Tg (zic1:zic1-Myc/zic4:DsRed)

Strain information
Strain ID TG1676
Strain Name Tg (zic1:zic1-Myc/zic4:DsRed)
Strain Type Transgenics
Characteristics Zic1 gene is replaced into Zic1 tagged with Myc
Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT shall refer the following publication in any PUBLICATIONS. (Name of the Publication: Heilig AK, Nakamura R, Shimada A, Hashimoto Y,
Nakamura Y, Wittbrodt J, Takeda H, Kawanishi T. Wnt11 acts on dermomyotome
cells to guide epaxial myotome morphogenesis. Elife.11:e71845 (2022).)
Category Transgenic strains
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by University of Tokyo
Order Request

BAC construct for zic-myc Tg
BAC construct in which zic1 gene and zic4 gene are replaced with zic1-Myc and DsRed, respectively.

DsRed in zic-Myc Tg
Expression of DsRed in the Tg (zic1:zic1-Myc, zic4:DsRed) embryo at hatching stage (lateral view). Top, a bright field image. Dotted line indicate outline of membrane fins. Middle, a DsRed fluorescent image. DsRed signals are seen in the dorsal brain and spinal cord. Bottom, a marged image of the top and the middle.
