Mutants (Isolated)


Allele Nametm1086
Allele TypeBalanced
Sequence NameT07E3.5
Gene Namebrc-2
Worm BaseAllele Name tm1086
Gene Name brc-2
Sequence T07E3.5
Phenotype Information from the receiver is posted in the form of a "researcher : phenotype" lethal or sterile. Dr. S. Boulton: Mol Cell Biol 25, 3127-3139 (2005)
Mutation site Please see gene structure to locate the deletion in relation to exon(s) 3949/3950-4621/4622 (672 bp deletion)
Putative gene structurecomplement(join(2953..2994, 3368..3485, 3551..3678, 3918..4014, 4061..4145, 4189..4311, 4363..4536, 4620..4759, 4804..4907, 5003..5153, 5229..5251))
Map position-0.91
BalancerhT2 bli-4(e937) let-? qIs48]
Map position of balancer
Distributed lab
DepositorDr. S. Mitani/NBRP
References Please submit your publication
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