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Ref. ID Author Title Journal Year Vol. Pages Keyword Strains
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521   Watanabe, M. M. & Hiroki, M. (Eds.)   NIES-Collection. List of Strains, Fifth Edition, 1997, Microalgae and Protozoa.   Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,   1997   140 pp.      
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527   Watanabe, M. M. & Kasai, F. (Eds.)   NIES-Collection. List of Strains, First Edition, 1985, Microalgae [Hozonkabu-risuto dai 1 pan bisaisorui].   Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,   1985   114 pp. (in Japanese without English title).      
528   Watanabe, M. M. & Kasai, F. (Eds.)   Supplement to NIES-Collection. List of Strains, First Edition, 1985, Microalgae.   Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,   1986   25 pp.      
529   Watanabe, M. M. & Kasai, F. (Eds.)   Second Supplement to NIES-Collection. List of Strains, First Edition, 1985, Microalgae.   Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,   1987   25 pp.      
531   Watanabe, M. M., Kasai, F. & Sudo, R. (Eds.)   NIES-Collection. List of Strains, Second Edition, 1988, Microalgae and Protozoa.   Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,   1988   148 pp.      
532   Watanabe, M. M., Kawachi, M., Hiroki, M. & Kasai, F. (Eds.)   NIES-Collection. List of Strains, Sixth Edition, 2000, Microalgae and Protozoa.   Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,   2000   160 pp.      
540   Watanabe, M. M. & Nozaki, H. (Eds.)   NIES-Collection. List of Strains, Fourth Edition, 1994, Microalgae and Protozoa.   Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,   1994   127 pp.      
541   Watanabe, M. M. & Satake, K. N. (Eds.)   NIES-Collection. List of Strains, Third Edition, 1991, Microalgae and Protozoa.   Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,   1991   163 pp.      
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