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Strain - 詳細 -

株番号 NIES-10
保存機関名 国立環境研究所
門名 Heterokontophyta 綱名 Raphidophyceae
目名 科名
学名   Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada ex Y.Hara & Chihara
シノニム Entomosigma akashiwo Y.Hada; Chattonella akashiwo (Y.Hada) Loeblich III 1979; Olisthodiscus carterae Hulburt 1965; Heterosigma inlandica Hada 1968; Chattonella inlandica (Y.Hada) Loeblich III & Fine 1977; Heterosigma carterae (Hulbert) F.J.R.Taylor 1992
一般名 ヘテロシグマ
地名(採集年月) 日本    瀬戸内海, 播磨灘 (1983-02-**)
生息環境(分離源) 海域
生息環境の詳細 富栄養  沿岸域
分離者名(分離年月) 渡邉信
同定者名 渡邉信
株の状態 無菌[2018 Feb]; 単藻; クローン
保存形態 継代培養
凍結保存 不明
培養条件(前培養条件) 培地名:f/2
温度:20 ℃
光強度:31 μmol phtons/m2/sec  明暗周期:10L:14D
継代培養周期:1 M
遺伝子情報 CO1 (AB334509 ) rbcL (AB334436 )
細胞サイズ(min-max) 15μm   体制 単細胞性; 鞭毛性  
注意事項 輸送時の衝撃に弱い; 無菌  

Demura, M., Noël, M.-H., Kasai, F., Watanabe, M. M., Kawachi, M. : 2009: Taxonomic revision of Chattonella antiqua, C. marina and C. ovata (Raphidophyceae) based on their morphological characteristics and genetic diversity.: Phycologia, 48, 518-535.
Strains: 1 2 3 5 6 9 10 14 83 84 85 113 114 116 118 146 161 293 557 561 603 671 716 849 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1986 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407

Qiu, XC., Yamasaki, Y., Shimasaki, Y., Gunjikake, H., Honda, M., Kawagushi, M., Matsubara, T., Nagasoe, S., Etoh, T., Matsui, S., Honjo, T., Oshima, Y.: 2012: Allelopathy of the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo against the dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea is mediated via allelochemicals and cell contact.: Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 446, 107-118.
Strains: 10 324

Yamasaki, Y., Ohmichi, Y., Hirose, M., Shikata, T., Shimasaki, Y., Oshima, Y., Honjo, T.: 2012: Low molecular weight allelochemicals produced by the diatom, Skeletonema costatum.: Thalassas, 28, 9-17.
Strains: 10 324

Yamasaki, Y., Shikata, T., Nukata, A., Ichiki, S., Nagasoe, S., Matsubara, T., Shimasaki, Y., Nakao, M., Yamaguchi, K., Oshima, Y., Oda, T., Ito, M., Jenkinson, I. R., Asakawa, M., Honjo, T.: 2009: Extracellular polysaccharide-protein complexes of a harmful alga mediate the allelopathic control it exerts within the phytoplankton community.: ISME J., 3, 808-817.
Strains: 10 324

Yamasaki, Y., Nagasoe, S., Tameishi, M., Shikata, T., Zou, Y., Jiang, Z., Matsubara, T., Shimasaki, Y., Yamaguchi, K., Oshima, Y., Honjo, T.: 2010: The role of interactions between Prorocentrum minimum and Heterosigma akashiwo in bloom formation.: Hydrobiologia, 641, 33-44.
Strains: 1 10 324

Yamasaki, Y., Ohmichi, Y., Shikata, T., Hirose, M., Shimasaki, Y., Oshima, Y., Honjo, T.: 2010: Species-specific allelopathic effects of the diatom Skeletonema costatum.: Thalassas, 27, 21-32.
Strains: 10 324

Yamasaki, Y., Nagasoe, S., Matsubara, T., Shikata, T., Shimasaki, Y., Oshima, Y., Honjo, T.: 2007: Allelopathic interactions between the bacillariophyte Skeletonema costatum and the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo.: Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 339, 83-92.
Strains: 10 324

Qiu, X., Shimasaki, Y., Yoshida, Y., Matsubara, T., Yamasaki, Y., Kawaguchi, M., Honda, M., Mouri, K., Nakajima, Y., Tasmin, R., Kuno, K., Kawamura, Y., Honjo, T., Oshima, Y.: 2014: Allelopathic effects of Skeletonema spp. may influence interspecific competition and bloom formation of co–occurring harmful flagellates.: J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 59, 373-382.
Strains: 1 10 324

Yamasaki, Y., Fujita, M., Kawano, S., Baba, T.: 2018: Effect of salinity on interspecific competition between the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella and the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo.: Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 81, 73-82.
Strains: 10

Hikihara, R., Yamasaki, Y., Shikata, T., Nakayama, N., Sakamoto, S., Kato, S., Hatate, H., Tanaka, R.: 2020: Analysis of phytosterol, fatty acid, and carotenoid composition of 19 microalgae and 6 bivalve species.: J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol., 29, 461-479.
Strains: 1 10 324