
*H.1.1 Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining of the kidney

Emiko Mochiduki~
Tomohiro Harada~
Nagoya University

**H.1.1.1 Procedure
+	Fix the tissues with Bouin”Ēs fixative.
+	Prepare paraffin sections by a conventional method.
+	Put deparaffinized sections in 0.5% periodic acid solution in 5 min.
+	Rinse sections in two changes of distilled water (DW) for 1 min. each.
+	Put sections in cold Schiff”Ēs reagent for 5 min.
+	Put sections in three changes of H2SO3 solution for three min. each.
+	Rinse sections in running tap water for ten min. Regulate the time with checking the degree of staining.
+	Put sections in hematoxylin for 3-4 min.
+	Rinse sections in running tap water for ten min. Regulate the time with checking the degree of staining.
+	Dehydrate and mount sections by a conventional method.

**H.1.1.2 Notices
-	All procedures are processed at room temperature.
-	Bouin”Ēs fixative:~
Saturated picric acid solution  15 ml~
Formaldehyde solution         5 ml~
Acetic acid                    1 ml~
Mix the above solutions before use.
-	Cold Schiff:~
Stock a commercially available reagent at 4”ī, and keep it at room temperature for 30 min. before use. The reagent losing the odor cannot be used.
-	H2SO3 solution:~
10%NaHSO3    6 ml~
1N HCl        5 ml~
DW         100 ml~
-	Staining of the kidney:~
A photo of PAS-stained section is attached.~
The basement membrane of the renal tubules, glomerulus and Bouman”Ēs capsule, and the apical surface of the proximal tubule segment is stained with purple color. d/c, distal or collecting tubule segment; g, glomerulus; p, proximal tubule segment; l, lymphoid tissues.

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