Basic Information
CGSNL Gene Symbol
Gene Symbol Synonym
CGSNL Gene Name
Gene Name Synonym
NAC 6, OsNac gene-6, O. sativa gene with the NAC domain 6, OsNAC6 protein, NAC domain-containing protein 48, stress-responsive NAC transcription factor SNAC2, stress-responsive NAC transcription factor 2
Protein Name
Chromosome No.
AB028185. AU162697, AU056522. BF889475. Q7F2L3. This gene controls the formation of shoot apical meristem, organ separation and flower morphogenesis. OsNAC2 in Chen et al. 2024. GO:2000280: regulation of root development.
Trait Class
Vegetative organ - Shoot apical meristem(SAM)
Tolerance and resistance - Disease resistance
Vegetative organ - Root
Tolerance and resistance - Stress tolerance
cDNA Accession No.
Oryzabase Chromosome View
Related IDs List (
INSD Accession List (Test version)
Link to INSD Accession List
Link map
Classical linkage map
Chen G., Lian W., Geng A., Wang Y., Liu M., Zhang Y., Wang X.
Int J Mol Sci 2024 25(4)
<i>pOsHAK1:OsSUT1</i> Promotes Sugar Transport and Enhances drought tolerance in Rice.
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Front Plant Sci 2023 14 1210241
Exogenously applied <i>Casuarina equisetifolia</i> leaf extracts act as an osmoprotectant on proline accumulation under drought stress in local rice from Indonesia.
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Sci Rep 2022 12(1) 8385
OsSCL30 overexpression reduces the tolerance of rice seedlings to low temperature, drought and salt.
Park J.R., Kim E.G., Jang Y.H., Jan R., Farooq M., Ubaidillah M., Kim K.M.
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Applications of CRISPR/Cas9 as New Strategies for Short Breeding to Drought Gene in Rice.
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A Rice R2R3-Type MYB Transcription Factor OsFLP Positively Regulates Drought Stress Response via OsNAC.
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Promoter Architecture and Transcriptional Regulation of Genes Upregulated in Germination and Coleoptile Elongation of Diverse Rice Genotypes Tolerant to Submergence.
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Overexpression of Rice <i>Rab7</i> Gene Improves Drought and heat tolerance and Increases grain yield in Rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.).
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OsNac-like transcription factor involved in regulating seed-storage protein content at different stages of grain filling in rice under aerobic conditions.
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The AWPM-19 Family Protein OsPM1 Mediates Abscisic Acid Influx and Drought Response in Rice.
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A Negative Regulator in Response to Salinity in Rice: Oryza sativa Salt-, ABA- and Drought-Induced RING Finger Protein 1 (OsSADR1).
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Expression Profiling of Ribosomal Protein Gene Family in Dehydration Stress Responses and Characterization of Transgenic Rice Plants Overexpressing <i>RPL23A</i> for Water-Use Efficiency and Tolerance to Drought and Salt Stresses.
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A rice pectate lyase-LIKE gene is required for plant growth and leaf senescence.
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Activation-tagging in indica rice identifies a novel transcription factor subunit, NF-YC13 associated with salt tolerance.
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Seedling stage low temperature response in tolerant and susceptible rice genotypes suggests role of relative water content and members of OsSNAC gene family.
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The rice OsNAC6 transcription factor orchestrates multiple molecular mechanisms involving root structural adaptions and nicotianamine biosynthesis for drought tolerance.
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Consortium of rhizobacterial strains and biochemical growth elicitors improve cold and drought stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
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Overexpression of Rat Neurons nitric oxide synthase in Rice Enhances Drought and Salt Tolerance.
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Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Shoots and Roots of TNG67 and TCN1 Rice Seedlings under Cold Stress and Following Subsequent Recovery: Insights into Metabolic Pathways, Phytohormones, and Transcription Factors.
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A rice calcium-dependent protein kinase OsCPK9 positively regulates drought stress tolerance and spikelet fertility.
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Comparative functional analysis of six drought-responsive promoters in transgenic rice.
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The genome sequence of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) and evidence for independent domestication.
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NAC transcription factor expression, amino acid concentration and growth of elite rice cultivars upon salt stress
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Roles of NAC transcription factors in the regulation of biotic and abiotic stress responses in plants.
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An Ornithine delta-aminotransferase gene OsOAT confers drought and oxidative stress tolerance in rice.
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DB Reference
Gramene ID
Gene Ontology
response to organic substance( GO:0010033 )
response to deep water( GO:0030912 )
aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity( GO:0004812 )
nucleus( GO:0005634 )
DNA binding( GO:0003677 )
transcription( GO:0006350 )
response to wounding( GO:0009611 )
negative regulation of abscisic acid mediated signaling( GO:0009788 )
response to water deprivation( GO:0009414 )
response to salt stress( GO:0009651 )
response to abscisic acid stimulus( GO:0009737 )
response to jasmonic acid stimulus( GO:0009753 )
response to cold( GO:0009409 )
response to symbiotic bacterium( GO:0009609 )
response to salicylic acid stimulus( GO:0009751 )
defense response to fungus( GO:0050832 )
root development( GO:0048364 )
nicotianamine biosynthetic process( GO:0030418 )
regulation of transcription( GO:0045449 )
Trait Ontology
jasmonic acid sensitivity( TO:0000172 )
root length( TO:0000227 )
blast disease( TO:0000074 )
cold tolerance( TO:0000303 )
abscisic acid sensitivity( TO:0000615 )
drought tolerance( TO:0000276 )
salt tolerance( TO:0006001 )
disease resistance( TO:0000112 )
root number( TO:0000084 )
root anatomy and morphology trait( TO:0000043 )
root development trait( TO:0000656 )
submergence tolerance( TO:0000524 )
Plant Ontology
4 root elongation stage( PO:0001031 )
root development stage( PO:0007520 )
Related Strains
Phenotype images
Last updated
Jun 26, 2024