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S.A = Special affairs, F.S = Frozen sperm

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MT1392 hoxc11a(ins8) Mutants ins4 A 4 bp deletion and a 12 bp insertion were occurred in exon 1 of hoxc11a by the ...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1711 ohmgn2^delta2 Mutants del2 With the CRISPR/Cas9 system, 2bp in exon 3 of ohmgn2 (High mobility group nucleo...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1712 ohmgn2^delta3kb Mutants del3kb With the CRISPR/Cas9 system, the entire length of ohmgn2 (High mobility group nu...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1688 pax3a_ex2del5;pax3b_ex3del11 Mutants pax3a_ex2del5;pax3b_ex3del11 reduction of xanthophores and leucophores and absence of leucophores in a positi...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1687 mitfb_ex7del7 Mutants mitfb_ex7del7 Delay of melanophore formation
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1686 mitfa_ex7del1;mitfb_ex7del7 Mutants mitfa_ex7del1;mitfb_ex7del7 Complete absence of melanophores, xanthophores and leucophores
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1699 hoxc6a(del1+ins6) Mutants del1+ins6 With the CRISPR-Cas9 system, 1 bp deletion and 6 bp insertion were introduced in...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1581 xpa(del4) Mutants del4 A 4 bp deletion in exon 2 of xpa gene was generated by CRISPR/Cas9. This mutatio...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1580 notch1b(del4) Mutants del4 A 4 bp deletion in exon 3 of notch 1(Notch1b) gene was generated by CRISPR/Cas9....
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1579 notch1a(del20) Mutants del20 A 20 bp deletion in exon 15 of neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 1(Notch1a)...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1577 fat1a(del7) Mutants del7 A 7 bp deletion in exon 2 of FAT atypical cadherin 1(fat1a) was generated by CRI...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1576 bap1(del8) Mutants del8 A 8 bp deletion in exon 4 of BRCA1 associated protein 1(BAP1) was generated by C...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1559 rev7(del4) Mutants del4 A 4 bp deletion in exon 2 of DNA polymerase nu gene was generated by TALEN. This...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1552 rev1(del192) Mutants BRCT del A 192 bp deletion in the BRCT domain of rev1 gene was generated by TALEN. This m...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1551 poln(del10) Mutants del10 A 10 bp deletion in exon 8 of DNA polymerase nu gene was generated by TALEN. Thi...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1550 polk(del13) Mutants del13 A 13 bp deletion in exon 1 of DNA polymerase kappa gene was generated by TALEN. ...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1549 poli(del4) Mutants del4 A 4 bp deletion in exon 1 of DNA polymerase iota gene was generated by TALEN. Th...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1548 polh(del14) Mutants del14 A 14 bp deletion in exon 1 of DNA polymerase eta gene was generated by TALEN. Th...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1573 abca1a^del8 Mutants ABC transporter a1a gene was genome edited with CRISPR/Cas9. 8 nucleotides in co...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1675 hoxc12a(del11+ins3);hoxc13a(del14) Mutants hoxc12a del11+ins3, hoxc13a del14 With the CRISPR-Cas9 system, 11 bp deletion and 3 bp insertion were introduced i...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1584 il2rg(del4) Mutants del4 With the CRISPR/Cas9 system, 4bp in exon 3 of il2rg (interleukin receptor gamma)...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1674 hoxc12a(del5) Mutants del5 With the CRISPR-Cas9 system, 5bp in exon 1 of hoxc12a gene have deleted. Homozyg...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1432 lhr^del10 Mutants A 10 bp was deleted in exon 4 of lhcgr (luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin r...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1431 hsf1^del7 Mutants A 7 bp was deleted in exon 9 of hsf1 (heat shock transcription factor 1) gene by...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1430 fshr^R631X Mutants This mutant, isolated by TILLING screening, has a single nucleotide substitution...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1553 rev1(del7) Mutants del7 A 7 bp deletion in exon 4 of rev1 gene was generated by TALEN. This mutation is ...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT973 MC4R(delta7) Mutants With the TALEN technology, eleven base pair in MC4R gene has deleted.
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT974 MC4R(delta11) Mutants With the TALEN technology, eleven base pair in MC4R gene has deleted.
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1434 hps1(del13) Mutants del13 With the CRISPR/Cas9 system, 13bp in exon 4 of hps1 (Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome 1...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1419 zmynd10 Mutants zinc finger MYND-type containing 10 (zmynd10) gene was disrupted in a d-r... Please note that we will use OK-Cab (MT830) for artificially insemination with f...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1180 SWS2^-4a+2b Mutants -4a+2b Two frameshift mutations (a four-base deletion and a two-base insertion) was ind... Since the deposited strain was a XX male of dmy(-), we will provide fertilized e...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1179 SWS2^-4a+5b Mutants -4a+5b Two frameshift mutations (a four-base deletion and a five-base insertion) was in... Background of this mutant is ci (M...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1178 SWS2^+1a+14b Mutants Two frameshift mutations (a one-base insertion and a fourteen-base insertion) wa... Background of this mutant is ci (M...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1163 SWS2^-4a-2b Mutants -4a-2b Two frameshift mutations (a four-base deletion and a two-base deletion) was indu... Background of this mutant is ci (M...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1161 SWS2^-8b Mutants -8b A frameshift mutation (an eight-base deletion) was induced by the CRISPR/Cas9 sy... Background of this mutant is ci (M...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1159 SWS2^+4a Mutants A frameshift mutation (a four-base insertion) was induced by the CRISPR/Cas9 sys... Background of this mutant is ci (M...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1158 SWS2^-4a Mutants -4a A frameshift mutation (a four-base deletion) was induced by the CRISPR/Cas9 syst... Background of this mutant is ci (M...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1334 d-rR^lf Mutants lf This mutant strain has a 14kb deletion in slc2a15b/lf gene induced by a CRISPR/C...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1335 OK-Cab^lf Mutants lf This mutant strain has a 14kb deletion in slc2a15b/lf gene induced by a CRISPR/C...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1331 plxnD1(del1) Mutants A 1 bp was deleted in exon 1 of plexin D1 (plxnD1) gene by the TALEN genome edit...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1330 col10a1a(del19) Mutants A 19 bp was deleted in exon 1 of typeX collagen a1 a (col10a1a) gene by the TALE...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1187 sox10a^E1ins10 Mutants A 10 bp insertion was generated by TALEN method in exon 1 of sox10a gene on LG1.... Please note that we will use OK-Cab (MT830) for artificially insemination with f...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1188 sox10a^E2del16;ml-3 Mutants The sox10a^E2del16;Nagoya (M...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1189 sox10a^E2del16;sox10b^N108S Mutants The double homozygous larvae lack pigment cells except leucophores.
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1196 sox10a^E2del16 Mutants A 16 bp deletion was generated by TALEN method in exon 2 of sox10a gene on LG1. ...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1191 sox10b^E1del7 Mutants A 7 bp deletion was generated by TALEN method in exon 1 of sox10b gene. The targ...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1190 sox10b^E1del5 Mutants A 5 bp deletion was generated by TALEN method in exon 1 of sox10b gene. The targ...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1247 wnt4b(del4) Mutants A 4 bp was deleted into exon 1 of wnt4b gene by the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing s...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1246 tbx6(del7) Mutants A 7 bp was deleted in exon 2 of tbx6 gene by the TALEN genome editing system. Th...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology
MT1245 runx2(del7) Mutants A 7 bp was deleted in exon 2 of runx2 gene by the TALEN genome editing system. T...
Mutants created by genome editing National Institute for Basic Biology

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