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株番号 NIES-2145
保存機関名 国立環境研究所
門名 Heterokontophyta 綱名 Eustigmatophyceae
目名 科名
学名   Nannochloropsis oceanica Suda & Miyashita
地名(採集年月)     ()
生息環境(分離源) 海域
株の状態 無菌[2021 Nov]; 単藻; クローン
保存形態 継代培養/凍結保存
凍結保存 不明
培養条件(前培養条件) 培地名:ESM; ESM (寒天)
温度:20 ℃
光強度:21 μmol phtons/m2/sec  明暗周期:10L:14D
継代培養周期:1 M (液体培地); 4 M (寒天培地)
遺伝子情報 18S rRNA (LC730856 ) BTA1L mRNA (LC375792 ) BTA1S mRNA (LC375791 ) CCT1 mRNA (LC375794 ) NoNR mRNA (LC514673 ) NoPHT1a mRNA (LC532103 ) NoPHT1b mRNA (LC532739 ) NoPHT1c mRNA (LC532740 ) NoPSL1 mRNA (LC532101 ) NoPSL2 mRNA (LC532102 ) NoPSR1 mRNA (LC532100 ) PECT1 mRNA (LC375793 )
  オイル(炭化水素)生産; トリアシルグリセロール (Nobusawa et al.) 
細胞サイズ(min-max)   体制 単細胞性  
注意事項 凍結保存[2021 Jan]; 無菌  

Nakanishi, K., Deuchi, K., Kuwano, K.: 2012: Cryopreservation of four valuable strains of microalgae, including viability and characteristics during 15 years of cryostorage.: J. Appl. Phycol., 24, 1381-1385.
Strains: 2145 2170

Sharifah, E. N. & Eguchi, M.: 2011: The phytoplankton Nannochloropsis oculata enhances the ability ofRoseobacter clade bacteria to inhibit the growth of Vibrio anguillarum.: PLoS One, 6, e26756 (article ID).
Strains: 2145

Iwai, M., Hori, K., Sasaki-Sekimoto, Y., Shimojima, M., Ohta, H.: 2015: Manipulation of oil synthesis in Nannochloropsis strain NIES-2145 with a phosphorus starvation–inducible promoter from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.: Front. Microbiol. 6, 912 (article ID).
Strains: 2145

Nobusawa, T., Hori, K., Mori, H., Kurokawa, K., Ohta, H.: 2017: Differently localized lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferasescrucial for triacylglycerol biosynthesis in the oleaginous alga Nannochloropsis.: Plant J., 90, 547–559.
Strains: 2145

Mitani, E., Nakayama, F., Matsuwaki, I., Ichi, I., Kawabata, A., Kawachi, M., Kato, M.: 2017: Fatty acid composition profiles of 235 strains of three microalgal divisions within the NIES Microbial Culture Collection.: Microb. Resour. Syst., 33, 19-29.
Strains: 1 8 9 14 15 17 71 115 223 225 233 234 265 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 284 293 323 324 330 333 344 345 346 347 348 350 353 372 377 388 391 395 407 408 409 413 414 417 461 462 466 487 534 548 553 556 557 558 559 560 562 587 588 589 590 603 605 622 623 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 741 765 766 767 805 837 997 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1009 1011 1016 1017 1044 1045 1046 1047 1302 1303 1324 1327 1330 1339 1340 1349 1353 1370 1375 1376 1379 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1391 1392 1393 1395 1398 1399 1400 1401 1699 1700 1730 1813 1815 1816 1826 1827 1831 1862 1863 1864 1865 1874 1963 1964 1965 1974 1975 1976 2142 2143 2144 2145 2147 2148 2300 2331 2332 2351 2363 2364 2365 2369 2370 2376 2506 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2590 2633 2668 2689 2690 2691 2693 2694 2696 2697 2707 2716 2717 2718 2720 2722 2723 2725 2726 2729 2730 2731 2732 2770 2771 2772 2773 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2859 2872 2878 2890 2899 3391 3689 3690 3691

Pollner, E., Farré, E. M., Bennlng, C.: 2018: Advanced genetic tools enable synthetic biology in the oleaginous microalgae Nannochloropsis sp.: Plant Cell Reports, 37, 1383-1399.
Strains: 2145 2146

Shimakawa, G., Murakami, A., Niwa, K., Matsuda, Y., Wada, A., Miyake, C.: 2019: Comparative analysis of strategies to prepare electron sinks in aquatic photoautotrophs.: Photosynth. Res., 139, 401–411.
Strains: 705 1959 2138 2145 2147

Sugihara, S., Ozaki, T., Tojo, T., Endo, H., Saito, T., Takimura, Y.: 2019: Identification of novel 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase involved in producing medium chain fatty acids from microalgae.: Bioresour. Technol. Reports, 7, 100184 (article ID).
Strains: 2145

Nobusawa, T., Yamakawa-Ayukawa, K., Saito, F., Nomura, S., Takami, A., Ohta, H.: 2019: A homolog of Arabidopsis SDP1 lipase in Nannochloropsis is involved in degradation of de novo-synthesized triacylglycerols in the endoplasmic reticulum.: Biochim. Biophys. Acta Mol. Cell Biol. Lipids, 1864, 1185-1193.
Strains: 2145

Komatsu, K., Onouchi, H., Imai, A., Kawasaki, N., Hashim, E. F., Mohd Rajuddin, M. K.: 2019: Effects of dissolved organic matter in soil extracts on the growth of microalgae.: J. Jpn. Soc. Wat. Environ., 42, 239-246 (in Japanese with English summary).
Strains: 39 2145 2168 2170 2256 2257 2258

Kurita, T., Moroi, K., Iwai, M., Okazaki, K., Shimizu, S., Nomura, S., Saito, F., Maeda, S., Takami, A., Sakamoto, A., Ohta, H., Sakuma, T., Yamamoto, T.: 2020: Efficient and multiplexable genome editing using Platinum TALENs in oleaginous microalga, Nannochloropsis oceanica NIES-2145.: Genes Cells, 25, 695-702.
Strains: 2145

Kurita, T., Iwai, M., Moroi, K., Okazaki, K., Nomura, S., Saito, F., Maeda, S., Takami, A., Sakamoto, A., Ohta, H., Sakuma, T., Yamamoto, T.: 2022: Genome editing with removable TALEN vectors harboring a yeast centromere and autonomous replication sequence in oleaginous microalga.: Sci Rep, 12, 2480 (article ID).
Strains: 2145

Saito, T., Ichihara, T., Inoue, H., Uematsu, T., Hamada, S., Watanabe, T., Takimura, Y., Webb, J.: 2020: Comparison of areal productivity of Nannochloropsis oceanica between lab-scale and industrial-scale raceway pond.: Mar. Biotechnol., 22, 836–841.
Strains: 2145

Murakami, H., Kakutani, N., Kuroyanagi, Y., Iwai, M., Hori, K., Shimojima, M., Ohta, H.: 2020: MYB-like transcription factor NoPSR1 is crucial for membrane lipid remodeling under phosphate starvation in the oleaginous microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica.: FEBS Lett., 594, 3384-3394.
Strains: 2145

Murakami, H., Nobusawa, T., Hori, K., Shimojima, M., Ohta, H.: 2018: Betaine lipid is crucial for adapting to low temperature and phosphate deficiency in Nannochloropsis.: Plant Physiol., 177, 181–193.
Strains: 2145

Matsui, H., Sugihara, S., Wada, M., Ozaki, T., Saitoh, T., Kotani, T.: 2022: Application of genetic disruption of a Nannochloropsis oceanica cell wall synthesizing gene to n-3 HUFA enrichment of Brachionus plicatilis.: Aquaculture, 552, 738022 (article ID).
Strains: 2145

Fitriyah, F., Faramitha, Y., Sari, D. A., Kresnawaty, I., Panji, T., Santoso, D.: 2020: Molecular identification of species in genus Nannochloropsis using Ribulose-1,5-Biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) gene barcode.: Eurasia. J. Biosci., 14, 7855-7860.
Strains: 2145 2587

Tran, H.-D., Ong, B.-N., Ngo, V.-T., Tran, D.-L., Nguyen, T.-C., Tran-Rhi, B.-H., Do, T.-T., Nguyen, T.-M.-L., Nguyen, X.-H., Melkonian, M.: 2022: New angled twin–layer porous substrate photobioreactors for cultivation of Nannochloropsis oculata.: Protist, 173, 125914 (article ID).
Strains: 2145

Hamana, K., Furuchi, T., Hayashi, H., Niitsu, M.: 2022: Additional polyamine analysis of algal chlorarachniophytes, euglenophytes, haptophytes, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, chromerids and heterokontophytes. —Polyamine analysis of algae IV—: Microb. Resour. Syst., 38, 51-62.
Strains: 12 47 48 253 274 276 277 282 286 304 331 381 387 463 623 624 699 706 715 741 1443 2145 2146 2149 2351 2433 2535 2584 2588 2635 2677 2716 2728 2860 3576 3745 4060 4109 4280 4391 4392

Yoshino, T., Mao, Y., Maeda, Y., Negishi, R., Murata, S., Moriya, S., Shimada, H., Arakaki, A., Kobayashi, K., Hagiwara, Y., Okamoto, K., Tanaka, T.: 2022: Single-cell genotyping of phytoplankton from oceanwater by gel-based cellmanipulation.: Biotechnol. J., 17, 2100633 (article ID).
Strains: 144 385 2145

Nagi, G. K., Goel, M., Tiwari, R., Bhawna, Gaur, S., Mallick, N., Mandal, S.: 2023: Simultaneous production of bio-crude bio-oil via hydrothermal liquefaction and carotenoids via supercritical extraction from Nannochloropsis oceanica and recycling effluent to establish circular processes.: J. Clean Prod., 428, 13945 (article ID).
Strains: 2145