M. and Kato,A.
Plant J. 1992  2(6)  1005-1009
Random sequencing og cDNA librariesreveals a variety of expressed genes in cultured cells of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
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DB Reference
Gramene ID -
Gene Ontology inflorescence development( GO:0010229 )
mitochondrion( GO:0005739 )
mitochondrion organization( GO:0007005 )
chloroplast organization( GO:0009658 )
leaf senescence( GO:0010150 )
2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding( GO:0051537 )
succinate dehydrogenase activity( GO:0000104 )
tricarboxylic acid cycle( GO:0006099 )
electron carrier activity( GO:0009055 )
oxidoreductase activity( GO:0016491 )
Trait Ontology leaf senescence( TO:0000249 )
grain yield( TO:0000396 )
photosynthetic rate( TO:0001015 )
chlorophyll-a content( TO:0000293 )
chlorophyll-b content( TO:0000295 )
carotenoid content( TO:0000496 )
chloroplast development trait( TO:0002715 )
panicle size( TO:0006032 )
seed set percent( TO:0000455 )
hydrogen peroxide content( TO:0000605 )
inflorescence development trait( TO:0000621 )
days to heading( TO:0000137 )
plant height( TO:0000207 )
panicle length( TO:0000040 )
filled grain number( TO:0000447 )
photosynthetic ability( TO:0000316 )
stomatal conductance( TO:0000522 )
seed fertility( TO:0000639 )
Plant Ontology 4 leaf senescence stage( PO:0001054 )
leaf( PO:0025034 )
root tip( PO:0000025 )
plant ovary( PO:0009072 )
anther( PO:0009066 )
inflorescence development stage( PO:0001083 )
Related Strains
Phenotype images
Last updated
Jun 9, 2021
