
Strain information
Strain ID TG952
Strain Name Cab-Tg(HBA0::BFP-hsp70::CreCherry)
Strain Type Transgenics
Characteristics This transgenic strain expresses TagBFP protein in erythroid cells. After heat shock treatment, Cre-mCherry fusion gene expression could be observed in the whole body. Transgene: 1kb Medaka hemoglobin α 0 promoter was ligated to TagBFP. 230b Medaka heat shock protein 70 promoter was ligated to Cre-mCherry fusion gene.
Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT shall refer the following publication in any PUBLICATIONS.
(Name of the Publication: The paper is unpublished now, so detail information is notified after the paper is published.)
■ The RECIPIENT shall give proper credit to the DEVELOPER in any publications reporting results of research using any derivatives developed from the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS (hereinafter referred to as “the DERIVATIVES”), and shall procure other institutionsto which the DERIVATIVES are provided (including when provided through the NBRP) to do the same.
Category Transgenic strains
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by Keio University
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Movie When you couldn't see the Movie, please click <a href="/medaka/images/strainImages/;jsessionid=2104E61991FB7653D295FB1902F7C6D4">HERE</a> to download it. Cab-Tg(HBA0::BFP-hsp70::CreCherry) (TG952) after heat shock_Movie
Movie When you couldn't see the Movie, please click <a href="/medaka/images/strainImages/;jsessionid=2104E61991FB7653D295FB1902F7C6D4">HERE</a> to download it. Cab-Tg(HBA0::BFP-hsp70::CreCherry) (TG952) before heat shock_Movie
