
Strain information
Strain ID MT939
Strain Name mstnC315Y
Strain Type Mutants
Characteristics This strain is a myostatin-deficient mutant created by TILLING. Homozyous mutant shows double-muscling phenotype.
Special affairs [Address] ■The RECIPIENT shall refer the following publication in any PUBLICATIONS.
(Name of the Publication: Chisada S et al. Myostatin-deficient medaka exhibit a double-muscling phenotype with hyperplasia and hypertrophy, which occur sequentially during post-hatch development. Dev Biol. 359:82-94, 2011)
■The RECIPIENT shall give proper credit to the DEVELOPER in any publications reporting results of research using the DERIVATIVES, and shall procure other institutions to which the DERIVATIVES are provided (including when provided through the NBRP) to do the same.
Category Mutants created by TILLING
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Fisheries Research Agency
Order Request

MSTN^C315Y/C315Y homolzygous mutant (adult, male)
Side and overhead views of homozygous mutant (left) and wild-type medaka (right) at 16 wk post-haching. Homozygous mutant exhibited higher and wider body trunk than wild-type medaka (double-headed arrows show height and width of body).
