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Basic Information
CGSNL Gene Symbol SUB1C
Gene Symbol Synonym Sub1C, OsSUB1C, OsERF#073, OsERF073, ERF073, OsERF73, ERF73, AP2/EREBP#122, AP2/EREBP122, SUB1B
Gene Name Synonym submergence-1C, ethylene response factor 73, APETALA2/ethylene-responsive element binding protein 122
Protein Name
Allele Sub1C-1, Sub1C-2
Chromosome No. 9
Explanation AP006758. EU429445: OnSub1C-1 (Oryza nivara Sub1C-1), EU429446: OrSub1C-1 (Oryza rufipogon Sub1C-1). HM117839: OrhSub1C-1-L (O. rhizomatis SUB1C-1-Like), FR720463-FR720467: OeSub1C-1-L (alleles: OeSUB1C-1-L1, OeSUB1C-1-L2, OeSUB1C-1-L3, OeSUB1C-1-L4, OeSUB1C-1-L5) (O. eichingeri SUB1C-1-Like). a group VII ethylene response factor (ERFVII). SUB1B in Hao et al. 2024.
Trait Class Tolerance and resistance - Stress tolerance
cDNA Accession No. AK072749
MSU ID LOC_Os09g11460.1
RAP ID Os09g0286600
Links Oryzabase Chromosome View ( IRGSP 1.0 / Build5 )
RAP-DB ( IRGSP 1.0 / Build5 )
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INSD Accession List
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Link map Classical linkage map
Hao B., Zhang R., Zhang C., Wen N., Xia Y., Zhao Y., Li Q., Qiao L., Li W.
Plants (Basel) 2024  13(4) 
Characterization of <i>OsPIN2</i> Mutants Reveal Novel Roles for Reactive Oxygen Species in Modulating Not Only Root Gravitropism but Also Hypoxia Tolerance in Rice Seedlings.
Loreti E., Perata P.
Front Genet 2023  14  1213839
ERFVII transcription factors and their role in the adaptation to hypoxia in Arabidopsis and crops.
Ma B., He S.J., Duan K.X., Yin C.C., Chen H., Yang C., Xiong Q., Song Q.X., Lu X., Chen H.W., Zhang W.K., Lu T.G., Chen S.Y., Zhang J.S.
Mol Plant 2013  6(6)  1830-48
Identification of rice ethylene-response mutants and characterization of MHZ7/OsEIN2 in distinct ethylene response and yield trait regulation.
Rashid M., Guangyuan H., Guangxiao Y., Hussain J., Xu Y.
Evol. Bioinform. Online 2012  8  321-355
AP2/ERF Transcription Factor in Rice: Genome-Wide Canvas and Syntenic Relationships between Monocots and Eudicots.
Niroula R.K., Pucciariello C., Ho V.T., Novi G., Fukao T., Perata P.
Plant J. 2012  72(2)  282-93
SUB1A-dependent and -independent mechanisms are involved in the flooding tolerance of wild rice species.
Gibbs D.J., Lee S.C., Isa N.M., Gramuglia S., Fukao T., Bassel G.W., Correia C.S., Corbineau F., Theodoulou F.L., Bailey-Serres J., Holdsworth M.J.
Nature 2011  479(7373)  415-8
Homeostatic response to hypoxia is regulated by the N-end rule pathway in plants.
Fukao T,Yeung E,Bailey-Serres J
Plant Cell 2011  23(1)  412-27
The Submergence Tolerance Regulator SUB1A Mediates Crosstalk between Submergence and Drought Tolerance in Rice.
Jung KH,Seo YS,Walia H,Cao P,Fukao T,Canlas PE,Amonpant F,Bailey-Serres J,Ronald PC
Plant Physiol. 2010  152  1674-92
The submergence tolerance regulator Sub1A mediates stress-responsive expression of AP2/ERF transcription factors.
Fukao,T., Harris,T. and Bailey-Serres,J.
Ann. Bot. 2009  103(2)  143-150
Evolutionary analysis of the Sub1 gene cluster that confers submergence tolerance to domesticated rice
Fukao T., Julia Bailey-Serres
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2008  105(43)  16814-9
submergence tolerance conferred by Sub1A is mediated by SLR1 and SLRL1 restriction of gibberellin responses in rice.
Fukao T, Xu K, Ronald PC, Bailey-Serres J.
Plant Cell 2006  18(8)  2021-2034
A variable cluster of ethylene response factor-like genes regulates metabolic and developmental acclimation responses to submergence in rice.
Nakano T, Suzuki K, Fujimura T, Shinshi H.
Plant Physiol. 2006  140(2)  411-32
Genome-wide analysis of the ERF gene family in Arabidopsis and rice.
Xu,K., Xu,X., Fukao,T., Canlas,P., Maghirang-Rodriguez,R., Heuer,S., Ismail,A.M., Bailey-Serres,J., Ronald,P.C. and Mackill,D.J.
Nature 2006  442(7103)  705-708
Sub1A is an ethylene-response-factor-like gene that confers submergence tolerance to rice
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DB Reference
Gramene ID -
Gene Ontology response to anoxia( GO:0034059 )
response to hypoxia( GO:0001666 )
response to deep water( GO:0030912 )
DNA binding( GO:0003677 )
transcription factor activity( GO:0003700 )
response to flooding( GO:0009413 )
nucleus( GO:0005634 )
response to ethylene stimulus( GO:0009723 )
Trait Ontology ethylene sensitivity( TO:0000173 )
submergence tolerance( TO:0000524 )
oxygen sensitivity( TO:0000015 )
Plant Ontology -
Related Strains
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Last updated
Jul 3, 2024
