Chimpanzees(List) in Ikeda Zoo

Name of facility :

All including individuals bred in the past

The total number of individuals that have lived in Ikeda Zoo, including those presently living there, is 5 chimpanzees.

*If you click the item in the table, information can be sorted by the clicked item.
*If you click the abbreviation for a facility, the pedigree of the individual will be displayed.
*C = Chimpanzee, B = Bonobo, G = Gorilla, O = Orangutan, and H = Gibbon
>>Display a pedigree ( C , B , G , O , H )
Group GAIN ID number Name Species /
Sex Date of birth Death date Facility
C 0509 Ruby V F 1973? 2013.02.20 Ikeda
C 0511 Junko ( V ) F 1989?   Ikeda
C 0557 Tom H M 1996.08.26   Ikeda
C 0579 Lena H F 1998.03.06   Ikeda
C 9246 Unknown U   19?? 1971.01.18 Yagiyama
Page : ALL

Ikeda Zoo   

Location 700-0015  2‐5‐1 Kyoyama, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama
Tel. no. 086-252-2131 Fax no. 086-254-6962
Opening hours 9:00-17:30 (April-October)
9:00-17:00 (November-March)
Closed day Wednesday from November 21 to February 20, and from May 21 to July 20. (exclude national holiday, summer, and winter vacation)
Entrance fee adults 1,050yen, high school students 840yen, elementary school and junior high school students 630yen, 3 and older 315yen
Note -

*By clicking an image, you can pop-up the original image.

Selection of Apes