研究基盤情報 - 組織別発生段階 - 一覧

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: Growth process   : Mature
Rice plant development: from zygote to spikelet.
Itoh J, Nonomura K, Ikeda K, Yamaki S, Inukai Y, Yamagishi H, Kitano H, Nagato Y.
Plant Cell Physiol. 2005, 46 (1):23-47 PMID=15659435

検索条件 : (組織 = 胚珠)
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組織 シンボル 名称 イベント エンハンサー
参考画像 突然変異系統
胚珠 Ov1 Ovule primordium differentiation Ovule primordium differentiation.
Carpel elongation
胚珠 Ov2 Integument primordium differentiation Integument primordium differentiation.
Ovary locule formation.
Archesporial cell enlargement
胚珠 Ov3 Division of integument primordium Division of integument primordium into inner and outer integuments.
Megaspore mother cell differentiation

胚珠 Ov4 Meiosis of megaspore mother cell Integuments elongation.
Micropyle formation.
Meiosis of megaspore mother cell
胚珠 Ov5 Degeneration of three micropylar spores Integuments elongation.
Degeneration of three micropylar spores
胚珠 Ov6 First mitotic nuclear division First mitotic nuclear division of chalazal spore.
Onset of ovule inclination
胚珠 Ov7 Second mitotic nuclear division Second mitotic nuclear division.
Vacuole formation in megagametophyte
胚珠 Ov8 Third mitotic nuclear division Third mitotic nuclear division resulting in eight-nucleate megagametophyte
胚珠 Ov9 Polarization of nuclei Polarization of nuclei.
Completion of ovule inclination
胚珠 Ov10 Maturation Maturation P5817

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