
Strain information
Strain ID MT1208
Strain Name ZRSdelta948
Strain Type Mutants
Characteristics A 948 bp deletion was generated by CRISPR/Cas9 in the region harboring ZRS enhancer (Intron 5 of Lmbr1 gene, chromosome 20). ZRS enhancer drives expression of shh gene to pectoral fin buds. CRISPR targeted sequences are GGCTTCAACATTAGCCCAGGAGG and AGCTGTATTACCATGCAGGAGGG. The original background of this mutant is Cab strain. In pectoral fin buds, shh gene expression is reduced. In adult pectoral fins, the number of proximal radial bones is reduced. Also dorsal fin is missing in the mutant.
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Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT shall refer the following publication in any PUBLICATIONS.
(Name of the Publication: LETELIER, Joaquín, et al. A conserved Shh cis-regulatory module highlights a common developmental origin of unpaired and paired fins. Nature genetics, 2018, 50.4: 504.)
■ The RECIPIENT shall give proper credit to the DEVELOPER in any publications reporting results of research using any derivatives developed from the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS (hereinafter referred to as “the DERIVATIVES”), and shall procure other institutionsto which the DERIVATIVES are provided (including when provided through the NBRP) to do the same.
Category Mutants created by genome editing
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Order Request

Upper pannels, expression of shh at 3 dpf is reduced in pectoral fin buds from ZRS 948 bp deletion mutants.
Middle pannels, the number of proximal radial bones is reduced in ZRS 948 bp deletion mutants.
Lower pannels, ZRS 948 bp deletion mutants lack dorsal fin.
Document (PDF) Genotyping protocol_ZRS mutants
