
Strain information
Strain ID MT1169
Strain Name contactin1b^E3+35
Strain Type Mutants
Characteristics Mutations were induced by the CRISPR/Cas9 method on contactin1b (cntn1b) genes. The cntn1b gene has 9-base deletion and 44-base insertion in exon 3. All the cntn1b mutant juvenile and adult fish show abnormal wobbling and rolling swimming behaviors. They have defective optokinetic response (OKR) adaptation and abnormal rheotaxis (body positioning to water flow). It is difficult to generate a next generation by crossing the homozygous cntn1b mutant pairs.
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Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT shall refer the following publication in any PUBLICATIONS.
(Name of the Publication: Takeuchi, M., et al. (2017) Medaka and zebrafish contactin1 mutants as a model for understanding neural circuits for motor coordination. Genes Cells. DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12509)
Category Mutants created by genome editing
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by Nagoya University
Order Request
Document (PDF) Genotyping protocol_MT1169_contactin1b^E3+35
