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Strain - 詳細 -

株番号 NIES-1868
保存機関名 国立環境研究所
門名 Dinophyta 綱名 Dinophyceae
目名 科名
学名   Lepidodinium chlorophorum (Elbrachter & Schnepf) Hansen, Botes & de Salas
シノニム Gymnodinium chlorophorum Elbrachter & Schnepf
一般名 渦鞭毛藻
地名(採集年月)    東シナ海 (2004-07-28)
生息環境(分離源) 海域
生息環境の詳細 表層  外洋域
分離者名(分離年月) Noël, Mary-Hélène
同定者名 河地正伸
株の状態 非無菌; 単藻; クローン
保存形態 継代培養
培養条件(前培養条件) 培地名:MNK
温度:20 ℃
光強度:26 μmol phtons/m2/sec  明暗周期:10L:14D
継代培養周期:20 D
遺伝子情報 16S rRNA (AB686258 ) 18S rRNA (AB686254 ) atpA (AB561004 ) psaB (AB561036 ) psbA (AB561045 )
細胞サイズ(min-max) 30μm- 70μm   体制 単細胞性; 鞭毛性  
注意事項 輸送時の衝撃に弱い; 不安定  

Matsumoto, T., Kawachi, M., Miyashita, H., Inagaki, Y.: 2012: Prasinoxanthin is absent in the green-colored dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum strain NIES-1868: pigment composition and 18S rRNA phylogeny.: J. Plant Res., 125, 705-711.
Strains: 1411 1868

Matsumoto, T., Shinozaki, F., Chikuni, T., Yabuki, A., Takishita, K., Kawachi, M., Nakayama, T., Inouye, I., Hashimoto, T., Inagaki, Y.: 2011: Green-colored plastids in the dinoflagellate genus Lepidodinium are of core Chlorophyte origin.: Protist, 162, 268-276.
Strains: 626 1419 1868 2432

Kamikawa, R., Tanifuji, G., Kawachi, M., Miyashita, H., Hashimoto, T., Inagaki, Y.: 2015: Plastid genome-based phylogeny pinpointed the origin of the green-colored plastid in the dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum.: Genome Biol. Evol, 7, 1133–1140.
Strains: 1868

Matsuo, E., Inagaki, Y.: 2018: Patterns in evolutionary origins of heme, chlorophyll a and isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic pathways suggest non-photosynthetic periods prior to plastid replacements in dinoflagellates.: PeerJ, 6, e5345 (article ID).
Strains: 1868

Sarai, C., Tanifuji, G., Nakayama, T., Kamikawa, R., Takahashi, K., Yazaki, E., Matsuo, E., Miyashita, H., Ishida, K-I., Iwataki, M., Inagaki, Y.: 2020: Dinoflagellates with relic endosymbiont nuclei as models for elucidating organellogenesis.: Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 117, 5364-5375.
Strains: 1868

Kashiyama, Y. et al.: 2019: Taming chlorophylls by early eukaryotes underpinned algal interactions and the diversification of the eukaryotes on the oxygenated Earth.: ISME J., 13, 1899-1910.
Strains: 8 254 274 286 324 331 353 381 494 623 624 997 1012 1013 1015 1320 1330 1333 1334 1335 1372 1377 1388 1390 1396 1397 1408 1438 1439 1441 1868 1964 2008 2142 2144 2149 2300 2305 2325 2433 2498 2502 2566 2584 2586 2589 2590 2677 2878 3356 3374 3775 3876