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: Growth process   : Mature
Cell differentiation in the longitudinal veins and formation of commissural veins in rice (Oryza sativa) and maize (Zea mays).
Sakaguchi J, Fukuda H.
J Plant Res. 2008 121(6):593-602. PMID=18932023

検索条件 : (組織 = 維管束(大維管束))
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組織 シンボル 名称 イベント エンハンサー
参考画像 突然変異系統
維管束(大維管束) LV1 Establishment of procambium The procambium (PC) emerges from the middle layer of the ground marksmen and forms the circular layer (CL) structure in its outmost zone.
維管束(大維管束) LV2 Establishment of protoxylem and phloem tissue A primary protoxylem vessel (PX) a few phloem cells (Ph) emerges on the adaxial and abaxial sides, respectively.
維管束(大維管束) LV3 Differentiation of secondary protoxylem A cell adjacent to the primary protoxylem vessel (PX) starts expanding and differentiates into a secondary protoxylem vessel.
維管束(大維管束) LV4 Establishment of metaxylems Two cells adjacent to the circular layer start differentiating into metaxylem vessels (MX).
維管束(大維管束) LV5 Differentiation of vascular bundle sheath Ground meristem cells surrounding the circular layer start expanding remarkably and differentiating into vascular bundle sheath (VBS) cells
維管束(大維管束) LV6 Maturation The former position of the protoxylem vessel is occupied by the protoxylem lacuna (PL), and the circular layer is differentiated into the mestome sheath (MS).

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