Natural mutant strains

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S.A = Special affairs, F.S = Frozen sperm

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MT1391 dfl Mutants A DNA transposon is inserted in 3' UTR of hoxc11a.This mutant have no dorsal fin...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1693 jaodori Mutants LR-defect, wavy body shape
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
Under preparation
for distribution
MT1435 Tango-hps1(del14) Mutants 14bp in exon 2 of hps1 (Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome 1) gene are deleted by spontan... Please note that we will use OK-Cab (MT830) for artificially insemination with f...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1126 White-variegated(B'B'rr) Mutants B'B'rr Body color is white variegated with black. Genotype is B'B'XrXr for female and B...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1125 White(bbXrXr)(bbXrYr) Mutants bbX^rX^r, bbX^rY^r Body color is white, because of non-pigmented melanophores and less-pigmented xa...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1124 Red-variegated(B'B'RR) Mutants B'B'RR Body color is orange-red variegated with black. Mutated gene is slc45a2. Genotyp...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1123 Grey(BBRRcici) Mutants BBRRcici Its gray body color is caused by a dramatic increase in the number and cell size...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1127 fading(BBRRfafa)(BBrrfafa) Mutants Wild type body color (gray) is gradually fading out and then become orange-red a...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1122 Fused(BBRRfufu) Mutants BBRRfufu Fused mutant has fused centra and the absence of the intervertebral ligaments. T...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1121 d-rR(bbXrXr)(bbXrXR) Mutants bbX^rX^r, bbX^rX^R Male has orange-red body color and female has white. Original d-rR strain establ...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT953 Oot (One-sided optic tectum) pure line Mutants Oot-/-
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT932 pl-3 Mutants This mutant has no pectoral fins throughout life. Complementation test has not b...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT847 d-rR/NAGOYA Mutants The body color is white in females (bb, X^rX^r) and orange-red in males (bb, X^r...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT835 hi-medaka Mutants This strain is orange-red Medaka derived from a dealer in Aichi prefecture and ...
Spontaneous mutant strains Utsunomiya University
MT837 d-rR/TOKYO Mutants The body color is white in females (bb, X^rX^r) and orange-red in males (bb, X^r...
Spontaneous mutant strains Utsunomiya University
MT851 fl-5 Mutants Phenotype is similar to fl. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT83 pc Mutants Polycystic kidney disease. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT61 gu-3(b) Mutants Deposition of guanine in eyes is decreased at the larval stage. b/b background. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT827 T5 Mutants Having resseive allels of the 5 loci, b, gu, lf, i and wl. This strain has i-b ...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT828 Qurt Mutants Male has lucophores and xanthophores and female does not have. Genetic differenc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT830 OK-Cab Mutants Standard line (Southern line), wild type
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT109 FLFII Mutants Dimorphism in body color. Female is white (b/b, Xr/Xr ) an... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT108 FLF Mutants Dimorphism in body color. Female is leucophore free (lf/lf) and male is wild typ... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT106 wy Mutants Vertebral column has wave-like shape. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT105 wl-2 Mutants Phenotype is similar to wl. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT104 wl Mutants Leucophores are white at the larval stage. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT103 vl-2 Mutants Leucophores disappear 2 weeks after hatching with some leucophores reappearing i... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT102 vl-1 Mutants Leucophores disappear 2 weeks after hatching with some leucophores reappearing i... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT101 vc Mutants Dark spots on the adult skin. Melanization of the spots is weaker than in Va. Me... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT100 Va Mutants Dark spots on the adult skin. Melanophores, leucophores and xanthophores are som... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT99 sm Mutants Physiological color change of melanophores is slow. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT98 Si Mutants Pair of iridocyte spots on brain membrane is absent. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT97 rs-3 Mutants Almost no scales, only a few, large scales. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT95 rs-2(b) Mutants Small scales. B/B background. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT94 rs-2(B) Mutants Small scales. b/b background. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT93 rs Mutants Scales are deformed. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT92 ro Mutants The ro mutant was isolated by Hideo Tomita. Masahiko Hibi et al. found that ro l... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT91 r^d Mutants Xanthophores are weakly orange-red. (R >rd >r )*. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT90 r Mutants Xanthophores are colorless. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT89 pl-2 Mutants No pectoral fins throughout life. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT88 pl Mutants No pectoral fins throughout life. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT82 mo Mutants Melanophores are light brown with no visible leucophores in adults. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT81 mm Mutants Melanophores and leucophores with both well developed dendrites and no dendrites... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT80 ml-3 Mutants More leucophores in the larval stage than in wild type. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT79 lf-3(b) Mutants Few leucophores. b/b background. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT77 lf-2 Mutants Few leucophores. Xanthophores are partially lacking (sometimes variegated white/... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT76 lf Mutants No visible leucophores throughout life. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT75 il-1 Mutants Except in body cavity and eyeballs, guanine deposition is absent in iridocytes t... The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT74 if-2 Mutants Phenotype is similar to if. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology
MT73 if Mutants Partial defect in fin rays. The RECIPIENT shall use the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS only for the purpose of researc...
Spontaneous mutant strains National Institute for Basic Biology

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