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Strain - 詳細 -

株番号 NIES-2285
保存機関名 国立環境研究所
門名 Streptophyta 綱名 Klebsormidiophyceae
目名 科名
学名   Klebsormidium nitens (Kützing) Lokhorst
シノニム Ulothrix nitens Kützing; Hormidium nitens (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1863; Chlorhormidium flaccidum var. nitens (Kützing) Farooqui 1969; Chlorhormidium nitens (Meneghini) Komaromy 1976
地名(採集年月) 米国  ウィスコンシン  Barlow ()
生息環境(分離源) 淡水
分離者名(分離年月) Pringsheim, E. G.
同定者名 半田信司 (再同定)
株の状態 無菌[2023 Jun]; 単藻; クローン
保存形態 凍結保存
凍結保存 不明
培養条件(前培養条件) 培地名:C (寒天)
温度:20 ℃
光強度:5-11 μmol phtons/m2/sec  明暗周期:10L:14D
継代培養周期:6 M
遺伝子情報 Mitochondria DNA (DF238763 ) Plastid DNA (DF238762 ) Whole-genome (BANV00000000 )
    ゲノム解読株 (Hori et al. 2014)
細胞サイズ(min-max) 5μm- 10μm   体制  
注意事項 凍結保存[2022 Aug]; 無菌  

Fawley, M. W.: 1991: Disjunct distribution of the xanthophyll loroxanthin in the green algae (Chlorophyta).: J. Phycol., 27, 544-548.
Strains: 2285

Hori, K. Maruyama, F., Fujisawa, T., Togashi, T., Yamamoto, N., Seo, M., Sato, S., Yamada, T., Mori, H., Tajima, N., Moriyama, T., Ikeuchi, M., Watanabe, M., Wada, H., Kobayashi, K., Saito, M., Masuda, T., Sasaki-Sekimoto, Y., Mashiguchi, K., Awai, K., Shimojima, M., Masuda, S., Iwai, M., Nobusawa, T., Narise, T., Kondo, S., Saito, H., Sato, R., Murakawa, M., Ihara, Y., Oshima-Yamada, Y., Ohtaka, K., Satoh, M., Sonobe, K., Ishii, M., Ohtani, R., Kanamori-Sato, M., Honoki, R., Miyazaki, D., Mochizuki, H., Umetsu, J., Higashi, K., Shibata, D., Kamiya, Y., Sato, N., Nakamura, Y., Tabata, S., Ida, S., Kurokawa, K., Ohta, H.: 2014: Klebsormidium flaccidum genome reveals primary factors for plant terrestrial adaptation.: Nat. Commun., 5, 3978 (article ID).
Strains: 2285

Koeduka, T., Ishizaki, K., Mwenda, C. M., Hori, K., Sasaki-Sekimoto, Y., Ohta, H., Kohchi, T., Matsui, K.: 2015: Biochemical characterization of allene oxide synthases from the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha and green microalgae Klebsormidium flaccidum provides insight into the evolutionary divergence of the plant CYP74 family.: Planta, 242, 1175-1186.
Strains: 2285

Kobayashi, Y., Takusagawa, M., Harada, N., Fukao, Y., Yamaoka, S., Kohchi, T., Hori, K., Ohta, H., Shikanai, T., Nishimura, Y.: 2016: Eukaryotic components remodeled chloroplast nucleoid organization during the green plant evolution.: Genome Biol. Evol., 8, 1-16.
Strains: 2285

Ohtaka,K., Hori, K., Kanno, Y., Seo, M., Ohta, H.: 2017: Primitive Auxin Response without TIR1 and Aux/IAA in the Charophyte Alga Klebsormidium nitens.: Plant Physiol., 174, 1621-1632.
Strains: 2285

de Mendoza, A., Bonnet, A., Vargas-Landin, D. B., Ji, N., Li, H., Yang, F., Li, L., Hori, K., Pflueger, J., Buckberry, S., Ohta, H., Rosic, N., Lesage, P., Lin, S., Lister, R.: 2018: Recurrent acquisition of cytosine methyltransferases into eukaryotic retrotransposons.: Nat. Commun., 9, 1341 (article ID).
Strains: 2285

Yokono, M., Takabayashi, A., Kishimoto, J., Fujita, T., Iwai, M., Murakami, A., Akimoto, S., Tanaka, A.: 2019: The PSI-PSII megacomplex in green plants.: Plant Cell Physiol., 60, 1098–1108.
Strains: 144 296 303 2285 2541

Mojzeš, P., Gao, L., Ismagulova, T., Pilátová, J., Moudříková, Š., Gorelova, O., Solovchenko, A., Nedbal, L., Salih, A.: 2020: Guanine, a high-capacity and rapid-turnover nitrogen reserve in microalgal cells.: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 117, 32722-32730.
Strains: 2285 2587 2860

Rosas-Santiago, P., Zechinelli Pérez, K., Gómez Méndez, M. F., Vera López Portillo, F., Ruiz Salas, J. L., Cordoba Martínez, E., Acosta Maspon, A., Pantoja, O.: 2021: A differential subcellular localization of two copper transporters from the COPT family suggests distinct roles in copper homeostasis in Physcomitrium patens.: Plant Physiol. Biochem., 167, 459-469.
Strains: 2285

Takano, H., Tsunefuka, T., Takio, S., Ishikawa, H., Takechi, K.: 2018: Visualization of plastid peptidoglycan in the charophyte alga Klebsormidium nitens using a metabolic labeling method.: Cytologia, 83, 375-380.
Strains: 2285

Pilátová, J., Pánek, T., Oborník, M., Čepička, I., Mojzeš, P.: 2022: Revisiting biocrystallization: purine crystalline inclusions are widespread in eukaryotes.: ISME J., 16, 2290-2294.
Strains: 67 303 995 1604 2146 2285 2860

Chatelain, P., Blanchard, C., Astier, J., Klinguer,A., Wendehenne, D., Jeandroz, S., Rosnoblet, C.: 2022: Reliable reference genes and abiotic stress marker genes in Klebsormidium nitens.: Sci Rep, 12, 18988 (article ID).
Strains: 2285

Ferrari, C., Proost, S., Janowski, M., Becker, J., Nikoloski, Z., Bhattacharya, D., Price, D., Tohge, T., Bar-Even, A., Fernie, A., Stitt, M., Mutwil, M.: 2019: Kingdom-wide comparison reveals the evolution of diurnal gene expression in Archaeplastida.: Nat. Commun., 10, 737 (article ID).
Strains: 2285

Tansley, C., Houghton, J., Rose, A. M. E., Witek, B., Payet, R. D., Wu, T., Miller, J. B.: 2023: CIPK-B is essential for salt stress signalling in Marchantia polymorpha.: New Phytol., 237, 2210-2223.
Strains: 2285

Kondo, S., Hori, K., Sasaki-Sekimoto, Y., Kobayashi, A., Kato, T., Yuno-Ohta, N., Nobusawa, T., Ohtaka, K., Shimojima, M., Ohta, H.: 2016: Primitive extracellularlipid components on the surface of the charophytic alga Klebsormidium flaccidum and their possible biosynthetic pathways as deduced from the genome sequence.: Front. Plant Sci., 7, 952 (article ID).
Strains: 2285

Nazipova, A., Makshakova, O., Kozlova, L.: 2023: The in silico characterization of monocotyledonous α-L-Arabinofuranosidases on the example of maize.: Life-Basel, 13, 266 (article ID).
Strains: 2285

Tounosu, N., Sesoko, K., Hori, K., Shimojima, M., Ohta, H.: 2023: Cis‑regulatory elements and transcription factors related to auxin signaling in the streptophyte algae Klebsormidium nitens.: Sci Rep, 13, 9635 (article ID).
Strains: 2285

Knosp, S., Kriegshauser, L., Tatsumi, K., Malherbe, L., Erhardt, M., Wiedemann, G., Bakan, B., Kohchi, T., Reski, R., Renault, H.: 2024: An ancient role for CYP73 monooxygenases in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and embryophyte development.: Embo J.,
Strains: 2285