
Strain information
Strain ID MT1247
Strain Name wnt4b(del4)
Strain Type Mutants
Characteristics A 4 bp was deleted into exon 1 of wnt4b gene by the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system. This mutation is expected to introduce frame-shift mutation and anticipated to produce dysfunction in the wnt4b protein. Homozygous mutant has a short body because of vertebral fusion. A spontaneous medaka mutant, fu (also called "fused centrum"), was also identified as a wnt4b mutant. The fu mutant was registered at NBRP medaka as MT51.
Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT shall refer the following publication in any PUBLICATIONS.
(Name of the Publication: Inohaya K, Takano Y, Kudo A. (2010). Production of Wnt4b by floor plate cells is essential for the segmental patterning of the vertebral column in medaka. Development. 137, 1807-1813.)
Category Mutants created by genome editing
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by Tokyo Institute of Technology
Order Request
Document (PDF) Genotyping protocol_MT1247
