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Basic Information
CGSNL Gene Symbol TPP1
Gene Symbol Synonym OsTPP1, OsTPS, TPP
Gene Name Synonym Trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase 1, trehalose 6-P synthase, Tre6P phosphatase 1
Allele tpp1
Chromosome No. 2
Explanation Q75WV3. AB120515. BAD12596. EU559275.
Trait Class Character as QTL - Germination
Seed - Morphological traits - Grain shape
Biochemical character
Vegetative organ - Culm
Character as QTL - Yield and productivity
Tolerance and resistance - Stress tolerance
cDNA Accession No. AK059390
MSU ID LOC_Os02g44230.1
RAP ID Os02g0661100
Links Oryzabase Chromosome View ( IRGSP 1.0 / Build5 )
RAP-DB ( IRGSP 1.0 / Build5 )
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Link map Classical linkage map
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Overexpression of <i>OsPIN9</i> Impairs Chilling Tolerance via Disturbing ROS Homeostasis in Rice.
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The OsNAC23-Tre6P-SnRK1a feed-forward loop regulates sugar homeostasis and grain yield in rice.
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Thiourea and hydrogen peroxide priming improved K+ retention and source-sink relationship for mitigating salt stress in rice.
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Phosphatase OsPP2C27 directly dephosphorylates OsMAPK3 and OsbHLH002 to negatively regulate cold tolerance in rice.
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A CCR4-associated factor 1, OsCAF1B, confers tolerance of low-temperature stress to rice seedlings.
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Two rice MYB transcription factors maintain male fertility in response to photoperiod by modulating sugar partitioning.
Wang G., Li X., Ye N., Huang M., Feng L., Li H., Zhang J.
New Phytol. 2021  230(5)  1925-1939
OsTPP1 regulates seed germination through the crosstalk with abscisic acid in rice.
Verma R.K., Kumar V.V.S., Yadav S.K., Kumar T.S., Rao M.V., Chinnusamy V.
Plant Signal Behav 2020  15(11)  1814547
Overexpression of Arabidopsis <i>ICE1</i> enhances yield and multiple abiotic stress tolerance in indica rice.
Verma R.K., Santosh Kumar VV., Yadav S.K., Pushkar S., Rao M.V., Chinnusamy V.
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Overexpression of ABA Receptor <i>PYL10</i> Gene Confers Drought and Cold Tolerance to Indica Rice.
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cold tolerance response mechanisms revealed through comparative analysis of gene and protein expression in multiple rice genotypes.
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Natural variation in the promoter of rice calcineurin B-like protein10 (OsCBL10) affects flooding tolerance during seed germination among rice subspecies.
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Modulating plant growth-metabolism coordination for sustainable agriculture.
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OsMAPK3 Phosphorylates OsbHLH002/OsICE1 and Inhibits Its Ubiquitination to Activate OsTPP1 and Enhances Rice Chilling Tolerance.
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Stress-responsive gene RsICE1 from Raphanus sativus increases cold tolerance in rice.
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MicroRNA319 Positively Regulates Cold Tolerance by Targeting OsPCF6 and OsTCP21 in Rice (Oryza sativa L.).
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Overexpression of stress-inducible OsBURP16, the beta-subunit of polygalacturonase 1, decreases pectin contents and cell adhesion, and increases abiotic stress sensitivity in rice.
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Identification and expression analysis of hypoxia stress inducible CCCH-type zinc finger protein genes in rice
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bZIP transcription factor OsbZIP52/RISBZ5: a potential negative regulator of cold and drought stress response in rice.
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Overexpression of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene OsTPS1 enhances abiotic stress tolerance in rice.
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A novel MYBS3-dependent pathway confers cold tolerance in rice.
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Overexpression of the trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase gene OsTPP1 confers stress tolerance in rice and results in the activation of stress responsive genes
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Trehalose biosynthesis in response to abiotic stresses.
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Biochemical characterization of rice trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatases supports distinctive functions of these plant enzymes.
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Functional Identification of a Trehalose 6-phosphate Phosphatase Gene that is Involved in Transient Induction of Trehalose Biosynthesis during Chilling Stress in Rice.
TextPresso Search Search textpresso for TPP1 ( Recent references may be retrievable, but without any warranty )
DB Reference
Gramene ID -
Gene Ontology trehalose-phosphatase activity( GO:0004805 )
response to hydrogen peroxide( GO:0042542 )
response to salt stress( GO:0009651 )
response to osmotic stress( GO:0006970 )
sugar mediated signaling( GO:0010182 )
carbohydrate homeostasis( GO:0033500 )
regulation of seed germination( GO:0010029 )
abscisic acid mediated signaling( GO:0009738 )
abscisic acid catabolic process( GO:0046345 )
response to abscisic acid stimulus( GO:0009737 )
response to trehalose stimulus( GO:0010353 )
response to flooding( GO:0009413 )
trehalose metabolism in response to cold stress( GO:0070415 )
response to cold( GO:0009409 )
trehalose biosynthetic process( GO:0005992 )
Trait Ontology osmotic response sensitivity( TO:0000095 )
photosynthetic rate( TO:0001015 )
carbohydrate content( TO:0000291 )
transpiration rate( TO:0001018 )
plant height( TO:0000207 )
grain number( TO:0002759 )
grain size( TO:0000397 )
grain yield( TO:0000396 )
oligosaccharide content( TO:0006003 )
cold tolerance( TO:0000303 )
salt tolerance( TO:0006001 )
germination rate( TO:0000430 )
abscisic acid content( TO:0002667 )
abscisic acid sensitivity( TO:0000615 )
root length( TO:0000227 )
flooding related trait( TO:0000114 )
Plant Ontology 0 seed germination stage( PO:0007057 )
Related Strains
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Last updated
Nov 23, 2023
