A. Report of the Coordinating Committee of Rice Genetics Cooperative

A meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the RGC was held at Yokohama, Japan, on August 31, 1993 on the occasion of 15th International Botanical Congress. Present were: Drs. Y. Futsuhara, G. S. Khush, K. Kikuchi, T. Kinoshita, H. Morishima, K. Takeda, and K. Toriyama.

Dates and Venue for the Third International Rice Genetics Symposium were discussed. It was agreed to hold the symposium in October 1995 at IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines (see the announcement following this report).

Matters related to the nomenclature and symbolization of genes for blast resistance were also discussed. Conclusions reached are given in the Report of Committee on Gene Symbolization, Nomenclature and Linkage Groups.

As stated previously (Coordinating Committee Report, RGN 9), rules for gene symbolization of some traits such as earliness, leaf structure, dwarfing and leaf spotting are still not accepted by different groups. Please send your suggestions to Dr. T. Kinoshita to evolve acceptable gene symbols.

With the publication of this volume, RGN completes 10 years of existence. We are grateful to all of you for your cooperation which has enabled to keep up the RGC and to continue publication of the RGN. We are also grateful to the editors for their painstaking work in assembling and editing the materials.

"List of Publications on Rice Genetics" will not be given starting this volume, in view of the recent publication of abstract journals on rice research such as Rice Abstract (CAB International, UK), Rice Biotechnology Quarterly (Rockefeller), International Rice Research Newsletter (IRRI), Rice Genome (RGP, Japan), etc.

M.E. Takahashi, Chairman
K.J. Lampe, Co-Chairman

  • Third International Rice Genetics Symposium

    The first International Rice Genetics Symposium, held in May 1985 at IRRI brought together 200 rice geneticists from all over the world for five days of discussions. It led to the birth of Rice Genetics Cooperative (RGC) for promoting international cooperation in rice genetics. The Second International Rice Genetics Symposium was held at IRRI in May 1990 and the discussions during the symposium led to the adoption of unified system of numbering rice chromosomes and linkage groups. You will be happy to learn that RGC is planning to organize the Third International Rice Genetics Symposium from October 16-19, 1995 at IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines. An international committee for preparing the program has been established with the following membership:

    Co-Chairmen: Dr. K. J. Lampe and Dr. K. Toriyama
    Secretaries: Dr. G. S. Khush and Dr. T. Kinoshita
    Members: Dr. H. M. Heu (Korea), Dr. M. Jacquot (France), Prof. S.K.
    Min (China), Dr. N. Iwata (Japan), Dr. D. J. Mackill (USA), Dr. E.
    A. Siddiq (India), Dr. J. Bennett (IRRI), Dr. G. Toenniessen (USA), Dr.
    S. C. Hsteh (China), Dr. R. Wu (USA)

    Kindly send your suggestions regarding the program or format of the symposium to one of the secretaries.