Basic Information
CGSNL Gene Symbol
Gene Symbol Synonym
OsWRKY11, Dlf1, OsWRKY11.1, OsWRKY11.2
CGSNL Gene Name
Gene Name Synonym
Rice WRKY gene11, semidwarf and late flowering 1
Protein Name
Chromosome No.
LOC_Os01g43650. BK005014. AY341856. WRKY24 in Zhang and Wang (2005) and in Berri et al. (2009). WRKY10 in Wu et al. (2005) and Sun et al. 2014. HQ858857.
Trait Class
Vegetative organ - Culm
Reproductive organ - Heading date
Tolerance and resistance - Disease resistance
Tolerance and resistance - Stress tolerance
cDNA Accession No.
Oryzabase Chromosome View
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INSD Accession List (Test version)
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Classical linkage map
Choi N.Y., Lee E., Lee S.G., Choi C.H., Park S.R., Ahn I., Bae S.C., Hwang C.H., Hwang D.J.
Front Plant Sci 2017 8 1628
Genome-Wide Expression Profiling of OsWRKY Superfamily Genes during Infection with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Using Real-Time PCR.
Kakar K.U., Ren X.L., Nawaz Z., Cui Z., Li B., Xie G., Hassan M.A., Ali E., Sun G.
Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2015
Consortium of rhizobacterial strains and biochemical growth elicitors improve cold and drought stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Cai Y., Chen X., Xie K., Xing Q., Wu Y., Li J., Du C., Sun Z., Guo Z.
PLoS ONE 2014 9(7) e102529
Dlf1, a WRKY transcription factor, is involved in the control of flowering time and plant height in rice.
Sun L.J.a, Huang L.b, Li D.Y.b, Zhang H.J.b, Song F.M.b
Zhiwu Shengli Xuebao/Plant Physiology Journal 2014 50 1651-1658
Comprehensive expression analysis suggests overlapping of rice OsWRKY transcription factor genes during abiotic stress responses
Nuruzzaman M., Sharoni A.M., Satoh K., Kumar A., Leung H., Kikuchi S.
J. Plant Physiol. 2014 171(1) 2-13
Comparative transcriptome profiles of the WRKY gene family under control, hormone-treated, and drought conditions in near-isogenic rice lines reveal differential, tissue specific gene activation.
Rice WRKY Working Group
Rice (N Y) 2012 5 3
Nomenclature report on rice WRKYs. -Conflict regarding gene names and its solution
Yilmaz,A., Nishiyama,M.Y. Jr., Fuentes,B.G., Souza,G.M., Janies,D., Gray,J. and Grotewold,E.
Plant Physiol. 2009 149(1) 171-180
GRASSIUS: a platform for comparative regulatory genomics across the grasses
Berri S,Abbruscato P,Faivre-Rampant O,Brasileiro AC,Fumasoni I,Satoh K,Kikuchi S,Mizzi L,Morandini P,Pe ME,Piffanelli P
BMC Plant Biol 2009 9 120
Characterization of WRKY co-regulatory networks in rice and Arabidopsis.
Christian A. Ross Yue Liu Qingxi J. Shen
Journal of integrative plant biology 2007 49(6) 827-842
The WRKY Gene Family in Rice (Oryza sativa)
Ryu,H.S., Han,M., Lee,S.K., Cho,J.I., Ryoo,N., Heu,S., Lee,Y.H., Bhoo,S.H., Wang,G.L., Hahn,T.R. and Jeon,J.S.
Plant Cell Rep. 2006 25(8) 836-847
A comprehensive expression analysis of the WRKY gene superfamily in rice plants during defense response.
Kun-Lu Wu, Ze-Jian Guo, Hai-Hua Wang, Li J.
DNA research : an international journal for rapid publication of reports on genes and genomes 2005 12(1) 9-26
The WRKY family of transcription factors in rice and Arabidopsis and their origins.
Xie Z, Zhang ZL, Zou X, Huang J, Ruas P, Thompson D, Shen QJ.
Plant Physiol. 2005 137 (1) 176-189
Annotations and Functional Analyses of the Rice WRKY Gene Superfamily Reveal Positive and Negative Regulators of Abscisic Acid Signaling in Aleurone Cells
Zhang Y., Wang L.
BMC evolutionary biology 2005 5 1
The WRKY transcription factor superfamily: its origin in eukaryotes and expansion in plants.
Qiu,Y., Jing,S., Fu,J., Li,L. and Yu,D.
Chin. Sci. Bull. 2004 49 2159-2168
Cloning and analysis of expression profile of 13 WRKY genes in rice
Zhang,Z.L., Xie,Z., Zou,X., Casaretto,J., Ho,T.H. and Shen,Q.J.
Plant Physiol. 2004 134 (4) 1500-1513
A Rice WRKY Gene Encodes a Transcriptional Repressor of the Gibberellin Signaling Pathway in Aleurone Cells
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DB Reference
Gramene ID
Gene Ontology
response to water deprivation( GO:0009414 )
response to abscisic acid stimulus( GO:0009737 )
response to gibberellin stimulus( GO:0009739 )
transcription factor activity( GO:0003700 )
regulation of photoperiodism, flowering( GO:2000028 )
response to heat( GO:0009408 )
response to symbiotic bacterium( GO:0009609 )
defense response( GO:0006952 )
response to cold( GO:0009409 )
response to salt stress( GO:0009651 )
response to salicylic acid stimulus( GO:0009751 )
salicylic acid mediated signaling pathway( GO:0009863 )
defense response to bacterium( GO:0042742 )
sequence-specific DNA binding( GO:0043565 )
Trait Ontology
gibberellic acid sensitivity( TO:0000166 )
abscisic acid sensitivity( TO:0000615 )
drought sensitivity( TO:0000188 )
flowering time( TO:0002616 )
plant height( TO:0000207 )
plant growth hormone sensitivity( TO:0000401 )
salt tolerance( TO:0006001 )
cold tolerance( TO:0000303 )
bacterial blight disease resistance( TO:0000175 )
heat tolerance( TO:0000259 )
Plant Ontology
Related Strains
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Last updated
Mar 18, 2018