growth stimulation; growth inhibition; haptophyte; iodine; iodine accumulation
(1 → 3)-β-D-Glucan; In vitro synthesis; Laminaribiose phosphorylasea
(3R,3'R,6'R)-β,ε-carotene-3,19,3'-triol 19-(2-dodecanoate); chlorarachniophyte; 1H-NMR; loroxanthin dodecenoate; Pyramimonas parkeae
1,3-β-D-glucan phosphorylase; Ochromonas danica; laminarin; laminarioligosaccharides; 1,3-β-D-glucan
16S rRNA gene; Cyanobacteria; ITS; Mastigocladus; Phylogeny
16S rRNA; Microseira wollei; morphology; unrecorded
16S rRNA; PCR; Microcystis; Anabaena; DNA sequence
16S-rDNA sequence; 2-methylisoborneol; musty odor; Phormidium tenue phylogenetic tree
18S rRNA; Chlamydomonas media; Chlamydomonas pseudomacrostigma; light microscopy; molecular phylogeny, phycology
18S rDNA sequence; Morphology; Phylogeny; Pyramimonas; Pyramimonas vacuolata sp. nov.; rbcL; Taxonomy; Ultrastructure
18S rDNA; "American"; "European"; Chlorella; ITS; Paramecium bursaria; Phylogeny
18S rDNA; Chlorella; endosymbiont; ITS; Paramecium bursaria; phylogeny
18S rDNA; Intron; Nephroselmis viridis; Phylogeny; Prasinophyceae; Ultrastructure
18S rDNA; JPCC DA0580; marine diatom; morphometric analyses
18S rDNA; aerial algae; molecular phylogeny; morphology; Trentepohlia bosseae var. brevicellulis
18S rDNA; hair scales; Nephroselmidales ord nov.; Nephroselmis anterostigmatica sp. nov.; phylogeny; Prasinophyceae; Pseudoscourfieldia marina; taxonomy; ultrastructure
18S rRNA gene; 16S rRNA gene; Symbiosis; Hatena arenicola; Nephroselmiis; Phylogeny
18S rRNA gene; 454 pyros equencing; Cryopreservation; Photosynthetic picoeukaryotes
18S rRNA gene; Asterococcus; Palmellopsidaceae; phylogeny; Tetrasporales
18S rRNA; Chloromonas; culture strain; Gloeomonas; light microscopy; new species; phycology; phylogeny
18S rRNA; Eustigmatophyceae; fatty acids; Goniochloridales; rbcL; Trebonskia zoosporica; zoospores
18S rRNA; actin gene; autosporulation; binary fission; budding; Chlorella; Chlorophyta; molecular phylogeny; TBR, tree bisection reconnection
18S rRNA; atpB; epitype; phylogeny; psaB; TEM; rbcL
18S rRNA; colonial; green algae; molecular phylogeny; unicellular; Volvocales
18SrDNA; Chaetopeltidales; Chaetophorales; Chlorophyceae; Dunaliellales, Hafniomonas; molecular phylogeny; Oltmannsiellopsis; Polytomella
19′-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin; Apical structure complex (ASC); Brachidinium; Chloroplast; Karenia; Karlodinium; Pyrenoid; Takayama
2-MIB; L/W ratio; Phormidium tenue; pigment; Pseudanabaena
2,4-Dinitrophenol; 2-Amino-4-nitrophenol; Anabaena variabilis; Anabaena cylindrica; Mixed culture
2,4-dichlorophenol; bioremediation; Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata; green algae; photosyntheis
2-Cys peroxiredoxin; antioxidant enzyme; growth potential; photosynthesis; oxidative stress
2-MIB; Pseudanabaena foetida var. intermedia; Pseudanabaena foetida var. subfoetida; secondary structure
2-MIB; Cyanobacteria; Gene expression; Metabolomics; Temperature-induction
2-Methylisoborneol (2-MIB); cyanobacteria; molecular probes; mibC; real-time PCR
2-Methylisoborneol (MIB); Taste & odor; Real time qPCR; MIB-Synthesis (mic) gene; Drinking water
2-cysteine peroxiredoxin; Chattonella marina var. antiqua; Exogenous H2O2 stress; Photosynthesis; Proteomics; Reactive oxygen species
3-hydroxy fatty acids; chemotaxonomy; fatty acid; non-polar fatty acids; planktonic cyanobacteria
3-ketoacyl ACP synthase; Medium chain fatty acid; Microalgae; Nannochloropsis
5-aminolevulinic acid; Spirulina platensis; phycocyanin; chlorophyll
5-aminolevulinic acid; chlorophyll a; chlorophyll b; 13C-NMR; [1-13C]glutamic acid; Scenedesmus obliquus
5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene; Chlorophyta; Eudorina; large subunit of ribulose-1; molecular phylogeny; morphology; taxonomy; Yamagishiella
5.8S rRNA; Calciodinellaceae; Internal transcribed spacer; Paleontology; Molecular systematics; Secondary structure
5.8S ribosomal RNA gene; Chlamydomonas
5S ribosomal RNA gene; Aeruginosin; Horizontal gene transfer; Microcystis; Prenyltransferase; Oscillatorin
7-hydroxy retinoic acid; RAR agonistic activity; cyanobacteria; UV stability
9-anthryldiazomethane; Chattonella antiqua; Chattonella marina; fluorescence detection; free fatty acid; Heterosigma akashiwo; reversed-phase HPLC
Aphanizomenon; Cyanobacteria; 16S rRNA; morphology; sequences; taxonomy
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; microarray; photosynthesis; plastid; red algae; sigma factor
Achnanthes longipes; Bacillariophyceae; biofouling; bromide; diatom; EPS secretion; image analysis; inhibition of adhesion; iodine; Lotus-FITC; stalks
Achnanthidium; freshwater; molecular phylogeny; morphology; rbcL; SSU; taxonomy
Acorus gramineus; aquatic and terrestrial plants; artificial floating island; Canna generalis; cyanobacterium; growth inhibition; Iris pseudacorus; Lythrum salicaria; Scirpus tabernaemontani; Typha angustifolia
Actinophrys sol; Antibiotic; Heliozoa; Monoxenic Culture
Actinophrys sol; Exocytosis; Extrusomes; Feeding behavior; Heliozoa; Prey adhesion
Acutodesmus obliquus; Chlorella sp.; Chlorella vulgaris; Lipid; Malaysia
Acutodesmus obliquus; bibliometric analysis; biorefinery; renewable energy; Scenedesmus obliquus; wastewater treatment
Ahanizomenon issatschenkoi; cyanotoxin; 16S rDNA; morphology; gene sequences; taxonomy
Akashiwo sanguinea; Allelopathy; Cell contact; Chattonella antiqua; Growth interaction; Growth simulation
Akashiwo sanguinea; アレロパシー; 増殖抑制; 中心目珪藻類
Akashiwo; Na+-ATPase; Na+, K+-ATPase; epitope mapping; antibody
Alexandrium catenella (Group I); Amoebophrya; Dinoflagellate; Parasite; 18S rDNA; 28S rDNA
Alexandrium; FISH method; LSU rRNA; molecular identification; paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP); probe; toxic dinoflagellate
Alteromonas; Chattonella antiqua; algicidal bacteria; harmful algal bloom; phenoxazinone antibiotics; questiomycins; red tide
Alvikia; Ancestral state reconstruction; Chlamydomonas moewusii; Chlorococcum; Eubrownia; Moewusinia; Parachlorococcum; Spongiococcum; Tetracystis
Amoebophrya; Bloom dynamics; Cochlodinium polykrikoides ; Parasitism; Uantitative real-time PCR
Anabaena bergii; Aphanizomenon ovalisporum; Nostocaceae; Stigonemataceae; Umezakia natans; 16S rDNA
Anabaena cylindrica; Chlorella vulgaris 11h; inorganic polyphosphate; 13P nuclear magnetic resonance of algae
Anabaena cylindrica; cAMP; cyanobacteria; membrane potential
Anabaena cylindrica; methionine sulfoximine; nitrate uptake; nitrite uptake
Anabaena cylindrica; superoxide dismutase; heterocyst; nitrogenase activity
Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413; carbonic anhydrase; CO2 effect; CO2 transport; cyanobacterium; photosynthesis
Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413; carotenogenesis; carotenoid; 4-hydroxymyxol; myxol
Anabaena variabilis; Anacystis nidulans; blue-green alga; lipid phase transition; low temperature effect; photosynthesis
Anabaena variabilis; Anacystis nidulans; blue-green alga; lipid phase transition; spin probe; thylakoid membrane
Anabaena variabilis; Anacystis nidulans; blue-green alga; lipid; thermal analysis; thylakoid membrane
Anabaena variabilis; Biohydrogen; Clostridium; Cyanobacterial polysaccharides; Nostoc commune; Rhodobacter capsulatus
Anabaena variabilis; CO2 accumulation; cyanobacterial growth; photosynthesis; sodium
Anabaena variabilis; blue-green alga (cyanobacterium); lipid-linked desaturation; mass spectroscopy; monogalactosyl diacylglycerol; palmitoleic acid biosynthesis
Anabaena variabilis; blue-green alga; carbonic anhydrase (EC4.2.1.1); cyanobacterium; enzyme purification
Anabaena variabilis; blue-green alga; dissociation kinetics; molecular assembly; phycobiliprotein; phycobilisome
Anabaena variabilis; blue-green alga; glucosyltransterase; glyceroglycolipids; monoglucosyl diacylglycerol
Anabaena variabilis; cyanobacterium; fatty acid desaturation; monogalactosyl diacylglycerol; temperature shift
Anabaena sp. PCC 7120; β-carotene; carotenoid; CrtR; CrtW; Nostoc punctiforme
Anabaena; Anabaena oumiana; culture, Japan, morphology, planktonic; rbcL; rbcX; rDNA; Sphaerospermum oumianum (M. Watanabe) Tuji et Niiyama comb. nov.
Anabaena; Aphanizomenon; 16S rDNA; 16S-23S rDNA; RubisCO spacer
Anabaena; Antibiotics; Biomarker; Bioreporter; Cyanobacteria; Ecotoxicology; Freshwater; Oxidative stress; Risk assessment
Anabaena; anatoxin-a; neurotoxin; Microcystis; microcystin; hepatotoxin; natural bloom; strain; Japanese freshwaters; simultaneous analysis of anatoxin-a and microcystin
Anabaena; blue-native PAGE; Cyanophora paradoxa; PSI; supercomplex
Anabaena; carbon dioxide fixation; cyanobacterium; IC transport photosynthesis
Anabaena; carbonic anhydrase; IC transport; photosynthesis; sodium
Anabaena; carotenogenesis; carotenoid; 4-ketomyxol 2'-fucoside; Nostoc
Anabaena; computer; cyanobacteria; database system; identification; morphology
Anabaena; cyanobacteria; identification; morphology; planktic; taxonomy
Anabaena; heterocyst; iron-superoxide dismutase (immunogold labeling)
Anabaena; plankton; blue-green algae; Cyanophyta; taxonomy
Anacystis nidulans; cyanobacterium; cytoplasmic membrane; glucolipid; lipid biosynthesis; thylakoid membrane
Anguilla japonica; density dependence; feeding behaviour; feeding selectivity; photoperiodic condition
Apusomonas; Apusomonadidae; Opisthokonta; Amoebozoa; protists; evolution
Artemia; bioassay; biocide; biphenyl; marina; Skeletonema
Arthrospira platensis NIES-39; Na+/H+ antiporters; pH; Real-time PCR; CPA family
Arthrospira platensis NIES-46; filamentous cyanobacterium; genome; hydrogen production; phylogeny; Spirulina
Arthrospira platensis; Daphnia magna; Essential biochemicals; Food quality
Arthrospira platensis; Spirulina; restriction enzyme; DNA methyltransferase; edible cyanobacteria
Arthrospira platensis; Aspartic acid; Monosodium glutamate; Metabolic stress
Arthrospira platensis; Bicarbonate; Dissolved oxygen; Energy-efficient; Membrane; Pervaporation
Arthrospira platensis; Glycogen; Cyanobacteria; Light intensity; Nitrogen starvation
Arthrospira platensis; Thylakoid; PBsomes; Alkalinity; PSII; PSI; TEM
Arthrospira platensis; cell movement; cyanobacteria; gliding motility; helix; multicellularity; spirulina; temperature compensation
Arthrospira platensis; cyanobacterium; blue-green alga; electroporation; feed enzyme; poultry; Spirulina; transformation
Arthrospira platensis; whole genome sequencing; cell size; harvest; microfluidic
Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis NIES-39; Biomass productivity; Floating closed culture system; Modified seawater medium; Outdoor sulture
Arthrospira (Spirulina); cpcBA-IGS; phylogenetic analysis; 16S rRNA gene
Arthrospira; Dunaliella; Microalgae; Molecular identification; non-axenic culture; rbcL gene marker
Arthrospira; ggpS; Glucosylglycerol; Osmolyte; Synechococcus
Arthrospira; CarotenoidEuglena; Oxygenic phototrophs; Z-ISO; ζ-carotene isomerase
Arthrospira; carbon dioxide; CO2 capture and utilization; mass balance; medium recycle; pH
Arthrospira; cyanobacteria; gas vacuoles; gas vesicles; gvpA; gvpC; gvpN; internal transcribed spacer (ITS)
Audouinella; Batrachospermum; Chantransia macrospora; freshwater algae; introduced species; macroalgae
Azolla fern; Cyanobacterial symbiont; Phylogenetic relationship
Bacilladnavirus; Chaetoceros; Diatom; ssDNA; Virus; Rod-shaped particle
Bacillarnavirus; Chaetoceros; diatom; ssRNA; virus
Bacillus licheniformis; Microcystis aeruginosa; algicidal bacterium; biocontrol agent; cyanobacterial blooms
Bacillus sp.; Gene expressions; Lytic characteristics; Microcystis aeruginosa; Oxidative stress; Photosynthesis inhibition
Balticola; coloniality; divergence time; evolution; molecular phylogeny
Basichlamys sacculifera; Chlorophyta; cladistic analysis; phylogeny; Tetrabaenaceae; ultrastructure; Volvocales
Bigelowiella; Chlorarachnion; culture collections; Gymnochlora; internal transcribed spacer; Lotharella; Norrisiella; Partenskyella
Bolidomonas; diatoms; diplontic; haplodiplontic; life cycle; Parmales; transcriptome
Botryococcus braunii; Haematococcus lacustris; astaxanthin; lipid; nanobubble water
Botryococcus braunii; Blast furnace slag; Growth promotion; Lipid production; Steelmaking slag
Botryococcus braunii; Colony regeneration; Microalgae; Nutrient limitation; Single-cell preparation
Botryococcus braunii; Hydrocarbon; Heterotrophy; Photoautotrophy
Botryococcus braunii; Hydrocarbons; Biofuel; Matrix; Extraction
Botryococcus braunii; Paraquat; Methyl viologen; Basta; Glufosinate
Brachionus plicatilis; Dinophyceae; harmful algal bloom species; lethal effect on rotifers; Raphidophyceae
Breviolum minutum; Acidification; Metabolomics; LC-MS; Photophysiology; Acclimation
Bryopsis sp.; Ecdysis; Gambierdiscus toxicus; 1-O-palmitoyl-3-O-(6'-sulfo-a-d-quinovopyrano-syl)-sn-glycerol; Sulfoquinovosyl monoacylglycerols
Bulboplastis apyrenoidosa; chloroplast; Golgi body; mannitol; nucleus-associated organelles; small subunit rDNA; ultrastructure; unicellular red alga
Calothrix sp. NIES-4101; Cyanobacteria; Differentiation; Heterocysts; nif
Carpediemonas-like organisms; cell division; cytoskeleton; flagellar apparatus; microtubules; ultrastructure
Carpediemonas-like organisms; diplomonads; Excavata; hydrogenosomes; mitochondria; mitosomes
Carteria miwae; Chloromonas miwae comb. nov.; Chlorophyceae; molecular phylogeny; morphology; sexual cycle; snow algae; taxonomy; Volvocales
Carteria; large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase (rbcL) gene; microalgae; molecular phylogeny; monophyly; natural systematics; species concepts; species taxonomy; Volvocales
Caudivolvoxa; Chlamydomonas neoplanoconvexa nom. nov.; molecular phylogeny; morphology; pyrenoid; Volvocales
Cercomonas; Eocercomonas; Paracercomonas; Cavernomonas; 18S rDNA phylogeny; Agitata
Chaetoceros tenuissimus; detection; diatom; enumeration; TaqMan-based real-time PCR
Chara corallina; Chara globularis; Alkaline band; Acid band; SEM
Chara; Plant evolution; Model plants; Charophytesas
Chatonella verruculosa; Dictyochophyceae; flagellar apparatus; harmful algal bloom; phylogenetic analysis; Pseudochattonella verruculosa; Raphidophyceae
Chattonella antiqua; Chattonella marina; Chattonella ovata; COI; COX1; Genetic diversity; ITS; Microsatellite; Morphology; Phylogeny; Population; Raphidophyceae; rbcL; Speciation; Taxonomy
Chattonella antiqua; Chattonella marina; Chattonella subsalsa; chemotaxonomy; fatty acids; Fibrocapsa japonica; Heterosigma akashiwo; Olisthodiscus luteus; phycotoxins; raphydophytes; sterols
Chattonella antiqua; Diel vertical migration; Hydrogen peroxide; Nutrient stratification; Reactive oxygen species; Superoxide anion
Chattonella antiqua; Humic substance; Iron; Artificial medium; Culture experiment
Chattonella antiqua; diurnal vertical migration; Heterosigma akashiwo; nitrate and phosphate uptakes; red tide
Chattonella antiqua; growth potential; maximum quantum yield of photosystem II; physiological status; proteomic analysis
Chattonella marina var. antiqua; Chattonella marina var. marina; genetic structure; isolation by distance; microsatellite marker; population genetics
Chattonella marina; 2-Cys peroxiredoxin; H2O2 scavenging activity; strong light; harmful algal bloom species; nuclear-encoded plastid RNA polymerase; plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase
Chattonella marina; Siganus oramin; Harmful algae; Hypoxia; Rabbitfish
Chattonella marina; Iron; Nutrient; pH; Physical parameters; Plasma membrane; Reactive oxygen species; Redox
Chattonella marina; Quantitative PCR; Reference gene
Chattonella marina; free fatty acid; galactolipase; monogalactosyldiacylglycerol
Chattonella sp.; cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1); cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (cox2); genetic diversity; harmful algae; mitochondria
Chattonella; C. globosa; C. minima; C. ovata; C. verruculosa; Raphidophyceae; red tide organisms; taxonomy
Chattonella; Chattonella marina comb. nov.; Raphidophyceae; red tides; taxonomy; ultrastructure
Chattonella; Fibrocapsa; Heterosigma; PCR; Raphidophyceae; Taqman
Chattonella; Fibrocapsa; artificial media; molybdenum; iodine
Chattonella; Genome evolution; Heterosigma; Mitochondrial genome; Red tide
Chattonella; cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1); diatoms; group II intron; lateral transfer; Raphidophyceae
Chattonella; fish mortality; harmful algal bloom; manganese; reactive oxygen species; superoxide
Chattonella; genetic homogeneity; phylogenetic analysis; Raphidophyceae; rRNA gene family
Chattonella; harmful algal bloom; microsatellite; phytoplankton; Raphidophyceae; red tide
Chattonella; identification; immunofluorescence; inter-species; intra-species; method; monoclonal antibody; red tide
Chattonella; 赤潮; 栄養塩; 窒素; 鉄; バイオアッセイ; 八代海; リン
Chlamydomonas gerloffii; Chlamydomonas subangulosa; Chloromonas difformis nom. nov.; Chloromonas typhlos; molecular phylogeny; morphology; taxonomy
Chlamydomonas parkeae; Chlorophyta; chloroplast small-subunit (SSU) rRNA; phylogeny; pigment composition
Chlamydomonas perpusilla; Chlamydomonas pumilio; culture strain; taxonomy
Chlamydomonas pulsatilla; euryhaline species; acetate; nutrition; supra-littoral rockpool
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Co-cultivation; Photosynthesis; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Transcriptome analysis
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Chlamydomonas smithii; matrix metalloprotease genes; molecular phylogeny
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Cryptomonas tetrapyrenoidosa; post-embryonic development; tropical copepod; zooplankton
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Carbon-concentrating mechanism; CO2-signal transduction; High-CO2-requiring mutants
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Chlamydomonadaceae; Green alga; Enzyme characterization; d-Amino acid; d-Threonine aldolase; Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Chlorophyceae; distribution; phycology; species; taxonomy
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Co-cultivation; Photosynthesis; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Mutagenesis; Transcriptome analysis
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Electroporation; Photosynthesis; Protist; Square electric pulse
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Electroporation; Square electric pulse; Transformation
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; NaCl; CaCl2; Lipid accumulation; Biofuel production
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Two-dimensional polymer; Stacking structure; Cell-plastics
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; benzophenone-1; benzophenone-3; joint toxicity; response surface methodology
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; cDNA; EST; CO2 stress
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; co-culture; Escherichia coli; photosynthesis; symbiotic relationship
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; lipid production; mixotrophy; sewage effluent; organic waste
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; whey; whey retentate; cellular response; transcriptomics; biomass; mineral; potassium
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Δ5-unsaturated bis-methylene-interrupted fatty acids; fatty acid desaturase; Pichia pastoris; tobacco plant
Chlamydomonas (Chlorophyta); chloroplast; CO2 concentration; pyrenoid; starch; stroma
Chlamydomonas subg.; Amphichloris; Dangeardinia; Ixipapillifera; mitochondria; molecular phylogeny; morphology; new species; Rhysamphichloris; taxonomy; Volvocales
Chlamydomonas; Chloromonas; Chlorophyceae; culture strain; distribution; Japan; phylogeny; taxonomy
Chlamydomonas; Chloromonas; CO2-concentrating mechanism; molecular phylogeny; pyrenoid; ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase
Chlamydomonas; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis; phosphatidylethanolamine methyltransferase; phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase
Chlamydomonas; Gonium; Pleodorina; Volvox; mitochondrion; chloroplast
Chlamydomonas; Chlorophyceae; gel electrophoresis; mitochondrial DNA conformation; phylogeny
Chlamydomonas; Delta 5 desaturase; Diacylglyceryl-N,N,N-trimethylhomoserine; Fatty acid; Phosphatidylcholine
Chlamydomonas; ITS-2; Microglena; molecular phylogeny; phycology; synonymy
Chlamydomonas; Internal Transcribed Spacer; phylogenetics; population genetics; ribosomal cistrons
Chlamydomonas; genome architecture; Mesostigma; mutation rate; silent substitution rate
Chlamydomonas; phylogeny; Volvocales
Chlamydomonas; pyrenoid; ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO); stroma
Chlamydomonas; tetraploid; chloroplast gene transmission; DAPI staining
Chlorella ellipsoidea; C. fusca; C. kessleri; C. saccharophila; C. sorokiniana; C. vulgaris; Chlorophyta; anisotropy; cell wall sugar composition; chemotaxonomy; Ruthenium Red staining
Chlorella ellipsoidea; deuterium oxide; growth delay; isotope effect; ultrastractural changes
Chlorella ellipsoidea; deuterium; isotope effect; photosynthetic metabolism of carbon
Chlorella kessleri; Freshwater green algae; Low temperature; Moderate light; Seawater; Triacylglycerol
Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick; cyclic β-keto esters; biotransformation; alkoxycarbolyl group elimination; carbonyl group reduction
Chlorella saccharophila; ellipsoidal species of Chlorella; pyrenoid-lacking Chlorella-like algae: Watanabea gen. et sp. nov.
Chlorella sorokiniana; Large-scale microalgae production; Outdoor raceway ponds; Photobioreactor; Water temperature control
Chlorella sorokiniana; anaerobic digestion effluent; maximum algal yield; nutrient removal rate; aquatic macrophytes
Chlorella variabilis; Alga-paramecium symbiosis; Algal nitrogen metabolism; Amino acid transporters
Chlorella variabilis; ITS2; Micractinium reisseri; Paramecium bursaria; species concept
Chlorella vulgaris; Microcystis aeruginosa; batch culture; non-volatile organic acids; dissolved organic carbon
Chlorella vulgaris; Vibrio anguillarum; Biocontrol; Sulfitobacter sp.
Chlorella vulgaris; Ammonium; pH; Free ammonia; Cell components; Extracellular organic matters
Chlorella vulgaris; CO2 fixation; starch; sucrose; temperature (starch degradation)
Chlorella vulgaris; Chlorophyceae; phospholyrase; starch; ADP-glucose; UDP-glucose
Chlorella vulgaris; Chlorophyceae; phosphorylase; photosynthesis; starch; temperature
Chlorella vulgaris; Clay; Cyanobacteria; Phormidium parchydematicum; Turbid material
Chlorella vulgaris; DOF transcriptional factor; Transgene; Lipid production
Chlorella vulgaris; Digestate; Mixed culture; Yarrowia lipolytica
Chlorella vulgaris; algal-bacterial association; bacteria; co-cultivation; consortium
Chlorella vulgaris; aquaculture effluent; nutrient consumption; feed utilisation; amino acids
Chlorella vulgaris; chloroplast; microsatellite; marker; polymorphism; sequence repeat
Chlorella vulgaris; cold-tolerant; PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids); calorific value
Chlorella vulgaris; group I intron; intron phylogeny; intron transposition; large subunit ribosomal DNA; NC64A
Chlorella vulgaris; heavy metals; nitrogen; phosphorus
Chlorella virus; alginate lyase; lysis
Chlorella-like alga; ciliate; later homonym; nomenclature; photobiont; symbiosis
Chlorella; Didymogenes; group 1 intron; internal transcribed spacer 2; Micractinium; species concept
Chlorella; Graesiella emersonii comb. nov.; green algae; morphology; taxonomy
Chlorella; HaeIII family; repetitive sequence; tandem repeat
Chlorella; CO2 concentration; electron microscopy; pyrenoid starch; Scenedesmus
Chlorella; CO2 fixation; glucose-polymer; glycolate; sucrose; temperature
Chlorella; Halophiles; High ammonium; Parachlorella, Parachlorella kimitsuensis sp. nov.; Remediation; Steelmaking wastewater treatment
Chlorella; Oleaginous yeast; Artificial consortium; Mixed culture; Microbial lipid production
Chlorella; Phycodnaviridae; chlorovirus; PBCV-1; algal lytic activity; cell wall degrading activity; alginate-like lyase
Chlorella; Salt stress; Green algae; Lipid droplets; Biodiesel; Commercialization
Chlorella; Starch; Lipid; Microplate; Trade-off
Chlorella; asymmetric reduction; ethyl 2-methyl 3-oxobutanoate; (2S, 3S)-ethyl 2-methyl 3-hydroxybutanoate; (2S, 3R)-ethyl 2-methyl 3-hydroxybutanoate
Chlorella; genus definition; rRNA structure
Chlorella; photosynthetic CO2 fixation; starch metabolism; temperature
Chlorella; plasma membrane; sulfite; transport
Chlorinimonas sublosa gen. et sp. nov.; Phylogeny; Raphidophyceae; Taxonomy; Ultrastructure
Chlorocystis; distribution; Halochlorococcum; Ignatius; ITS-2 secondary structure; marine coccoids; SSU/ITS phylogeny; Symbiochlorum
Chlorogonium complexum sp. nov.; Chlorophyceae; molecular phylogeny; morphology; pyrenoids; taxonomy
Chlorogonium; Chlorogonium kasakii sp. nov.; Chlorophyta; molecular phylogeny; monophyletic species; morphology; natural systematics; rbcL gene; species taxonomy; Volvocales
Chlorogonium; Gungnir gen.nov.; molecular phylogeny; morphology; Rusalka gen.nov.; taxonomy; ultrastructure; Volvocales
Chlorogonium; Hamakko gen. nov.; molecular phylogeny; Tabris gen. nov.; taxonomy; ultrastructure; Volvocales
Chlorogonium; Chlorophyceae; culture strain; distribution; taxonomy
Chlorogonium; Chlorophyceae; culture strain; molecular phylogeny; monophyletic species; 18S rRNA; species taxonomy
Chlorogonium; Chlorophyta; morphology; neotype strain; species identification; Volvocales
Chloromonadinia; Chloromonas fukushimae; Chloromonas tenuis; Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Snow algae; Taxonomy; Ultrastructure
Chloromonadinia; Chloromonas kasaiae; Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Taxonomy; Ultrastructure; Volvocales
Chloromonadinia; Chloromonas; Chloromonas chlorococcoides comb. nov.; Chloromonas lineage; Chloromonas typhlos comb. nov.; Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Taxonomy; Ultrastructure; Volvocales
Chloromonadinia; Chloromonas; evolution; Gloeomonas; molecular phylogeny; pyrenoid; ultrastructure; Volvocales
Chloromonadinia; Coarsely striated proximal fiber (CSPF); Distal connecting fiber-associated layered structure (DFLS); Gloeomonas rubrifilum comb. nov.; Ixipapillifera; Morphological novelty
Chloromonas brevispina; Chloromonas krienitzii sp. nov.; Chloromonas nivalis; Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Snow algae; Ultrastructure
Chloromonas; Evolution; Green algae; Hydrophobicity of RBCS helices; Pyrenoid; Pyrenoid loss; Rubisco small subunit (RBCS)
Choricystis; Lewiniosphaera; Freshwater sponges; Endosymbiosis
Chroomonas; contractile vacuole; cryptomonads; floridoside; osmolarity; osmoregulation; osmotolerance; phylogeny
Chroomonas; novel species; phylogeny; ancient DNA; revision; Cryptophyceae
Chrysochromulina; Freshwater; Scale-less; Electron microscopy; Morphology; Cryptic species complexes
Closteriu; Conjugation; Parthenospore; Pheromone; Sexual reproduction
Closterium aciculare; freshwater phytoplankton; growth; iron-complexing ligand; iron-deficient conditions
Closterium ehrenbergii; Triclosan; sexual reproduction; vegetative reproduction; comet assay
Closterium ehrenbergii; chemoattractant; conjugation; sexual pheromone; protoplast-release inducing protein
Closterium ehrenbergii; conjugation; desmids; mating type; sexual reproduction
Closterium ehrenbergii; desmids; mating group; multiple-choice mating; no-choice mating; sexual interactions; sexual isolation; time-lapse photomicrography
Closterium ehrenbergii; pheromone; sexual reproduction
Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale; Immunoelectron microscopy; Protoplast release-inducing protein; Sex pheromone; Sexual reproduction; Zygote formation
Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale; conjugation; disruped cell; mating type interaction; protoplast release
Closterium: heterothallism; homothallism; reproductive isolation; sex pheromone
Closterium; Conjugation; Homotallism; Heterothallism: Dexual reproduction; Zygospore
Closterium; Conjugation; Homothallic; Homothallism; Sex pheromone; Sexual reproduction; Zygospore
Closterium; Cytokinesis; Myosin XI; Real-time PCR; Sexual cell division; Sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation (Closterium); protoplast-release-inducing protein; pheromone
Closterium; conjugation; EST; sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation; gametangial cell; pheromone; sexual cell division; sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation; gamete mating; sex pheromone, sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation; heterothallic; pheromone; sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation; mucilage; protoplast release; sex pheromone; sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation; pheromone; PR-IP; sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation; pheromone; reproductive isolation; sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation; pheromone; sexual cell division; sexual reproduction
Closterium; conjugation; pheromone; sexual reproduction; RACE-PCR
Closterium; electroporation; evolution; transformation; Zygnematophyceae
Closterium; fertility; hybrid breakdown; post-zygotic isolating mechanism; viability
Closterium; green algae; peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS); peroxisome; transport
Closterium; mucilage; sex pheromone; sexual reproduction
Clostreium complex; inducer (of protoplast-release-inducing protein); pheromone; protoplast-release-inducing protein (PR-IP); sexual reproduction
Clostreium; conjugation (Closterium); glycoprotein; protoplast release in conjugation
Clostreium; conjugation (Closterium); protoplast-release; inducing protein; pheromone; receptor
Clostreium; conjugation; gamete; mating; sex pheromone; sexual reproduction
Clostreium; conjugation; glycoprotein; protoplast release in conjugation
Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169; Hygromycin B resistance; Electrotransformation; Electroporation; Stable genome transformation
Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169; Elevated CO2; Lipid accumulation; Transcriptomic analysis; Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase; Pyruvate carboxylase; Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase II; Ferredoxin; Vacuolar; H+-ATPase
Coccomyxa subellipsoidea; CO2 fixation; Protein; Lutein; Stepwise feeding
Coccomyxa subellipsoidea; Proton-pumping rhodopsin; Optogenetics; Localization of the microbial rhodopsin in eukaryotes; Chlorella vulgaris
Coccomyxa; fatty acid profile lipid; nitrogen and phosphorus deprivation; Trebouxiophyceae
Coolia malayensis; Cooliatoxin; High-resolution MS; Morphology; NanoLC/MS; Molecular phylogeny
Craticula citrus; Craticula pseudocitrus sp. nov.; Lake Kasumigaure; Navicula citrus
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Cyanidium caldarium; Plastid genome; Rhodophyta
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Galdieria sulphuraria; heterotroph; mixotroph; plasma membrane sugar transporter
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; ftsZ; Mitochondrial division; Plastid division; Primitive red alga
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) stable genome transformation
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Hemagglutinin; Polyethylene glycol; Transformation; Transient expression system
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Lhcr; photosystem I; phycobilisomes; proteomics
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Microalgae; Phycocyanin; Protein extraction; Red algae
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Nitrate assimilation; Nitrite reductase; Nitrogen regulation; Red alga; Sulfite reductase
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; RNA-seq; CO2 limitation; Photorespiration
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; glutamine synthetase; localization; nitrogen assimilation; red alga
Cyanidioschyzon merolae; red algae; plastid; genome sequencing
Cyanidium caldarium; Chroococcidiopsis sp.; hot spring algae; chemotaxonomy; low MW carbohydrates; floridoside; iso-floridoside; autotroph; heterotroph
Cyanidium caldarium; Excitation-energy transfer; PSI-LHCI; Red algae
Cyanidium caldarium; Rhodophyta; red algae; polyamines; chemotaxonomy
Cyanobium sp.; Deep-sea mining; Delayed fluorescence; Ecotoxicological bioassay; Heavy metal
Cyanophora paradoxa; Glaucophyta; Peripheral morphology; Field emission scanning electron microscopy; Transmission electron microscopy
Cyanophora paradoxa; glaucocystophyte; light harvesting complex; photosystem I; PsaD; PsaL
Cyanophora paradoxa; glaucocystophyte; oxygen evolution; photosystem II; PsbO; thylakoid membranes
Cyanophora; field-emission scanning electron microscopy; freeze-fracture method; Glaucophyta; molecular phylogeny; morphology; new species; secondary structure of nuclear rDNA ITS-2; taxonomy; ultrastructure
Cyclops; molt; fecal pellet; variations; growth and development
Cyclotella meneghiniana; developmental plasticity; diatoms; fultoportulae; genotype–environment interaction; salinity; strutted processes
Daphnia pulex; filter‐screen enlargement; hemoglobin synthesis; neck teeth formation; phenotypic plasticity
Daphnia kairomone; Scenedesmus; aliphatic sulfate; absolute configulation
Daphnia kairomone; Scenedesmus; aliphatic sulfate; absolute configuration
Daphnia kairomone; Scenedesmus; aliphatic sulfate; aliphatic sulfamate
Dolichospermum circinale; Dolichospermum hangangense; distribution; phylogeny, Japan
Dolichospermum hangangense; morphology; rbcLX; 16S rRNA; 16S-23S ITS
Dolichospermum; Aphanizomenon; Anabaena; Mobilome; Genome synteny; Cyanotoxin genes
Dunaliella salina; Phytoene synthase; Overexpression; Electroporation; β-carotene
Dunaliella tertiolecta; microalgae; cryopreservation; encapsulation-dehydration
Dunaliella sp.; Green algae; Saline lake; Antarctica
Dunaliella; internal transcribed spacer; phylogenetics; rDNA; sequencing; strains; taxonomy
Dunaliella; photosynthesis; polyphosphates; response surface model
Emiliania huxleyi; Gephyrocapsa oceanica; Haptophyte; Nonacosadiene; Noelaerhabdaceae; Long chain alkene; Biomarker
Eremosphaera; Japan; oogamy; receptive papilla; sexual reproduction
Escherichia coli; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; cellular response; transcriptomics
Eudorina elegans; Eudorina minodii; Eudorina unicocca; Eudorina peripheralis; Chlorophyceae; molecular phylogeny; morpholohy; taxsonomy; Volvocales
Eudorina minodii comb. nov.; molecular phylogeny; morphology; Pandorina minodii; taxonomy; Volvocales
Eudorina; linear mitochondrial DNA; telomere; Volvox; Yamagishiella
Euglena anabaena var. minor; Euglena gracilis; paramylon
Euglena gracilis Z; immunoelectron microscopy; chloroplast; RuBisCO; three-dimensional distribution
Euglena gracilis Z; intracellular inorganic carbon accumulation; photosynthesis
Euglena gracilis; Biofuel; Wax ester; Paramylon; Biomass; fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase; Photosynthesis
Euglena gracilis; Circadian rhythms; Intraspecific Plasticity
Euglena gracilis; Ferulic acid; Paramylon; Photosynthetic pigments
Euglena gracilis; Lignosulfonates; Photosynthetic pigment; Lipid accumulation; Multivariate analysis
Euglena gracilis; Mannitol; Xylitol; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Multivariate analy
Euglena gracilis; Microalgae; genome editing; ribonucleoproteins; CRISPR/Cas9; transgene free; knock-in; single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides
Euglena gracilis; Phenolic compounds; Lignin; Carotenoids; Lipid
Euglena gracilis; Phytic acid; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Multivariate analysis; Phytas
Euglena gracilis; Time-resolved fuorescence; Photoprotection; Photosynthesis
Euglena gracilis; Vanillic acid; Growth; Photosynthetic pigments; Biochemical composition
Euglena gracilis; biomass production; domestic wastewater; nutrient removal
Euglena gracilis; blue and red light; chloroplast development
Euglena gracilis; carotenoid; norflurazon; dark acclimation; posttranscriptional regulation
Euglena gracilis; dark proplastid development; incorporation; cytoplasmic structure
Euglena gracilis; paramylon; associated bacteria; growth promotion; paramylon production promotion; co-culture; Emticicia sp.; Enterobacter sp.
Euglena; Golgi apparatus; immunogold localization; LHCP II
Euglena; paramylon; biomass productivity; cost
Fischerella: Mastigocladus: Distribution: Thermophile: Nitrogen fxation: Photosynthesis: Multicellularity: Hot springs
Fistulifera; Mayamaea permitis; Mayamaea pseudoterrestris sp., nov.; Mayamaea terrestris; Navicula pelliculosa; UTEX 664
Galdieria sulphuraria; Heterotrophy; Monosaccharides; Pigmentation; Rhodophyta; Sugar alchols
Galdieria sulphuraria; Metal recovery; Red algae; Rare earth elements; Copper
Galdieria sulphuraria; Rhodophyta; Phosphomannomutase; Mannose-1,6-bisphosphate; Reaction mechanism
Gambierdiscus excentricus; maitotoxin-4; bioguided fractionation; size-exclusion chromatography (LH-20); neuro-2a (N2a) assay; LC-HRMS/MS (Q-Tof 6550); LC-LRMS/MS (API4000 QTrap)
Gambierdiscus; Ciguatera; RFLP; LSU rDNA
Gonium; Chlamydomonas; Volvox; mating locus; evolution; Genetics of Sex
Gonyostomum semen; ITS; LSU; phylogeography; raphidophyte SSU
Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis; Rhodophyta; Allophycocyanin; Expression; Fluorescence
Gymnodinium mikimotoi; virus; red tide
H. pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Nutrients designing; Optimization; Light-feeding strategy
Haematococcus lacustris; Astaxanthin; NGS; Phycosphere
Haematococcus lacustris; Astaxanthin; Ultrasonication; Cell division
Haematococcus lacustris; Astaxanthin; pH shock; Biological change; Mass culture
Haematococcus lacustris; Carotenoids; Caenorhabditis elegans; Lifespan; Antioxidation
Haematococcus lacustris; Microfabricated structure; Astaxanthin; ROS; Mechanical stimulation
Haematococcus pluvialis
Haematococcus pluvialis; Paraphysoderma sedebokerensis; Acidic cultivation; Stress relief; Astaxant
Haematococcus pluvialis; Phaffia rhodozyma; Astaxanthin synthesis; Coconut milk
Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin recovery; Aqueous extraction; Demulsification
Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Biomass; Attached cultivation; Photoinduction
Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Cyst germination; Outdoor semi-continuous culture; Power plant flue gas
Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Ethanol; ipi; Fed-batch induction
Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Nanoparticle; Aminoclay; Lipid
Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Photo-inducible mutant; Photo-sensitivity
Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Polymeric thin-film photobioreactor; Autotrophic buffer system; Flue gas
Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Wet ball mill extraction; Antioxidant activities
Haematococcus pluvialis; Autotrophic astaxanthin production; High-throughput screening; Azide-based colorimetric assay; Oil-based astaxanthin extraction method
Haematococcus pluvialis; Autotrophic; Bubble column photobioreactor; Scale-up; Hydrodynamic property
Haematococcus pluvialis; Biomineralization; Omega-3 fatty acids; Astaxanthin
Haematococcus pluvialis; C/N metabolism; Astaxanthin biosynthesis; Series-gradient-fed strategy; Hyper-production
Haematococcus pluvialis; CO2 feeding; Productivity; CO2 bio-fixation; RuBisCO activity
Haematococcus pluvialis; Disodium 2-oxoglutarate; Astaxanthin production; Fatty acids biosynthesis; Carbon allocation
Haematococcus pluvialis; Heat shock protein 90; cDNA cloning; qRT-PCR; mRNA expression
Haematococcus pluvialis; Lighting/CO2 balance; Astaxanthin; Polyunsaturated fatty acids; Carbon bio-sequestration
Haematococcus pluvialis; Mixotrophy; Sodium acetate; Glucose; Mixotrophic metabolism
Haematococcus pluvialis; One-pot method; Cell wall disruption; Extraction; Astaxanthin; Antioxidant activity; GRAS solvent
Haematococcus pluvialis; Photoautotrophic culture; Astaxanthin; Summer outdoor conditions; Red cyst cell (aplanospore) inoculation method; Iron(Fe2+) supplementation method
Haematococcus pluvialis; Photobioreactor; Astaxanthin; Photosynthetic efficiency
Haematococcus pluvialis; Proline; Biomass; Astaxanthin productivity; Abiotic stresses
Haematococcus pluvialis; airlift bubble column; liquid circulation;nirate concentration; astaxanthin
Haematococcus pluvialis; astaxanthin; photosynthetic efficiency; microfluidics; photobioreactor
Haematococcus pluvialis; autotrophic culture; bubble column; Fed-batch; nitrate concentration astaxanthin
Haematococcus pluvialis; high-pressure homogenization; astaxanthin; cyst; cell disruption
Haematococcus; Astaxanthin production; Light intensity; Aeration
Haramonas dimorpha gen et sp. nov.; mangrove; Raphidophyceae; taxonomy; tubular invagination; ultrastructure
Haramonas pauciplastida sp. nov.; phylogeny; Raphidophyceae; small subunit rDNA; taxonomy; ultrastructure
Hatena arenicola; Nephroselmis; kleptochloroplastidy; feeding behavior; mitosis; ultrastructure
Heterocapsa circularisquama; hemolysis; shellfish toxicity; harmful phytoplankton
Heterocapsa circularisquama; irradiance; light wavelengths; light-emitting diode; Skeletonema costatum
Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophycean); nitrate; plasma membrane; protein
Heterosigma akashiwo; Akashiwo sanguinea; Allelopathy; Polysaccharide−protein complex; Cell contact; Growth interaction; Growth simulation
Heterosigma akashiwo; Chattonella antiqua; algae; Raphidophyceae; lipids; fatty acids; sterols; chemotaxonomy; red tides
Heterosigma akashiwo; Harmful alga; Raphidophyceae; Life history; Life cycle; Sexual reproduction; Hologamete; Homothallism; Zygote (large cell); Multiple cells; Cell cluster; Cyst cluster
Heterosigma akashiwo; blooms; nuclear rDNA; rbcS; IGS
Heterosigma akashiwo; marine alga; Na+ transport; Na+-APTase [EC]; plasma membrane
Heterosigma akashiwo; nutrients; photoperiod; vertical migration
Heterosigma; Olisthodiscus luteus; Raphidophyceae; red tide flagellate; taxonomy of Olisthodiscus; ultrastructure of Olisthodiscus
Karenia mikimotoi; Karlodinium veneficum; Heterosigma akashiwo; Molecular monitoring; rDNA; 454 high throughput environmental; sequencing; SEM
Karenia mikimotoi; Skeletonema costatum; Heterosigma akashiwo; 赤潮プランクトン; 有機態リン; アルカリフォスファターゼ
Kirchneriella; Neocystis mucosa sp. nov..; Nephrochlamys; Raphidocelis; Rhombocystis; Selenastrum; SSU rRNA gene phylogeny; taxonomy; Tetranephris; ultrastructure
Klebsormidium flaccidum; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Arabidopsis thaliana; extracellular lipids; polyester backbone; wax; cuticle
Marnaviridae; algal bloom; algal viruses; icosahedral viruses; ssRNA viruses
Mayamaea pseudoterrestris; ecotoxicological test; metal toxicity; gliding motility; oxidative stress
Mesostigma viride; Streptophyta; contractile vacuole; 3-D reconstruction; transmission electron microscopy
Mesostigma viride; evolution; green algae; multicellularity; Streptophyta
Mesostigma viride; land plant evolution; Streptophyta; histogenetic meristem; gene family
Mesostigma; Coleochaete; Pterosperma; Nephroselmis; Mantoniella; Streptophyta; Viridiplantae; α-tubulin; β-tubulin
Micractinium tetrahymenae; Tetrahymena; Utricularia; facultative endosymbiosis; ciliate-algae symbiosis
Micractinium sp.; High-CO2-acclimation; Vitamin; γ-Aminobutyric acid; C18 unsaturated fatty acid
Microcystis aeruginosa Kützing; Lemna japonica Landolg; microcystin; allelochemicals; reciprocal allelopathic responses; growth; eutrophic waters
Microcystis aeruginosa; Anabaena variabilis; Low-pressure ultraviolet lamp; Medium-pressure ultraviolet lamp; DNA damage; Photosynthetic activity
Microcystis aeruginosa; Algal organic matter; Powdered activated carbon; 2-methylisoborneol; Competitive adsorption
Microcystis aeruginosa; Algicidal activity; Predator and prey; Streptomyces
Microcystis aeruginosa; Cyanobacterial proteins; Coagulation; Affinity chromatography; Polyaluminum chloride
Microcystis aeruginosa; Extracellular polymeric substances; Copper(II); Adsorption kinetics; Adsorption isotherm
Microcystis aeruginosa; Lectin; Iron uptake; Toxin production; Polysaccharide
Microcystis aeruginosa; MALDI-TOFMS; Cyanobacterial bloom; Ribosomal protein
Microcystis aeruginosa; Microcystins; Algicidal bacteria; Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Microcystis aeruginosa; Photosynthesis; Gene expression; Chlorophyll a fluorescence
Microcystis aeruginosa; Quantitative PCR; 16S-23S rDNA ITS fegion; Selective detection; Intra-species variation
Microcystis aeruginosa; algicidal bacteria; Aeromonas bestiarum; Pseudomonas syringe; algicidal modes
Microcystis aeruginosa; bleaching; methionine deficiency; Pseudomonas; metZ mutant; bleaching compounds
Microcystis aeruginosa; coagulation inhibition; phage display; polyaluminum chloride; protein
Microcystis aeruginosa; cyanobacterium; hydrogenase; purification; properties
Microcystis aeruginosa; heterotrophic flagellate; digestion; grazing rate
Microcystis aeruginosa; induced defense; different stages of zooplankton; infochemicals; intracellular microcystin; extracellular microcystin
Microcystis aeruginosa; low-pressure (LP) UV lamp; medium-pressure (MP) UV lamp; endonuclease sensitive site (ESS) assay; photoreactivation
Microcystis aeruginosa; microcystin; fish-induced defence; chemical cues; Hypophthalmichthys molitrix; Carassius gibelio langsdorfi
Microcystis aeruginosa; photoreactivation; UV treatment
Microcystis aeruginosa; 増殖抑制; 葉抽出液; 木本性植物; アオコ
Microcystis aeruginosa;Surface-retained organic matter (SOM); Coagulation inhibition; Polyaluminum chloride (PACl); Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Microcystis cyanobacteria; L-lysine; growth inhibition; water bloom; Euglena; Phormidium
Microcystis viridis; lectin; cyanobacterium; mannan-binding lectin; blue-green algae; hemaggulutinin
Microcystis viridis; toxic substance cyanoviridin; bio-film reactor; hydraulic retention time
Microcystis colony; Colony-associated bacteria; Bridging effect; Cell adhesion; Cell division
Microcystis; 16S rDNA; PCR
Microcystis; Chlorella; Nitzschia; growth inhibition; allelopathy
Microcystis; Chlorella; Nitzschia; 増殖抑制; アレロパシー
Microcystis; Amoebae; Grazing; Cyanobacteria; Biochemicals; Colony morphology
Microcystis; Cladocera; toxicity; food chain; Lake Kasumigaura
Microcystis; Gas vesicle; Buoyancy; Sedimentation
Microcystis; MLST; microcystin synthetase; recombination; biological species recognition
Microcystis; bacteria; growth; axenic; algae
Microcystis; bloom; salt tolerance; sucrose; genomics; brackish water; horizontal gene trasnfer; ecotype
Microcystis; blue-green algae; nutrients; algal growth potential
Microcystis; buoyancy; colony formation; extracellular polysaccharides; tightly cell-bound extracellular polysaccharides
Microcystis; cyanobacterial blooms; diel transcription; microbiome
Microcystis; lindane; linC; pesticides; bioremediation
Microcystis; quantification; SYBR Green I; DNA extraction; eutrophic lake
Myriophyllum spicatum; allelochemical; polyphenol; synergistic growth inhibition; autoxidation; blue-green algae
Nannochloropsis oculata; twin-layer porous substrate photobioreactor (TL-PSBR) systems; biomass; lipid LED
Nannochloropsis; Algal biotechnology; Marker-free engineering; Gene stacking; Synthetic biology; Episomes
Nannochloropsis; Lipase; Triacylglycerol; SDP1
Nannochloropsis; triacylglycerol (TAG); biofuels; lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase (LPAT); lipid droplets
Nostoc minutum; Cyanophyceae; cyclic peptide; microviridin G; microviridin H; elastase inhibitor; protease inhibitor
Odontella aurita; diatom; 5a, 8a-epidioxysterol; sulfate
Oltmannsiellopsis unicellularis; Chlorophyceae; marine alga; glycolipid; monogalactopyranosyl acylglycerol; platelet aggregation
Oscillatoria agardhii; cyanobacterium; cyclic peptide; anabaenopeptin B
Oscillatoria; Anabaena variabilis; biosurfactant; cyanobacterium; pink pigment
Parachlorella kessleri; Genetic transformationElectroporation; Genome editing; CRISPR/Cas9
Parachlorella kessleri; Nutrient dilution; 150-L mass cultivation; Whole genome sequencing; Mutation identification; Single-nucleotide polymorphism
Paramecium bursaria; Chlorella; Calcium; Divalent cation; Amino acid transport; Symbiosis
Paramecium bursaria; endosymbiosis; cryofixation; ultrastructural preservation; freeze-substitution
Paulinella chromatophora; testate amoebae; siliceous scale production; silica deposition vesicle; shell construction; ultrastructure
Paulinella micropora; Betaine lipid; chromatophore; endosymbiosis; lipid metabolism; metabolic flow
Phormidium tenue; axenic; growth; 2-methylisoborneol; bacteria interaction
Phormidium tenue; cyanobacteria; TiO2 photocatalyst; anti-biofilm; UV light
Planktothrix rubescens; Planktothrix agardhii; Microcystin immunoassay; Single filaments; Cyanobacteria
Planktothrix rubescens; cyanobacterium; microcystin; Dhb-microcystin; hepatotoxin; cyanotoxin
Prorocentrum donghaiense; Dissolved inorganic phosphorus; Limitation; Suppression subtractive hybridization; Molecular response
Prymnesium parvum; pH response; Growth rate; Phenotypic plasticity; pH acclimation; Harmful algae
Pseudanabaena; Amplicon sequencing; Real-time PCR; 2-MIB
Pseudanabaena; cyanobacteria; polyphasic approach; 16S rRNA gene; 16S–23S ITS; Finland
Pseudochattonella verruculosa; Dictyochophyceae; salmon kill; Queen Charlotte Sound; New Zealand
Pyramimonas; nuclear SSU rDNA; genetic diversity; Ryukyu Archipelago
Raphidocelis subcapitata; Desmodesmus subspicatus; sensitivity; sulfonylurea herbicide; cytochrome P450
Sargassum horneri; red tide microalgae; growth inhibition; allelochemicals
Scenedesmus obliquus; Heterotrophic cultivation; Acetate; Nitrogen deficiency; Phosphorus; Biodiesel productivity
Scenedesmus obliquus; heterotrophic cultivation; soybean processing wastewater; nitrogen deficiency; phosphorus; biodiesel productivity
Selenastrum capricornutum; Phosphate uptake; Short-term toxicity test
Sinanodonta woodiana; selective feeding mechanism; Microcystis-blooming; detoxification mechanism; scope for growth (SFG)
Skeletonema; species diversity; isolation characteristics; Dokai Bay; LSU rDNA; SSU rDNA; SEM
Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis; cyanobacteria; snap-freezing; cryopreservation; trichome morphology
Spirulina platensis; Biofuel ethanol; Cyanobacteria; Ethanol tolerance bioassay; Biofuel ethanol toxicological effect
Spirulina platensis; growth kinetics; physico-chemical factors; organic phosphorus; waste water
Spirulina subsalsa var. salina var. nov.; Halospirulina; halotolerant; glycine betamine; O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-glycerole
Spirulina; hydrogen; organic acid; ethanol
Symbiodinium; Plasmodium; mitochondrial genome expansion; RNA editing; gene map; noncoding
Synechococcus; Cyanobium; picoplankton; molecular marker
Triceratium dubium; diatom; microalgae; epiloliolide; phaeophorbide
Trichodesmium spp.; nitrogenase; whole-cell immunolocalization; immunocytochemical detection; in situ hybridization; diazotrophic cyanobacteria; horseradish peroxidaseconjugated probe; 3,3'-diaminobenzidine
Triparma laevis; Parmales; Vertical distribution; Growth characteristics; Oyashio region
Tychonema bourrellyi; Microcystis aeruginosa; Allelopathy; Volatile substances; ß-Ionone; Cyanobacteria
Vitrella brassicaformis; Toxoplasma gondii; glyoxylate cycle; diagnostic peroxins; catalase; phylogeny
Volvox; evolution; heterothallism; homothallism; sex
Volvox; small RNA; microRNA; conservation; evolution
atpB gene; Charales; Charophyceae; internal transcribed spacer region; Japanese taxa; morphology; Nitella comptonii; oospores; psaB gene; rbcL gene; scanning electron microscopy; taxonomy
atpB gene; Chlorophyta; Gonium; molecular phylogeny; rbcL gene; Volvocaceae; volvocine series; Volvox
cox1; Dictyochophyceae; genetic variation; harmful algae; psbA; Pseudochattonella; rbcL; rDNA
cox1; genetic marker; LSU rDNA; phylogenetictree; species delimitation; SSU rDNA
137Cs; Radioactive cesium-accumulating mechanism; Cesium-accumulating microalgae; Vacuoliviride crystalliferum (eustigmatophyceae); Radiocesium phycoremediation
13C; cyanobacteria; glycogen; in vivo labelling; metabolic turnover; metabolomics
14C-fixation; cell cycle; Chlorella ellipsoidea; photosynthesis; starch accumulation; starch synthesis; synchronous culture
1H-NMR; 13C-NMR; 31P-NMR; 137Cs-NMR
AGP test; algal growth inhibition test; sewage effluent; Tama River
AGP試験; マイクロプレート; バイオアッセイ; 富栄養化; 水質評価
ALA synthesis; blue light effect; Chlorella protothecoides; chlorophyll formation
API ZYM; diversity; microcystin; Microcystis; phylogeny; population; taxonomy; toxic; cyanobacteria
ATP synthase complex; mitochondria; Nitzschia; plastids; vitamin B1
ATP synthase β-subunit (atpB) gene; Chloromonas; gene evolution; large subunit of Rubisco (rbcL) gene; morphological evolution; P700 chlorophyll a-apoprotein A2 (psaB) gene; pyrenoid; Volvocales
ATP-dependent proteolytic system; Chlamydomonas; heat shock response; protein degradation; ubiquitin
ATP; diel vertical migration; Heterosigma akashiwo; intracellular phosphate; 31P-NMR; phosphate accumulation; polyphosphates; Raphidophyceae; salinity and nutrient stratifications
ATPase; Heterosigma akashiwo; plasma membrane; sodium ion
Abiotic stress; Adaptation; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Heavy metals; Nickel; Photosynthesis and respiration
Acclimation; Microalgae; Transcriptomics; Diflufenican; Carotenoids
Accumulation shift; Lipid; Chlorella; Starch; Strong light
Acetyl-CoA; Cyanobacteria; Metabolite analysis; Nitrogen depletion; Polyhydroxybutyrate
Acid polysaccharide; Biomineralization; Coccolith; Coccolith polysaccharide; Calcium carbonate crystalization; Emiliania huxleyi
Acidification; CO2 enrichment; Calcification; Emiliania huxleyi; pH effect; Photosynthesis
Acoustofluidics; Cell manipulation; On-chip cell Manipulation; Vibration-induced flow; Motile cells
Acoustofluidics; Microalgae; Acoustic focusing; Microfluidics; Flow cytometry
Actinophryidae; plastid evolution; aminoacyl-tRNA synthase; gene transfer; phylogenomics; organellar DNA
Airlift bioreactors; Astaxanthin; Autotrophic; Bioprocess design; Bubble columns; Microalgae
Airlift photobioreactor; Microalga; Economical analysis; Bioprocess design
Aldehydes; Chattonella marina; fatty acids; harmful phytoplankton; ichthyotoxicity; rainbow trout gill cell line; RT gill-W1
Alga; Chlamydomonas; Colony evolution; Multigene phylogeny; Vitreochlamys; Zoosporangium
Alga; Chlorella; Parachlorella; Phosphorus; Polyphosphate; Molybdenum blue reaction
Alga; Closterium; Mating group; Reproductive isolation; Sex pheromone; Speciation
Algae cultivation; Numerical methods; Growth kinetics; Inhibitory efects
Algae quantification; In-situ assessment; Viable algae; 3D-printed smartphone platform; Optoelectorwetting
Algae; 16S rRNA; Cyanobacteria; Molecular identification; Phycocyanine
Algae; Biomass; Chlorella; Culture system; Cyanobacteria; Photosynthesis
Algae; Breeding; Parachlorella; Heavy-ion irradiation; Mutation
Algae; Cyanobacteria; Carbon dioxide; Alkalinity; Growth optimization
Algae; Endosymbiosis; Mayorella viridis; Paramecium bursaria; Phalloidin
Algae; Water purification; Ultraviolet irradiation; Inhibitation
Algal activity; Harmful algal bloom; Prodigiosin; γ-proteobacterium; Homoserine lactone
Algal bioassay; Herbicide; Lake Biwa; Runoff; Simetryn
Algal biofuels; Biorefinery; Circular bioeconomy; Hydrothermal liquefaction; Microalgae; Nannochloropsis oceanica
Algal biomass; Quantitative methods; Image analysis; HSI color space; Lambert–Beer law
Algal biophotovoltaic device; Bioelectricity; Biotechnology; Surface potential; Algal biofilm
Algal bloom; Cyanobacterium; Bacterial isolation; Microcystis; Biological control; Microcystin degradation
Algal blooms; algal-lytic activity; fresh microalgae; Microcystis aeruginosa; Pseudomonas sp. JS-9; substance
Algal cellular organic matter; Coagulation; Cyanobacterial cells; Merismopedia tenuissima; Water treatment
Algal growth inhibition test; Cyanobium sp.; Delayed fluorescence; Marine cyanobacteria
Algal growth inhibition test; Bayesian inference; Crustacean immobilization test; Fish acute toxicity; Primary risk analysis
Algal growth inhibition test; Crustacean reproduction test; Early-life stage toxicity test; Species sensitivity distribution
Algal growth inhibition test; Delayed fluorescence;Heavy rain;Toxicity screening;Environmental survey;Water quality criteria;Industrial pollution;Three-phase process
Algal growth-inhibition assay; Algal quantification; In vivo chlorophyll fluorescence; Testing volumina; Microplate; Evaluation parameters; Toxicological endpoints; EC value; Reference toxicants
Algal neutral lipids; Biofuel; Diversity; Functional groups; Light use; Nile Red; PAR absorbance; Phytoplankton; Resource-use-efficiency; Species richness
Algal phytoremediation; Bioaccumulation; Radiopollution; Radionuclide elimination; Radioactive cesium; The Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant accident
Algal technology; Animal cells; Cultured food; Metabolism; Sustainability
Algal viruses; Primary producers; Marine algae; Real-time quantitative PCR; Restingstage cells
Algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge; Carbon mineralization; Elevated CO2 content; Nitrogen loss; Soil amendment
Algal-bacterial system; Bacterial consortium; Biodegradation; Bisphenol A; Inhibition; Photosynthetic oxygen
Algicidal bacteria; Noctiluca scintillans; HABs; Shrimp aquacluture
Algicidal bacteria; Antialgal compound; Cyanobacteria; Harmane; Pseudomonas sp.; Water bloom
Algicidal bacteria; Real-time polymerase; chain reaction; Zostera marina; Harmful algal bloom; Most probable number
Algicidal compound; Red tide phytoplankton; Ulva fasciata; Ulva pertusa
Algicide; Bloom; Cyanobacteria; Microcystis; Rhodococcus
Alginate oligosaccharides; Anti-oxidation; Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis; Growth promotion; Phycocyanin; Repeated batch culture
Alkaline; phosphatase; Cyanobacteria; Dissolved organic phosphorus; Distribution
Alkaliphilic cyanobacteria; Biomass; Raceway pond; Direct air capture
Alkalization; Calcification; Coccolithophorid; Emiliania huxleyi; Inorganic carbon; Ocean acidification; pH change; pH effect; Photosynthesis; Respriration
Alkane-Producing Genes; Biofuel; Cyanobacteria; Heptadecane; Potential; Feedstoc
Alkane; Biofuel; Cyanobacteria; Sterol desaturase; Transcript abundance
Alkenones; Alkenone unsaturation index; Canadian salt lakes; Chemotaxonomy; Haptophytes; Isochrysis; Long-chain alkyl ketones; Paleothermometer; UK37
Alkenones; Alkenone-producing haptophyte; Emiliania huxleyi; FTIR; Lipid;trans-Carbon-carbon double bond
Alkenones; Carbon partitioning; Carbon storage compound; Emiliania huxleyi; Haptophyte; Lipid; biosynthesis
Alkenones; Chemotaxonomy; Tisochrysis; Isochrysis; UK37
Allelochemicals; Diatom; Growth inhibition; Heterosigma akashiwo; Raphidophyt; Skeletonema costatum
Allelopathy; Cyperus alternifolius; Canna generalis; Microcystis aeruginosa; Allelochemicals
Allelopathy; Potamogeton pusillus; E cosystem model; M icroalgal community; Cladoceran
Allelopathy; Bacillariophyceae; Skeletonema costatum; Raphidophyceae; Heterosigma akashiwo; Bi-algal culture; Growth inhibition
Allelopathy; Cell contact; Hemolytic activity; Growth inhibition; Heterosigma akashiwo; Alexandrium catenella; Bi-algal culture
Allelopathy; Cyanobacterium; Dominance prevention; Fatty acid; Polyphenol; Submerged macrophyte
Allelopathy; Cyanobacterium; Light Intensity Effect; Photosystem II Quantum Yield; Temperature Effect
Allelopathy; Flavonoids; Transcriptomics; Harmful algae bloom; Docking
Allelopathy; growth and interaction; Heterosigma akashiwo; Prorocentrum minimum; Reactive oxygen species; Skeletonema costatum
Allelopathy; growth inhibition; growth promotion; Heterosigma akashiwo; low molecular weight allelochemicals; Skeletonema costatum; species-specific effect
Allene oxide synthase; Plant evolution; CYP74; Hydroperoxide lyase
Allophycocyanin; Bilin lyase; Cyanobacteria; Far-red light photoacclimation; Halomicronema hongdechloris; Photosynthesis
Altiplane; Chlorella sorokiniana; extreme tolerant; microalgae; microbial mat; oleaginous strain, polyunsaturated; fatty acid; stearic acid
Altruistic adaptation; caspase homologues; horizontal gene transfer; orthocaspases, PCD morphotypes; programmed cell death
Aluminum-immobilized affinity; chromatography; Coagulation inhibition; Cyanobacterial protein; Microcystis aeruginosa; Phage display; Polyaluminum chloride
Amazonia; Limnothrix; Polyphasic approach; Pseudanabaena; 16S rRNA phylogeny; Algae
Amino acid transport; induction by glucose; Chlorella; classification
Amino acid; Anaerobic conditions; Euglena gracilis; Fermentation; Glutamate; Glutamine; Metabolite analysis
Ammonia nitrogen; Biogranulation; Cyanobacteria; Nitrate nitrogen; Nitrogen fixation; Wastewater treatment
Ammonium; cyanobacteria; glutamine synthetase; limitation; nitrate reductase; nitrite reductase; NtcA regulation; N metabolism
Amphitremida; Diplophrys mutabilis; lipid body; phylogeny; ultrastructure
Amylopectin; Cyanobacteria; Glycogen; α-Polyglucan; Starch
Amylose; Cyanidioschyzon; Floridean starch; Glycogen; Starch synthase; Semiamylopectin
Amylose; Floridean starch; Glycogen; Porphyridiales; Rhodophyta; Semi-amylopection
Amylose; glycogen; granule-bound starch synthase; red algae; semi-amylopection
Anatoxin-a; Automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA); Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi; Cyanotoxin; Microcystin; Microcystis aeruginosa
Angiosperms; Chlamydomonas; Ribosomal RNA; RNA secondary structure; Transcribed spacer
Anhydrobiosis; carotenoid; ferredoxin-NADP; oxidoreductase; nitrate/nitrite transporter; random amplified polymorphic DNA; water stress protein
Anodonta woodiana; microcystis aeruginosa; scenedesmus obliquus; scope for growth (SFG)
Antarctic ice algae; Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L; Heat shock protein; Hsp70; Psychrophile; Stress
Antarctic; cold stenotherm; fatty acid composition; octadecapentaenoic acid; prymnesiophytes; psychrophile
Antarctic; psychrophilic green algae; positive selection, molecular convergence; adaptation
Antarctica; Chlorophyta; culture; Gonium sociale; morphology; Volvocales
Antarctica; biological soil crusts; ecophysiology; desiccation; cold adaptation; endemis
Antenna; Cyanophora paradoxa NIES 547; Glaucocystophyte; Linker protein; Phycobilisome, skeleton-like model
Antialgal bacterium; Streptomyces neyagawaensis; Microcystis aeruginosa; Biological control; Freshwater; Cyanobacterial bloom
Antibacterial; DBL; Phenolic acids; Microcystis aeruginosa; Environmental friendly
Antibiotic activity; erythrocytes; freshwater microalgae; haemagglutination
Antifouling biocides; Toxicity; Early-life-stage Toxicity test; Predicted no-effect concentration
Antimicrobial agent; Cyanobacterium; Ecotoxicity test; Algal toxicity
Antioxidant enzyme; Astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis; Ultraviolet-B radiation
Antioxidant responses; Harmful algal blooms; Lipid peroxidation; Reactive oxygen species
Antioxidant; Arthrospira platensis; Cell lysis; Limnothrix sp., Phycocyanin; Pseudanabaena sp.
Antioxidant; Antiglycation; Limnothrix; Phycocyanin; Pseudanabaena; Spirulina
Antisense suppression; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Catalase; GFP; Transformation
Aphelida; Aphelidiomycota; molecular phylogeny; parasitoid; ultrastructure; 1 new taxon
Apical expansion; Aureochrome; Blue light; Branching; Ca2+ ion; Coenocyte; Lightgrowth response; Negative phototropism; Polarotropism; Positive phototropism; Split-field illumination method; Unilateral illumination method; Vaucheria
Apical furrow; dinoflagellate; eyespot; Asulcocephalium miricentonis; Leiocephalium pseudosanguineum; Suessiaceae
Apicomlexa; Cercozoa; Ciliophora; Dinophyta; Euglenozoa; Heterokonta; norspermidine; polyamine
Apicomplexa: Chromera velia: CCMP3155: plastid evolution: chloroplast genome
Aqueous exposure; Heavy metal; Dietary exposure; Ostracod; Sediment
Archaeplastida; Cyanophora paradoxa; Muroplasts; Single primary endosymbiotic event; Phylogenomics; Carbon-concentrating mechanism; Eukaryotic peptidoglycan; Phycobilisomes
Archaeplastida; Chromalveolata; eukaryote evolution; Haptophyta; Glaucophyta; green plants; long branch attraction; nuclear genes; phylogeny; primary photosynthetic eukaryotes; short branch; "Super" Plant Kingdom
Archaeplastida; genomic distance; glauco-phytes; mitochondria; organelle genomics; plastid; substitution rates
Arginine biosynthesis; Argininosuccinate lyase; Cyanobacteria; Synechocystis
Array tomography; Chlamydomonas; Chloroplast shape; Three-dimensional reconstruction; Lipid droplet topology
Arsenate; Subcellular distribution; Functional gene; Organic phosphorus; Algae
Arthrospira; Carotenoid; Lycopene cyclase; crtR; cruA; β-Carotene hydroxylase
Asexual cycle; Astrephomene; Cryopreservation; Cryoprotectant; Culture collection; Volvocine green algae
Astaxanthin productivity; Haematococcus pluvialis; Haematococcus rubicundus; Functional traits; Common-garden experiment; Intraspecific variation
Astaxanthin, H. pluvialis; Coelastrum sp.; Acutodesmus obliquus; High light; Nitrogen starvation; mixotrophy
Astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis; Cultivation; Pretreatment; Biorefinery
Astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis; Microfluidic Devices; Nile Red; PDMS
Astaxanthin; Aquaculture; Microalgae; Monoraphidium
Astaxanthin; Bio stimulant; Haematococcus lacustris; Melatonin
Astaxanthin; Carotenoid biosynthesis; ; Haematococcus pluvialis; LC-MS; Media
Astaxanthin; Contamination; Biomass; Bioreactors; Extraction; H. pluvialis
Astaxanthin; Direct extraction; Green process; Haematococcus pluvialis; Vegetable oil
Astaxanthin; Stress; Metabolomics; Metabolic network; Haematococcus pluvialis
Astaxanthin; Vitamin; Unsaturated fatty acid; Microalgae; Monoraphidium; Functional aquafeed
Astaxanthin; carotenogenesis; Haematococcus lacustris; isobutyl-cyanoacrylate; nanoparticles
Atacama Desert; compatible solutes; cyanobacteria; desiccation tolerance; DNA extraction; exopolysaccharide; glycosyltransferase; trehalose
Atrazine; Daphnia magna; Raphidocelis subcapitata; Risk assessment; Sublethal effects
Atrazine; Endosulfan; Microalgae; Oxidative stress; Chlorella; Scenedesmus
Attached algae; In-vivo fluorescence; Pesticides; Species sensitivity distribution
Attached culture; Carbon fixation; Chlorella; Photosynthesis
Autofluorescence; Cell staining; Chlorella sorokiniana; Oxidative stress: TiO2 photocatalysis; Viability assay
Autoxidation; Blue-green algae; Growth inhibition; Phenol; Polyhydric phenol; Shikimate pathway
Axopodium; Ca2+-contraction; colchicine; electron microscopy
Azole fungicide; Clarithromycin; Erythromycin; Isobologram; Ketoconazole; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata
B-vitamins; Chlamydomonas; Chlorococcum; folate; microalgae; thiamine
BAC library; Genome organization; Nucleolus
Bacterial immobilization; light attenuation; light stress; high-ammonia wastewater; photo-oxygenation
Basidiolichen; Coccomyxa; distribution; Japan; molecular phylogeny; taxonomy
Bayesian phylogenetics; cyanobacteria; Paleoproterozoic; photoprotection; scytonemin; UVA radiation
Benthic dinoflagellate; Ciguatera fish poisoning; Epiphytic dinoflagellate; Morphology; New species; Phylogeny
Benthic; morphology; phylogeny; Pseudadenoides kofoidii; taxonomy; ultrastructure
Benzophenone-1; Benzophenone-3; Cyanobacteria; Oxidative stress
Benzophenone-3; Toxicity; Green algae; Cyanobacteria; Photosynthesis; Uptake
BicA transport; Positive selection; CCMs; Microcystis aeruginosa; PAML
Binary fission; Filament formation; Mother cell wall; Stichococcus; Trebouxiophyceae
Bio mass; Botryococcus Braunii; Microalgae; Response; Surface Methodology
Bioaccumulation; Biochemical response; Corbicula leana; Microcystins; Toxic and non-toxic
Bioaccumulation; clam Corbicula leana; cyanotoxins; elimination; Microcystis
Bioassay; Ecological risk; Feasibility study; Water reclamation; Water reuse
Bioassays; Cytotoxicity assays; Fish exposure; Ichthyotoxicity; Pseudochattonella
Biocides; Biodeteriogens; Chlorophyll a fluorescence; Hydration; Polyols; Non-reducing sugars
Bioconversion; Fatty acid; methyl esters; Illumination; Microalgae
Biodiesel; Chlorella; Global warming; Light intensity
Biodiversity; Epiphytic dinoflagellates; Microalgae; Molecular phylogeny; Taxonomy
Bioethanol; Cyanobacteria; Metabolic engineering; Microalgae; Polyglucan
Bioethanol; Microalgae; Ultrasonic Treatment; Homoginizer; Starch
Biofuel; Chlamydomonas debaryana NIES-2212; Fatty acid; Starch; Triacylglycerol
Biofuel; Complementarity; Diversity; Lipid; Micro-algae; Resource-use efficiency
Biofuel; Logistic equation; Optimal cultivation; Simulation model; Triacylglycerols
Biofuels; Colony PCR; High throughput; Microalgae; Single tube; Transformant screening
Biogeography; Evolution; Micrasterias; Morphology; Phylogeny; Protists
Biological activity; Deuterium; Metabolism; Photosynthesis; Raman spectroscopy
Biological control; Cyanobacteria; Coexistence; Environmental management; Macrophytes; Species interactions
Biological soil crust; Cyanobacteria inoculation; Molecular weight; Monosaccharide composition; Loosely bound; EPS; Tightly bound EPS
Biomass energy sources; Algae; Fatty acids
Biomass plastics; Cell plastics; Carbon recycling; Green algae; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Intracellular contents
Biomass production; Euglena gracilis; Growth-promoting bacteria; Lipid production; Wastewater effluent
Biomass recovery; Flow-through cultivation; Nutrient removal; pH control; Mg availability; Bio-digester effluent
Biomass; Bioremediation; Melanoidin; Spent Wash; Ethanol distillery wastewater; Bioenergy; Circular Bioeconomy
Biomineralization; Diatom; Silica; Protein
Biorefinery; Chlorella vulgaris; Chlorination; Microbial contamination; Municipal wastewater; Starch (carbohydrate) production
Bioremediation; Galdieria sulphuraria; Rhodophyceae; Radioactive cesium; Biological concentration
Bioremediation; Environmental restoration; Freshwater algae; Industrial pollution; Response surface methodology; Wastewater treatment
Biosolar photovoltaic cells; Photosystem I; Light harvesting complex I; Uncoupled chlorophylls; Time-resolved fluorescence; Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Biosolid treatment process; High temperature water; Internal recycle; Wastewater treatment; Microalgae cultivation
Biosorption; Metal recovery; Algae; XAFS; ICP-MS; Platinum
Biosorption; Precious metal; Acidic effluent; Remediation; Wastewater treatment
Biosynthesis; Cyanotoxin; Cylindrospermopsin; Gene cluster; Phylogeny; Saxitoxin
Bloom control; cyanobacteria; fusaricidin; Microcystis; Paenibacillus polymyxa
Blue-green algae; Cyanobacteria; Heterotrophic bacteria; Aerobic decomposition
Blue-green algal; Anabaena; Microcystis; genetic analysis; fish pond
Bolidophyceae; diatoms; Heterokonta; marine picoeukaryotes; oligotrophic ocean; Stramenopiles
Bolidophyceae; diatoms; heterokonts; Parmales; PDMPO; phylogeny; stramenopiles; Triparma laevis
Buoyancy; Colony formation; Extracellular polysaccharides; Cationic ions; Microcystis
CAD complex; evolution; phylogeny; red algae; pyrimidine biosynthetic cluster
CCM; CO2; coccolithophore; Gephyrocapsa; pH; selection
CDS skew; chromosome replication; cyanobacteria; DnaA, GC skew; polyploidy
CELLBANKER; Cryopreservation; Marine diatoms; Chaetoceros tenuissimus; Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Transgenic diatom
CO 2; Algal culture; Pseudokirchneriella; Population growth
CO2 fixation; coccolithophorids; Emiliania huxleyi; glycolate pathway; O2 effect; O2 inhibition; photorespiratory nitrogen cycle; Warburg effect
COXI phylogenetic tree; UGA codon; deviant genetic code; directional codon reassignment
CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing; Multiplexed organelle imaging; Rhodophyta; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Organelle division; Cell cycle
CRISPR; RNA spacer acquisition; cyanobacteria; deep sequencing; horizontal gene transfer; host-parasite relationship; phylogeny; reverse transcriptase
Calaxin; Cilia; Dynein; Opisthokont; Prasinophyte; Sperm flagella
Calcified cells (C-Cells); Coccoliths; Emiliania huxleyi (E. huxleyi); Morphotypes cells; Naked cells (N-Cells); PAM fluorometry
Carbohydrate; Chlorella; Fed-batch; Mixotrophic cultivation; Semi-continuous process
Carbon dioxide capture; Nutrients removal; Membrane photobioreactor; Microalgae; Botryococcus braunii
Carbon metabolism; Chlorella kessleri; Gene expression; Seawater-based biofuel; Triacylglycero
Carotenoid; NADPH; Non-photosynthetic plastid; Plastoquinol; Plastid terminal oxidase; Transient RNA interference knockdown
Cell Growth; Cell Sedimentation; Chlorella variabilis; Harvesting of Microalgae; Moringa Oliefera; Seed Extract
Cell cycle; Cell division; Cyanidiales; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Red algae; Synchronous culture
Cell cycle; Cyanidiales; Cyanidioschyzon; Cyanidium; Galdieria; Multiple fission
Cell cycles; Chattonella antiqua; Hydrogen peroxide; NIES culture tank; Reactive oxygen species; Red tide; Superoxide anion
Cell death; Coccolith; Non-green algae; ROS; Poly (isobutylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles
Cell division; Chaetoceros tenuissimus; internal transcribed spacer (ITS); morphology; phylogeny; rDNA; ultrastructure
Cell division; Closterium; F-actin; microtubule; Nuclear migration; Zygnematales
Cell model; Permeabilization; Contractile tubules; Heliozoa; Protozoa
Cell wall regeneration; Chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum; Exocytosis; Silica biomineralization; Silica deposition vesicle
Cell wall; Chlorella variabilis; GlycosaminoglycansParamecium bursaria; Symbiosis
Cell wall; Charophycean alga; Closterium peracerosum–strigosum–littorale complex; CrRLK1L-1; Receptor-like kinase; Sexual reproduction
Cell-division cycle, Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Kinesin; Mitochondrial division; Plastid division
Cell-plastics; Green Alga; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Polybutylene Succinate (PBS); Biodegradable
Cellulose nanofiber; Cellulose nanofibril; Cellulase; Phenol-sulfuric acid method; Nanomaterial
Cellulose nanofibers (CNFs); AlgaeEcotoxicity test; Nanocellulose
Central spindle; Centriole; Diatom; Extranuclear spindle; Mitosis; Nuclear envelope
Cercozoa; Marimonadida; heterotrophic flagellate; ultrastructure; phylogenetic analysis; flagellar apparatus
Cercozoa; extrusome; microbody; phylogeny; taxonomy; ultrastructure
Charales; Nitellopsis; rbcL gene; rediscovery; wild-extinct species
Charales; Charophyceae; chloroplast DNA; morphology; Nitella; nuclear DNA; oospores; scanning electron microscopy; taxonomy; Tieffallenia
Charophyceae; Closterium; desmid; molecular phylogeny; placoderm; SSU rDNA; Zygnematales
Charophyceae; chloroplast rRNA genes; introns; land plants; phylogeny; Streptophyta
Charophyta; 1-Deoxy-D-xylulose; Green alga; Isopentenyl diphosphate; Isoprenoid biosynthesis; Mevalonate
Chattonella marina var. antiqua; Diurnal variations; Proteomics; Photosynthesis; Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
Chemical toxicity test; Growth inhibition; Alga; Delayed fluorescence; Surrogate of biomass
Chemiluminescence; Flow injection analysis; Red tide phytoplankton; Superoxide; Hydrogen peroxide; Heterosigma carterae
Chemometrics; classification; fluorescence; optical computing; optical filters; phytoplankton
Chemotaxonomy; Prymnesium parvum; ITS-sequencing; High resolution mass spectrometry; Prymnesin
Chlamydomonas; Acyltransferase; Alginate gel; Gel encapsulation; Palmelloid colony; Triacylglycerol
Chlamydomonas; Metabolic diversity; Phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis; Phosphoethanolamine-N-methyltransferase; Phospholipid-N-methyltransferase
Chlorarachniophyceae; Chlorarachniophycota; Phylogeny; Taxonomy; Viridiuvalis adhaerens; Ultrastructure
Chlorella; Hydra; evolutionary biology; genome; nitrogen metabolism; symbiosis
Chlorella; Lipids; Starch; Sulfur assimilation; Sulfur starvation
Chloroform; Bromoform; Halogenated hydrocarbons; Ditylum; Phytoplankton; Light dependence
Chloromonadinia; Chloromonas; Chloromonas lineage; molecular phylogeny; morphology; pyrenoid; ultrastructure; Volvocales
Chlorophyceae; Gonium multicoccum; ITS2; rbcL; Volvocales
Chlorophyceae; Hafniomonas; morphology; new species; taxonomy
Chlorophyceae; Chlamydomonadales; Golenkiniaceae; Treubarinia, Jenufa genus; Plastid genome; Flagellar apparatus
Chlorophyceae; Chlorophyta; Chlorosarcinopsis; Chlorosphaeropsis; Desmotetra; 18S rDNA; green algae; Neochlorosarcina; phylogeny; Sarcinochlamys
Chlorophyceae; Goniaceae; Gonium; Gonium maiaprilis sp. nov.; ITS; molecular phylogeny; morphology; rbcL; reproduction; taxonomy
Chlorophyceae; Microalgae; Crude glycerol; Heterotrophic growth; Biodiesel
Chlorophyceae; cultures; molecular phylogeny; morphology; taxonomy; Volvocaceae; Volvox ferrisii sp. nov.; Volvox kirkiorum sp. nov.; Volvox sect. Volvox
Chlorophyceae; flagella; green algae; Hemiflagellochloris; Kazakhstan; unequal lengths
Chlorophyceae; molecular phylogeny; multicellularity
Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements; Cyanobacteria; Photochemical quenching; Respiration; State transition; Thermal dissipation
Chlorophyll synthesis; Horizontal gene transfer; Endosymbiotic gene transfer; Gene duplication; Algae; Protochlorophyllide
Chlorophyll; Divinyl chlorophyll; Pheophytin; Photosynthesis; Prochlorococcus
Chlorophyllase; Oscillatoria acuminata PCC 6304; Biochemical characteristic; Substrate specifcity; Catalytic triad
Chlorophyta; Closterium ehrenbergii; conjugation; gametogenesis; gamete; pheromone; protoplast-release-inducing protein; sexual cell division
Chlorophyta; Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex; conjugation; pheromone; plotoplast-release-inducing protein (PR-IP); sexual isolation
Chlorophyta; Eudorina; large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase (rbcL) gene; molecular phylogeny; species delimitation; taxonomic species; Volvocaceae
Chlorophyta; Cyanobacteria; Green algae; Trade winds; Universal Plastid Amplicon
Chlorophyta; Goniaceae; large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase (rbcL) gene; molecular phylogeny; Platydorina; Volvocaceae; Yamagishiella
Chlorophyta; Goniaceae; large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase (rbcL) gene; molecular phylogeny; Tetrabaenaceae; Volvocaceae
Chlorophyta; Trebouxiophyceae; Plastid genome; Phylogenomics
Chlorophyta; Volvocales; Volvocaceae; Pleodorina starrii; morphology; zygote germination
Chlorophyta; cladistic analysis; Goniaceae; morphological data; phylogeny; sexual reproduction; Tetrabaena; Tetrabaenaceae fam. nov.; Tetrabaena socialis comb. nov.; Volvocaceae
Chlorophyta; clone library; lake Nakuru; lesser flamingo; phytoflagellates; Soda lakes; SSU rRNA
Chlorophyta; comparative morphology; rbcL (large subunit of Rubisco, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase); Sphaerellopsis; taxonomy; ultrastructure; Vitreochlamys; Vitreochlamys pinguis; Volvocales
Chlorophyta; culture age; pyrenoid; pyrenoid development; taxonomy; ultrastructure; Volvocaceae; Volvulina pringsheimii; Volvulina steinii
Chlorophyta; electron microscopy; Goniaceae; Gonium pectorale; Gonium quadratum; immunogold electron microscopy; pyrenoid; ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase (RuBisCO) taxonomy; thylakoid lamellae
Chlorophyta; genome evolution; green algae; nuclear genome; pedinophyte; streamlining; UTC; Viridiplantae
Chlorophyta; green alga; Helicosporidium; norspermidine; polyamine; Polytoma; Polytomella; Prototheca
Chlorophyta; variant genetic code; fragmented rnl gene; Pedinophyceae; phylogenomics
Chloroplast division; Nannochloris bacillaris; FtsZ ring formation; FtsZ1; FtsZ2
Chloroplast division; Cyanelle; Field emission (FE)-SEM; Glaucocystophyta; Peptidoglycan; FtsZ
Chloroplast; Plastid; Genome; Secondary endosymbiosis; Diatom
Chloroplast; endosymbiosis; eyespot; Gertia stigmatica; Kareniaceae; peridinin
Chloroplasts; Impedance cytometry; Interior components loss; Intracellular analysis; Single cell analysis
Chromalveolata; Multigene phylogenetics; Plastidophila; Rhizaria; Supergroup; Tree of life
Chromista; cyanobacterial nuclear genes; phylogeny; plastids; primary endosymbiosis; secondary endosymbiosis
Chronic sediment toxicity test; Heterocypris incongruens; Test repeatability; Reproduction; Urban road dust
Chrysochromulinaceae; Haptophyta; phylogeny; phytoplankton; Prymnesiales; Pseudohaptolina arctica; ribosomal DNA; taxonomy
Chytrid; Collimyces mutans; Microglena; parasite; Rhizophydiales; zoospore ultrastructure
Ciguatera fish poisoning; Gambierdiscus; Ciguatoxins; Maitotoxins; Neuro-2a assay; Erythrocyte lysis assay
Ciguatera fish poisoning; Dinoflagellate; Gambierdiscus; Japan: Quantitative PCR assay
Ciguatera; Gambierdiscus; Growth; Ligh
Ciguatera; Japanese Gambierdiscus; Growth; Temperature; Salinity
Clearance rate; Raphidophyte; Harmful algae; Chattonella spp.
Clone libraries; depth gradient; microscopy; NGS library; oxyphotobacteriav; stromatolites; taxonomy
Closed ecological recirculating aquaculture system (CERAS); egg quality; larval quality; Oreochromis niloticus; parent; progeny; reproduction; spawn; Spirulina platensis
Closterium; Chlamydomonas; Sexual reproduction; Sex determination
Coastal ecosystems; Ecology; Fluorescent in situ hybridization; Picoplankton; Prasinophytes; Quantitative PCR
Coccoid green algae; ITS; molecular; morphology; SSU
Coccolithophore; haplo-diploid; Haptophyta; heterococcolith; holococcolith; life cycle; microalgae; ploidy
Coccolithophores; Global change; Ocean acidification; Multiple drivers; Synergistical
Coccolithophorid algae; Resource recycling of waste concrete; Coccolith; Calcification; Fixation of carbon dioxide
Coccomyxa subellipsoidea; Nitrogen manipulation; Lipid; Fatty acids; Metabolites
Combined pollution; Ultraviolet irradiation; Cyanobacterial control; Microcystins; Proteomic resp
Comet assay; Single-cell gel electrophoresis; Euglena gracilis; DNA damage; DNA repair
Comparative genomics; Cyanobacterial bloom; Cyanobacterial metabolism; Genome plasticity; Microcystin; Oxidative stress
Continuous-release microsphere; Long-term algicidal effect; Luteolin; Microcystin; Microcystis-dominated cyanobacterial bloom; Proteomic mechanism
Contraction; Heliozoa; microtubule pattern; new species; Raphidiophyrys; silicic scale; X-ray microanalysis
Cooliatoxin; Cryptic species; Harmful algal bloom; High-resolution MS; Phylogeny; Taxonomy
Copper transport; Copper uptake; COPT; Physcomitrium patens
Copper; Toxicity; Alga; FIAM; BLM
Core histone; ejectisome; N-acetyl-glucosamine; Pyramimonas parkeae
Cryomonadida; Cryothecomonas; environmental sequence; extrusome; phylogeny; Protaspis; taxonomy; ultrastructure
Cryopreservation; Cryoprotectant; Chlorella vulgaris; Nannochloropsis oculata; Tetraselmis tetrathele; Chlorophyll
Cryptomonads; Nucleomorph; Symbiotic gene reorganization; Symbiont actin gene
Cryptophyta; Glaucophyta; Haptophyta; Perclozoa; polyamine; Rhodophyta
Cryptophyta; docosahexaenoic acid; eicosapentaenoic acid; fatty acid; Haptophyta; Heterokontophyta; microalgae
Cultivation; — Cyanidioschyzon merolae; 5-FOA resistance; Homologous recombination; Red algae; Transformation
Cultivation; Diversity; Methane seep; Microbial eukaryotes; SSU rDNA
Culture strain; Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Multicellularity; Spondylomoraceae; Ultrastructure
Culture; Growth rates; Harmful algal blooms; Heterocapsa triquetra; Interspecific variation; Laboratory selection; pH; Phytoplankton; Species; Strains
Culturing; cytoskel; etonevolution; flagellar apparatus; morphology; ultrastructure
Cyanelle division; Glaucophyte; Cell cycle; Cyanophora
Cyanidiales; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Photosynthetic eukaryotes; Red algae
Cyanidiales; Thermoacidophilic; Lead; Speciation; XAS; Protein secondary structure
Cyanidiales; intron; spliceosome; transcriptome
CyanoHABs; Lake Erie; biogenic silica; diatoms; lake alkalinity; microcystis blooms
Cyanobacteria; 2-MIB; Gene expression; Light-dependent
Cyanobacteria; 2-methylisoborneol(2-MIB); 2-MIB-synthesis gene(mibC gene); Tasteandodor; Real-timePCR
Cyanobacteria; Anabaena; Dolichospermum; taxonomy; nomenclatoric validation
Cyanobacteria; Microcystis aeruginosa; Cyanophage; Phage resistance
Cyanobacteria; Microcystis aeruginosa; genome
Cyanobacteria; Microcystis aeruginosa; heat shock protein; thermotolerance
Cyanobacteria; Microcystis; 165 rRNA gene; DNA sequence; taxonomy; phylogeny
Cyanobacteria; Microcystis; Cell division; DNA replication; ftsZ
Cyanobacteria; Microcystis; Microcystin; Toxin; Peptide synthetase; Whole-cell PCR
Cyanobacteria; Microcystis; microcystins; environmental water; liquid chromatographymass spectrometry; protein phosphatase 2A inhibition assay
Cyanobacteria; Nostoc sp.HK-01; space; environmental tolerance
Cyanobacteria; Spirulina; Arthrospira platensis; Boron, H-resorcinol
Cyanobacteria; Colony pattern formation; Collective behavior; Cell motility
Cyanobacteria; Compatible solutes; Glucosylglycerol (GG); Sucrose; Trehalose; Glycogen
Cyanobacteria; Deep-sea mining; Flow cytometry; Heavy metal contaminant; Microalgae; On-chip sort
Cyanobacteria; Electron microscopy; GraFix; Phycobilisome
Cyanobacteria; Food; Martian regolith simulant (MRS); Nostoc sp. HK-01; Radicalscavenging activity; Space Agriculture
Cyanobacteria; Free fatty acids; Biofuel; Screening method; Cell factories; Bioinformatics; Optimization; Computer science
Cyanobacteria; Genome; Photosensor; Thermophile
Cyanobacteria; Heterocyst; Thylakoid membrane; Anabaena variabilis; Rivularia; Spectroscopic microscopy
Cyanobacteria; Hydrostatic pressure; Pseudanabaena galeata Böcher; Prolonged darkness; Chlorophyll-a; Cell concentration
Cyanobacteria; Lysis; Microorganism; Volatile compound; b-Cyclocitral
Cyanobacteria; Lytic bacteria; Paddy field; Anabaena
Cyanobacteria; Methanogenic archaea; Bacterial community composition; Microcystis sp.; Tropical reservoir
Cyanobacteria; Microcystins; Irrigation water; Hydrogen peroxide; Spinach
Cyanobacteria; MinION-Oxford Nanopore sequencer; Biodiversity; 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing; Long-read sequencing; Coastal waters; Southeast Asia; Monitoring
Cyanobacteria; Musty odor; Geosmin; geoA gene; Whole-cell PCR; Whole-cell qPCR
Cyanobacteria; Neurotoxin; BMAA; LC–ESI-MS; HILIC; SIM
Cyanobacteria; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Protein-protein interaction network; Growth; Microcystis
Cyanobacteria; Phycocyanin; Thermophile; Thermostability; Phycobilisome; Natural pigment
Cyanobacteria; Phylogenetic analysis; Neowestiellopsis persica, cpcA
Cyanobacteria; Soda lakes; Extremophiles; Lake Magadi
Cyanobacteria; Temperature; Cell growth; Geosmin; 2-MIB; Gene expression
Cyanobacteria; Volatile organic compounds; Analysis; b-Cyclocitral; 2-Methyl-1-butanol; 3-Methyl-1-butanol; SPME
Cyanobacteria; chromatic acclimation; phycobilisome; cyanobacteriochrome
Cyanobacteria; genome; heterocyst; culture collection; taxonomy
Cyanobacteria; geosmin; microfiltration; water treatment
Cyanobacterial bloom control; Boron-doped diamond anode; Electro-oxidation; Microcystin degradation; Protein phosphatase-1 inhibition; Water remediation
Cyanobacterial bloom; Algicidal activity; Photosystem; Electron transport; Water quality; Light conditions
Cyanobacterial bloom; Cell lysis; Extracellular microcystin; Unbound phycocyanin; Early warning system; Drinking water treatment
Cyanobacterial bloom; Clay ball; Microcystis aeruginosa; Silicate; Diatom; Concrete
Cyanobacterial bloom; DNA methylation modification; Epigenetics; Methyltransferase; Microcystis; SMRT
Cyanobacterial blooms; Microcystin; Mitigation; Biodegradation; Biological alternative treatment
Cyanobacterial removal; Antibiotics contamination; Photosynthesis; Microcystins ; Antioxidant responses
Cyanobacteriochrome; Photoisomerization; Evolution; Structure/function
Cyanobacterium; Nostoc commune; Desiccation; Radiation; Space agriculture
Cyanobacterium; Trichodesmium; Nitrogen-fixation; Nitrogenase
Cyanophage; Ma-LMM01; Microcystis aeruginosa; Transcriptional regulation; Auxiliary; metabolic genes
Cyanophage; non-bleaching A (NblA) protein; structural modeling; AlphaFold2; protein–protein docking; virus evolution; virus ecology; horizontal gene transfer (HGT)
Cyanotoxin; Microcystin; Cylindrospermopsin; Probiotic bacteria; Bifidobacterium; Lactobacillus; Removal
Cysteine synthesis; Serine acetyltransferase; O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase; Primitive red alga; Cyanidioschyzon merolae
Cytokinesis; F-actin; Heterosigma; microtubule; Ochromonas; phalloidin; stramenopiles
Cytokinesis; Organellokinesis; Organelle division; Mitochondrial division; Plastid division; FtsZ; Contractile ring; Cell division
Cytoplasmic bridge; Gonium; Inversion; Multicellularity; Transmission electron microscopy; Volvocales
D-threonine aldolase; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; D-amino acids; crystallization
D1; dinoflagellate; phylogenetic analysis; plastid; psbA
DMS; DMSP; DMSP lyase activity; salinity
DNA barcode; Microalgae; rbcL
DNA content; flow cytometry; desmids; microalgae; standards; Micrasterias pinnatifida
DNA extraction; PCR; Microcystis; cyanobacteria
DNA hybridization; DNA G+C content; cyanobacteria; Microcystis
DNA methylation; Epigenomics; Molecular evolution; Transposition
DNA replication; family A DNA polymerase; plant and protist organellar DNA polymerase; Trypanosomatida; Kinetoplastea; Diplonemea; Euglenida; Prokinetoplastina
DNA sequence; evolution; gene map; minD; rpoA
Deep seawater; water quality; inorganic nutrients; AGP; seasonal fluctuation; upwelling
Delayed fluorescence; Algal growth inhibition test; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; Simazine (CAT); 3,5-dichlorophenol (3,5-DCP)
Diatom; CtenDNAV; CtenRNAV; Virus; Niche partitioning
Diatom; Genetic transformation; Nitzschia; Multi-pulse electroporation
Diatom; Metabolomics; Gas chromatography mass spectrometry; Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry; Growth phase
Diatom; Virus; Chaetoceros; DNA; Viral ecology
Diatoms; Differential Gene Loss; EF-1α; EFL; Functional Remodeling; Goniomonas; Pythium; Spizellomyces; Thecamonas
Diatoms; phylogeny; rbcL; psbC; SSU; stratigraphy
Diazotrophic unicellular cyanobacteria; Marine cyanobacteria; Immunocytochemical detection; Nitrogenase; Unicellular cyanobacteria
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase; Trypanosoma cruzi Bodonid; Kinetoplastid; Euglenozoa; Phylogenetic tree; Gene fusion; Horizontal gene transfer; Anaerobiosis
Dinoflagellates; Freshwater; Colonization; Phylogeny
Dinoflagellate; Dinophysistoxin-1; Okadaic acid; Phylogeny; Prorocentrum caipirignum; Prorocentrum lima complex
Dinoflagellates; Evolutionary genomics; Symbiodinium; Mycosporine-like amino acids; Symbiosis
Dinoflagellates; Ribosomal RNA; Chloroplast evolution; Molecular phylogeny; Theca; Photosynthesis
Diphyllatia; introns; mitochondria; inverted repeats; trans-splicing
Diuron; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; Water temperature; Photosynthetic activity; Intracellular H2O2.
Diversity; Growth; Metabolism; Nif genes; Physiology; Phylogeny
Diversity; epibionts; green algae; taxonomy; Volvocales
Dokai Bay; irradiance; physiology; Skeletonema species; specific growth rate; temperature
Drowning diagnosis; SYBR Green real-time qPCR; Diatom test; Plankton
EPS monosaccharidic composition; water deprivation; soil restoration; dehydration; biocrusts; biofilms
ESR; Heterosigma akashiwo; intracellular metals; luxury phosphate uptake; neutron activation analysis; polyphosphate; 31P-NMR
Ecology; Food web; Algal bloom; Mixotrophy; Red tide; Synechococcus
Ecotoxicology; Cyanobacteria; Deep-sea mining; Flow cytometry; Heavy metal contaminant; Microalgae; On-chip Sort; Phytoplankton
Eggs; Diapause; Female animals; Photoperiod; Nauplii; Egg production; Lakes; Population density; Autumn; Animals
Endosymbiont; Paramecium bursaria; Nitrogen utilization; Chlorella
Endosymbiont; Fluorescence in situ hybridization; Phylogenetic analysis; Rickettsia; Rickettsiaceae; Volvox carteri
Energy spillover; Energetic decoupling; Functional antenna size
Energy transfer; Nonphotochemical quenching; Photosystem
Energy-saving process; Photo-oxygenation; Short-cut nitrogen removal; Ammonium removal pathway; Empirical model
Essential oil; Inhibition activity; Red tide plankton; · Skeletonema costatum; Woody waste
Ethanol conversion; Glycogen extraction; Cyanobacteria; Amylase-displaying yeast; Polysaccharide layer; Organic nutrient
Ethanol; Euglena gracilis; Microalgae; Sedimentation
Eudorina; genome expansion; mutational hazard hypothesis; Volvox; Yamagishiella
Euglena; growth rate; wastewater treatmen
Euglenoids; Eutreptiella sp. KCTC 19016P; Fatty acids; Microalgae; Phytoplankton; Phylogenetic analysis
Eustigmatophyceae; Phylogeny; Taxonomy; Vacuoliviride crystalliferum gen. et so. nov.
Eustigmatophycean alga; Vacuoliviride crystalliferum; Fukushima 1st Nuclear Power Plant Accident; High cesium-accumulating microalgae; Phytoremediation; Radioactive cesium
Evolution; Flagellum; MID; Meiosis; Parachlorella; RWP-RK
Evolution; Green algae; Land plants; Light adaptation; Photosystem
Excitation energy transfer; Light harvesting; Glaucophyte; Light adaptation; Time-resolved fuorescence spectroscopy
Exocytosis; Extrusome; Heliozoa; Kinetocyst
FIB-SEM; SBF-SEM; EM-tomography; EM (electron microscopy); Block-face imaging; Cryo-TEM; Cryo-TEM tomography; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Physical fixation
FM1-43, cryopreservation, two-step freezing, plasma membrane, green algae, Parachlorella kessleri
Far-red light photoacclimation; Low-light photoacclimation; Photosynthesis; Phycobiliproteins; Phycobilisomes; Phycocyanobilin; Site-directed mutagenesis
Fatty Acid Profile; Spirulina; Fatty Acid Pattern; Multiple Strain; Canonical Variate Analysis
Fatty acid; Chlorella vulgaris; Chlorophyta; Heterotrophic cultivation; Mixotrophic cultivation; Nitrogen starvation; iTRAQ analysis
Fish; Haemolytic activity; Photoinhibition; rDNA; Rotifer; Temperature
Flagellar apparatus; heteroloboseans; jakobids; multigene phylogeny; taxonomy; ultrastructure
Flavodiiron proteins; Polycistronic gene; Gene fusion; Coral symbionts; Evolution
Flow-through cultivation; pH-controlled process; Biomass recovery; Green algae; Energy recycling; Wastewater treatment
Fluorescent in situ hybridization; Tyramide signal amplification; Picoplankton; Eukaryotes; Coastal waters; Diversity
Food colorant; Phycocyanin; Pigments; Red microalga; Cyanidioschyzon merolae
Forward osmosis; Microalgae; Membrane fouling; Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)
FtsZ; dynamin; elongation factor; Tu; mitochondrial division; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Alexa; triple immunofluorescence
Galdieria; sexual reproduction; homeobox; actin; microalgae
Gene duplication; germ-soma differentiation; major transitions; multicellularity; regA; Volvox
Gene expression; Carotenoid biosynthesis; Differentially expressed genes; Microalgae; LED wavelength
Genome expansion; green microalga; mitochondrial DNA; plastid DNA; Tetrabaena socialis; Volvocine algae
Genome rearrangement; Plastid genome; Porphyridium purpureum; Rhodophyta; rRNA operon
Genome sequencing; Heterokonta; Mitochondrial genome; Parmales; Plastid genome; Triparma laevis
Genome; Green alga; Lipid body; Parachlorella kessleri; RNA-seq; Whole-genome sequence; Transcriptome; 3D-TEM
Genomics; Metagenomics; Filamentous cyanobacteria
Geological materials; Microbiology; Separation science; Toxicology; Water pollution
Geosmin; geoA Expression; Cyanobacteria; Nitrogen; Earthy-musty odor
Geosmin; Geosmin synthase gene; Coelosphaerium sp.Geosmin-producing and non-producing strains; Lake Shinji
Glaucophyta; Cyanophora; Glaucocystis; Archaeplastida; Plastid; Plastid genome; HGT
Glaucophyta; Cyanophora; Glaucocystis; Cryptic species diversity; Archaeplastida
Glissomonadida; Sandonidae; Allapsidae; Bodomorphidae; Heteromita; phylogeny
Glufosinate ammonium; Temperature; Herbicides; Chlorella; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata
Glutamate; glutamine; glutamine synthetase; N2 fixation; N uptake; Trichodesmium
Grazing; Kareniaceae; Marine; Mesozooplankton; Mortality; Survival; Toxin
Green algae; Heterotrophic microorganisms; Microalgae; Wastewater treatment; Yeast
Green algae; Iso-seq; Mesostigma viride; Native-PAGE; Photosystem
Green algae; Phylogenomics; GC-heterogeneous sites; Heterogeneous models; Phylogenetic signals
Green algae; Streptophyta; Zygnemophyceae; Desmids; Molecular phylogeny; SSU rDNA
Green algae; mutation; selection; synonymous codon usage
Green algal evolution; Chlamydomonas; Phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis; Phosphoethanolamine-N-methyltransferase
Green algar; EC50; Toxicity test; Antibacterial substance; Combined toxicity
Green energy; Biofuel; Hydrocarbon; Extraction; Botryococcus braunii kützing; Nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF)
Groundwater contamination; Infiltration facility; Road dust; Urban runoff; Soil infiltration column test; Water-soluble micropollutants
Group I intron; Chlorella vulgaris; Scenedesmus quadricauda; Protosiphon botryoides; cytochrome c oxidase subunit I; intron homing; frameshift
Haematococcus pluvialis; Obesity; adipose tissue; astaxanthin; coronavirus disease 2019; inflammation
Haploid species; inbreeding; life-history evolution; mating systems; reproductive isolation; sex
Haploid; phylogenetics; self-fertilization; sex; sexual reproduction; volvocine green algae
Haptophyta; Chrysochromulina genome; nad evolution; FtsZ phylogeny; Meiosis; Taxon diagnosis
Haptophyte; Chrysochromulina; Haptonema; Microtubule; Paclitaxel; Curvature
Harmful algae bloom; Cyanotoxins; Real-time PCR; Sediment
Harmful algae; Dot blot hybridizations; PCR assays; DNA microarrays; Quantitative real-time PCR
Harmful algal bloom; HAB; Fish kill mechanism; Osmoregulation; Reactive oxygen species; Quantitative ultrastructure; Chattonella marina
Harmful algal bloom; Population dynamics; Phytoplankton behaviour
Harmful algal blooms (HABs); Chattonella marina; Karenia brevis; Marine medaka; Brevetoxins; Free fatty acids
Harmful algal blooms; Algicidal activity; Antagonism; Bifunctional biocontrol agent
Harmful algal blooms; Microcystins; Algicidal activity; Streptomyces amritsarensis
Harmful cyanobacterial blooms; Photosynthesis; Electron transfer; ROS
Heavy metals; ecotoxicity; organic compounds; rapid leaching test; bioassays
Heliozoa; Spatial point pattern; Cell distribution; Interaction potential; Likelihood analysis
Heterocypris incongruens, ostracod, antioxidant genes, de novo transcriptome, toxicity, road dust
Heterocystous cyanobacteria; Raman scattering microscopy; Anabaena variabilis; Rivularia; Photosystems; Thylakoid membranes
Heterokont algae; molecular phylogenetic analysis; multigene phylogeny; reduced flagellar clade; stramenochromes
Heterothallic species; Homothallic species; Molecular phylogeny; Sexuality; Somatic cell; Transmission electron microscopy
Heterotrophic cultivation; Lipid productivity; Biodiesel; Microalgae; Nutrient regulation; pH control
Hormesis; Combined pollution; Synergistic stimulation; Cyanobacterial bloom; Protein-protein interaction network
Iceland; lichen; Parmeliaceae; phylogeny; symbiosis; Trebouxia
Iodinated hydrocarbons; Halogenated hydrocarbons; Light effects; Phytoplankton
Iron; Organic matter; Emission excitation matrix (EEM); Coastal waters; Fulvic acid
Isahaya-Bay; Isahaya-Shin-ike-Pond; Microcystins; Bacterial consortium; Biological degradation
Keywords; Harvesting; Sedimentation efficiency; Sedimentation rate; Calcium recovery
Knockdown; Alga; Closterium; Charophycean; Transformation
Lactic acidbacteria; Cyanobacteriacidalbacteria; Anabaena flos-aquae; Biological control
Lake Biwa; Lake Kasumigaura; 2–methylisoborneol (2–MIB); Phormidium tenue; Pseudanabaena foetida; Pseudanabaena subfoetida; Pseudanabaenaceae; PTB; PTG; 16S rRNA gene
Land plants; bryophytes; phylogeny; timescale; maximum bounds
Lichenized fungi; Microalgae; rbcL; Trebouxia corticola; Selectivity; Vegetative reproduction
Life history traits; Temperature effects; Eodiaptomus japonicus; Copepod dynamics; Individual variability
Light attenuation model; Haematococcus pluvialis; CFD;Induction experiment
Light-harvesting complex; Photosystem II; Nannochloropsis; CN–PAGE
Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate; Cationic surfactant; Complex Dunaliella Chlorella
Linoleic acid; astaxanthin esterification; Coelastrum sp.; Free astaxanthin; Fatty acid profile
Lipid; Biofuel; Microalgae; Oogamochlamys
Lipids; Microalgae; Extraction; Dimethyl ether
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS); Purification; Endotoxin; Indigenous bacteria/cyanobacteria; Human monocytic cells; Cytokine secretion
Liquid digestate; C. vulgaris; Pollutant removal; Biomass production; Bacterial community analysis
Liquid digestate; Biomass production; Lipid productivity; Wastewater treatment; Microbial community analysis
Long-chain fatty acids; Micractinium sp.; Strain improvement; Fluorescent activated cell sorter; Adaptive evolution
Lotka–Volterra model; Phytoplankton; Red tide; Numerical analysis; Seasonal dominance replacement; Competitive interaction
Lutein; Lycopene epsilon cyclase; Carotenoid; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Transgene
MES; ecotoxicity; alga; daphnia; reproduction
MWI fly ash; leachate; algal assay; Daphnia test; hazardous waste
Marine pollution; Foraminifera; Mucus; Reactive oxygen species; Transcriptome
Marine sulphur cycle; Calcifying haptophytes; Biogeochemistry; Emiliania; Gephyrocapsa; Calcidiscus; Coccolithophores
Marsupiomonadales; Marsupiomonas; Pedinomonas; Pedinophyceae; Resultor; Resultomonas
Metabolite; Glucoside; Galactoside; Endocrine disruptors
Metabolomics; Mass spectrometry; Algaecides; Mechanisms; Untargeted analysis
Metal toxicity; Nutrient metal; Non-nutrient metal; EDTA; Metal speciation
Methane fermentation; Sewage treatment plant; Waste activated sludge
Methionine adenosyltransferase; Lateral gene transfer; Diaoms; Aureococcus; Haptophytes; Cryptomonads
Micro-algae oil; Tri-generation system; Biofuel; CO2
Microalgae–nitrifying bacteria consortia; Photoinhibition; Light-shielding; Free ammonia; Immobilisation
Microalgae adaptation; Adaptive laboratory evolution; Hydrothermal liquefaction; Aqueous phase recycling
Microalgae and activated sludge; Hydraulic retention time; Dairy liquid digestate; Biomass production; Pollutant removal; Metagenomic analysis
Microalgae biogranulation; Settleability; Upflow air velocity; Nutrients removal; Energy efficiency
Microalgae production; Nannochloropsis; Open raceway pond; Sequential batch culture
Microalgae-fungi; Microalgae-yeast; Microalgae-bacteria; Co-cultivation; Biomass; Lipid
Microalgae; Botryococcus braunii; Outdoor cultivation; Hydrocarbon; Fatty acids
Microalgae; Chlorella emersonii; Acid hydrolysis; Fermentation; Escherichia coli; 2-pyrone 4,6-dicarboxylic acid
Microalgae; Coelastrum sp.; CO2 fixation; Wastewater treatment
Microalgae; Activated sludge; Co-culture system; Nutrient recovery; Biomass valorization
Microalgae; Attached cell culture; Wastewater; Phosphorus uptake; Chlorella
Microalgae; Biofuel; Liquefaction; Hydrodeoxygenation; One-pot reaction
Microalgae; Bioplastics; Starch; Plasticization; Extrusion
Microalgae; Botryococcus braunii; Toxicity assay; Vernier wall
Microalgae; Cultivation Environment; Carbon Dioxide; Biomass Productivity; Lipid Productivity
Microalgae; Growth; Fe uptake; APCs; Chelating ligands
Microalgae; Immobilized cultivation; Irradiation; Carbon dioxide; Twin-Layer; Carotenoid
Microalgae; Mixotrophic; MCS; Organic carbon; Photosynthesis; Bioproducts
Microalgae; Municipal wastewater; Nutrient removal; Lipid production
Microalgae; Nitrogen starvation; Heterotrophic cultivation; Fatty acid content; Fatty acid yield; Glucose
Microalgae; Phenolic elicitors; Cell morphology; Photosynthesis; Lipids
Microalgae; Photobioreactor; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Flashing Light; Light Conversion Efficiency
Microalgae; Photosynthetic bacteria; FAME; iTRAQ; Carbon mechanism
Microalgae; Photosynthetic bacteria; FAME; iTRAQ; Nitrogen starvation
Microalgae; Respiration; Temperature; Arthrospira platensis; Biomass productivity; Night biomass loss
Microalgae; Solid fuel; Direct combustion; The holistic analyses; Negative emissions
Microalgae; Wastewater efuent; Enhanced biomass production; Microalgae growth-promoting bacteria
Microalgae; Wastewater; Metabolic profiling; Lipid metabolism
Microalgae; bivalve; phytosterol; fucosterol; fatty acid
Microalgae; red algae; ketocarotenoids; Cyanidiophyceae; polyextremophiles; astaxanthin
Microalgal diversity; Wild strains; Astaxanthin; Haematococcus lacustris; Dysmorphococcus spp.; Reunion Island
Microalgal production; Productivity improvement; Kinetic model; Metabolic flux analysis; Genetic tool; Lipid biosynthesis
Microchloropsis; biomass; carbon dioxide; oleaginous microalga; photosynthetic cell factories
Microcosm; Study; Chattonella; Harmful algal blooms (HAB); Seagrass; HAB ; prevention
Microcystin synthetase; LAMP; Microcystin; Cyanobacteria; McyB
Microcystin; Arthrospira platensis; Multiplex HRM qPCR; Dietary supplements; Liquid; chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometr
Microcystin; Cyanobacteria; Quantitative PCR; mcyB; Sample prepararion
Microcystin; Protein phosphatase; Cyanobacteria; High-performance liquid chromatography
Microcystin; Stable isotope; Surrogate; Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; Accurate analysis
Microcystins; Nodularins; Fast high-performance liquid; chromatography
Microcystins; Pigment analysis; Cyanobacteria; Phytoplankton composition; HPLC; Fish farm
Microcystis; Pangenome; Toxicity; Diversity; Classification
Microcystis; compatible solute; brackish water; sucrose
Microplastic; Nanoplastic; Copper; Chlorella; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; Combined toxicity; Adsorption
Mitochondrial genes; Cytochrome oxidase; Chlorophyte algae; Chlorophyceae; Gene migration; Gene fragmentation
Mixed culture; Chlorella vulgaris; Yarrowia lipolytica; Yeast industrial wastewater; Liquid digestate
Mixture toxicity; Pharmaceutical; Short-term chronic toxicity test; Concentration addition; Independent action
Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Pleodorina; Pleodorina sphaerica; Sexuality; Somatic cell; Volvox
Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Pyrobotrys; Pyrobotrys elongata; Spondylomoraceae; Stigma; Taxonomy; Ultrastructure
Monoecious species; Morphology; Pplyspermy; Reproduction; Volvox capensis; Volvox sect. Volvox
Multicellularity; Body plan; Embryogenesis; Volvocine green algae; Gonium; Tetrabaena
Multicellularity; Volvocine algae; Tetrabaena socialis; DRP1
Naked amoebae; Microcystis; morphology; 18S rDNA; harmful algal blooms; grazing; Europe
Nanoflagellate; Placididea; Stramenopiles; Ultrastructure
Nanoparticles; MgO NPs; Lyngbya majuscula; Chlorophyll a; Carotenoids
Natural organic matter (NOM); Palse amplitude modulation (PAM); System; Lake Biwa; Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP); Ammonia; Ethyl orange
Network-forming amoebae; reticulate; Variosea; Amoebozoa; molecuar phylogeny; SSU rDNA
Nitrogen Fixation; Joint Genome Institute; Heterotrophic Growth; Anabaena variabilis; Cyanobacterial Genome
Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Phenolic compounds; Potassium; Trapa natans
Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Trophic status; Phytoplankton; Nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio; Limiting factor
Nitzschia; apochloritic; chloroplast; photosynthesis; phylogeny; plastid
Nostocaceae; phyllosphere; anthropogenic dark earth; nitrogen fixation; phylogenomics
Novel cyanobacterium; Iron tolerance; Iron depositing hot spring; Great Yellowstone area
Novel ovatoxin isomers; Ostreopsis; Palytoxin analogues; LC-MS/MS
Ocean acidification; Coccolithophore; Evolution; Phenotypic plasticity; Fitness
Off-flavour compounds; Taste and odour; Tropical water; Cyanobacteria
Ofloxacin; Toxicity; Flow cytometry; Microcystis aeruginosa; Repeated exposure
Oleaginous filamentous microalgae; Phenol removal; Phenol-uptake capacity; Residual phenol
Oleamide; Microcystis aeruginosa; Growth inhibition; Photosynthesis; Microcystins
Oxidative stress; Reactive oxygen species (ROS); Zinc toxicity
PPCPs; Anionic surfactant; Whole toxicity; Bioassay
PUFA; ALA; ETA; Microalgae; Monoraphidium
Pacific oyster; Heterosigma akashiwo; Filtraion rate; Intestinal microflora
Palytoxin congeners; Intraperitoneal administration; Aerosol administration; Lethality; Tissue histopathology; Rats
Paramylon; (1 → 3)-β-D-Glucan; Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction; Solid-state 13C NMR; Thermal expansion; Phase transition
Paramylon; β-1,3-Glucan; Paramylon doughnuts; Euglena gracilis; Acetylation
Paramylon; β-1,3-glucan; Thermoplastic; Acylation; Euglena
Parmales; Seasonal variation; Species composition; Growth; Oyashio Current
Particulate phosphorus; Bioavailable phosphorus; Microcystis aeruginosa; Cyanobacteria; Sequential phosphorus extraction
Particulate phosphorus; Ultrasonic extraction; NaOH extraction; Algal growth potential; Bioavailable phosphorus; Microcystis aeruginosa
Pesticide; Species sensitivity distribution; Mixture toxicology; Algae; Mode of action
Phacotaceae; Volvocales; 18S rDNA phylogeny; lorica-bearing flagellates; green algae
Phosphite utilization; Chlorella vulgaris; Coccomyxa subellipsoidea
Phosphorus-deficiency; Differentially expressed genes; RNA-seq; Nonphospholipid; Alkaline phosphatase; Diatom
Photo-bioreactor; Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Improved factors; Mixing
Photo-bioreactor; Microalgae; Haematococcus pluvialis; Scale-up; Outdoor
Photosynthesis; Algae; Zinc; Extremophile; Neutrophile; Acclimation
Photosynthesis; Photosystem I; Crystal structure; Synechocystis; Cyanobacteria; Membrane complexes
Photosynthetic picoeukaryotes; Plastid 16S rRNA; Arabian Sea; PCR
Photosystem I; Light harvesting complex I; Time-resolved fluorescence; Extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Light adaptation; Red chlorophylls
Photosystem II; Photosystem I; Chlorophyll fluorescence; Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy; Heterocystous cyanobacteria; Green algae
Phylotranscriptomics; Volvocine algae; Green algae; Phylogeny; Multicellularity
Physiological responses; Microcystis aeruginosa; Chitosan modified kaolinite
Pig farm; Biogas slurry; Filamentous cyanobacteria; Wastewater treatment; Bioenergy
Plant Evolution; Bryophytes; Cytochromes P450; Biopolymers; Cinnamic Acid 4-Hydroxylase
Plastid genome; Cyanelle; Genetic diversity; Organelle genome; Nucleotide substitution
Plastid replacement; Tertiary endosymbiosis; Serial secondary endosymbiosis
Plastid; Dinoflagellates; Small subunit rRNA; Phylogeny; Endosymbiosis
Poly-phosphate kinase gene; Pseudomonas putida; Sequencing batch biofilm reactor; Phosphorus removal; Nitrogen removal
Polyethyleneimine; Haematococcus pluvialis; Astaxanthin; Cellular uptake; Reactive oxygen species; Flocculant; Oxidative stress; Microalgae
Polyphasic taxonomy; 16S rRNA gene; ITS; MLST; gyrB; rpoB; rpoC1; Planktothrix Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988ICN emend. gen. nov. ICNP
Powdered nylon 6; Raphidocelis subcapitata; Growth inhibition; Electrostatic adhesion; Metabolomic analysis; Amino acid catabolic pathway; γ-glutamyl cycle
Protein; Photo-flocculation; ROS; DOM
Proteomics; Phosphoproteomics; Haematococcus pluvialis; Annotation; Non-model species; Functional enrichment
Prymnesiophyta; deviant genetic code; cytochrome c oxidase subunit I; the codon-capture theory
RAPD analysis; DNA polymorphism; Microcystis; cyanobacterium; allozyme genotype
RNA editing; plastid-associated genes; dinoflagellate; Symbiodinium minutum; hydropathy; light-harvesting complex proteins; minicircles
Radionuclide; Microalgae; Cobalt; Cesium; Decontamination; Biosorption
Raphidophyceae; Quantitative real-time PCR; EvaGreen; Field application
Reactive oxygen species; P700 oxidation; Photosystem I; Seaweeds
Recovery test; Physiological state of algae; 3,5-DCP
Red tide; Phytoplankton; Raphidophycean flagellate; Chattonella marina; Hemolysin; Photosensitizer; Pheophorbide a; Cytotoxin; Photodynamic therapy
Red tide; Prevention; Killer microorganisms; Algicidal bacteria; Ulva pertusa; Seaweed beds; Karenia mikimotoi; Chattonella; Heterosigma
RelA-SpoT homolog; ppGpp; red alga; ribosomal RNA; target of rapamycin
Renewable feedstock; Hydrothermal liquefaction; Green fuels; Microalgal biomass; Nutrient cycling
Residual chlorine; DPD; Seawater; Coscinodiscus wailesii
Rice hull extract; Selective control; Microcystis aeruginosa; Green alga; Zooplankton
Risk assessment; Ecological toxicity; Coastal area of Japan; Perinereis nuntia; Sediment toxicity test; No-observed-effect concentration
Risk assessment; Soil washing; Bioassay; Species sensitivity distribution
River sediment; Ecotoxicity; Heavy metal
Road dust; Ostracod; Toxicity identification evaluation; Adsorbent
Rotifer; 18S rRNA gene; Specific primer; In-fusion cloning; Real-time PCR
Rotifer; Proales similis; Brachionus rotundiformis; Live food; Fatty acid; Epinephelus septemfasciatus
SYBR Green; real-time PCR; phytoplankton; Lake Biwa; dissolved organic matter
Sanguinarine; Microcystis aeruginosa; Growth inhibition; Chlorophyll fluorescence; Gene expression
Saxitoxin; Biosynthesis; Dinoflagellate; Chloroplast; Localization; 3′UTR
Sheep feces; Half-life; Thermal degradation; Elution from artificial rainwater; Acute toxicity test; Raphidocelis subcapitata
Shinorine; Porphyra; UV irradiation; Sunscreen; Eutrophication; Harmful algal bloom
Single-cell analysis; Alexandrium tamarense; Paralytic shellfish toxins
Sinking rate; Thalassiosira pseudonana; Skeletonema marinoi-dohrnii complex; Diuron
Size-exclusion chromatography; Native glycogen; Qantitative analysis; Polyhydroxy methacrylate; Microalgae; Arthrospira platensis
Songkhla Lake Basin; Microcystis; extracellular polymeric substances; microcystins; saxitoxin
Sorption; Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Removal; Kinetic
Spirulina food supplement; Multiplex PCR; Microcystin; Arthrospira platensis; Cyanotoxin
Stable chloroplast transformation; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase; PEG; Biolistic bombardment
Stable red algae nuclear transformation; DTA toxin; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Chloramphenicol; acetyltransferase; PEG; PsbQ’; PSII mutants; PSII extrinsic protein deletion
Steelmaking slag; Growth promotion; Spirulina; Solubility diagram; Oxidative stress
Stramenopile; Heterokont; Direct repeats; Translational frameshift; Gene fusion; Hairpin elements
Stress response; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Secretory protein; Recombinant protein; Unknown function
Subcritical water; fertilizer; chicken feather; Galdieria
Sugi bark; Extract; Inhibition activity; Red tide plankton; Heterosigma akashiwo
Sulfur deficiency; Chlorella spp.; Parachlorella kessleri; Starch; Lipids
Supercritical carbon dioxide; Microalgae; Monoraphidium sp.; Astaxanthin; Chlorophyll
Surfactant; Toxicity; LAS; Quaternary ammonium chloride; Glycerol; 13C-glycerol; Dunaliella sp; 13C-NMR; EC50-24h
Susceptibility; Volatile organic compounds (VOCs); β-Cyclocitral; Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC); Seasonal succession
Symbiodiniaceae; Durusdinium trenchii; WGS; MAAs; GMC oxidoreductase
Synthetic ecosystem; Experimental model ecosystem; Microbial microcosm; Machine learning
Synthetic microbiome; methanotroph-photoautotroph coculture; interspecies metabolic interactions; genome-scale metabolic modeling; steady state modeling; dynamic modeling
Taxonomy; reassesment; Chlamydomonas meslinii; Paludistella; Algae
Tellurium nanorod; Unicellular alga; X-ray analyses
Tetracycline antibiotics; Bacterial growth inhibition; Algal growth inhibition; Laccase; 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide; Potassium iodide; Aquatic toxicity; Synergism; D. magna; Semiconductor wastewater
Thiobencarb; Raphidocelis subcapitata; Watertemperature; Lightintensity; Photosystem II; Effectiveconcentration
Thiocyanate; Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1; Arabidopsis thaliana; transgenic; enhance phytoremediation; glutathione S-transferase; degradation
TiO2 photocatalyst; photoelectrochemical deposition; photocatalytic inactivation; algae
Titanium dioxide; Photocatalyst; Anti-algal effect; Hydrogen peroxide
Toxic blooms; Alexandrium tamarense; Algicidal bacteria; Seagrass; Zostera marina; Mitigation; Prevention
Toxic cyanobacteria; toxic blooms, cyanotoxins; microcystin; Microcystis aeruginosa; bioactive metabolites
Transformation; Homologous recombination; Gene targeting; biotechnology; Algae; Genetic engineering
Transgene silencing; Position effect; Squalene synthase-like gene; Botryococcus braunii; Methyltransferase gene
Transmission electron microscopy; High-pressure freezing and freeze-substitution fixation; Rickettsiaceae; Endosymbiont; Carteria cerasiformis
Trebouxiophyceae; Pedinophyceae; plastid genomics, genome; rearrangements; inverted repeat; horizontal transfer; repeats; introns
Tricleocarpa jejuensis; C18 hydroxy unsaturated fatty acid; Red tide phytoplankton; Algicidal activity; Antibacterial activity; Cytotoxicity
Triclosan; Bacterial growth inhibition; Algal growth inhibition; Manganese peroxidase; Ligninolytic enzymes; White rot fungi
UV-C/KMnO4; Advanced Oxidation; Cyanobacterial Bloom
Ultra-small alga; Chlorophyte M. hakoo; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Ostreococcus tauri; Genome size; Cytochemistry
Ultrasaound; Titanium dioxide; Disinfection; Microcystis aeruginosa; Hydroxyl radicals
Ultrasmall genome size; Medakamo hakoo; Saccharyomyces cerevisiae; Chlorella variabilis; DAPI staining; Microwave oven
Ultraviolet photolysis; DOM degradation; DOM molecular size distribution; Mg availability; Bio-digester effluent
Unicellular microalgae; Haematococcus spp.; Symbiotic bacteria; Achromobactersp.; Growth promotion; Auxin
VARL domain; gene duplication; germ-soma differentiation; major transitions; multicellularity; volvocine algae
VOCs; Aquatic microorganisms; Marine and freshwater environments; Ecological impacts; Infochemicals; Bioindicators
Velocity gradient; Rapid mixing time; Picophytoplankton; Floc formation and breakage; Turbidity removal
Viridiplantae; Prasinophytes; Prasinococcales; Picocystis; Picoplanktonic algae; Nephroselmis; Plastid genome; Phylogenomics; Genome reduction; trans-spliced group II intron
Vitamin B12; pseudovitamin B12; algal health food; spirulina tablet; intrinsic facto
Volvocaceae; inversion; intercalation; cytoplasmic bridge; stalk; colony formation
Volvocales; Divergent actin
Volvocines; multicellularity; Tetrabaena socialis; evolutionary genomics
Water temperature; Water salinity; Host-virus interactions; Diatom lysis
Wetland; Cyanobacteria; Cyanotoxin; Eutrophication; Serbia
Wheat bran leachate; Microcystis; Gene expression; Photosynthesis
Woody wastes; Extract; Algal bloom; Allelopathy; Lake environment
Xenobiotic compounds; Micro-pollutants; Enzyme activity; Biomass; Bioenergy; Algae-based wastewater treatment
Xenophyophore; In situ isotope labeling experiment; Abyssal plain; Feeding habit
Zeta potential; Coagulation; Turbidity; Cyanobacteria; algae
Zinc; Copper; Cadmium; Metal speciation; Ecological risk assessment
abnormal swimming behavior; cell mortality; cell wall damage; Chlamydomonas rein-hardtii; poly(isobutyl-cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles; ROS
abscisic acid; active oxygen; carotenoid; cyst formation; drought stress; Haematococcus pluvialis
abscisic acid; astaxanthin; carotenogenesis; drought stress; encystment; plant hormone; Haematococcus pluvialis
abscisic acid; carotenoid; Mesostigma; neoxanthin; siphonaxanthin; siphonaxanthin ester
absorption; ac-9; equivalent spherical diameter; ratio of cellular carbon to chlorophyll a; scattering efficiency
abyssal plain; benthic ecosystems; climate change; ecosystem functioning; isotope tracer; primary producers
acetylene reduction; Anabaena; dark nitrogen fixation; respiration
acidic environment; acidophilic alga; comparative genomics; comparative transcriptomics; environmental adaptation
acidic hydrolysis; amino acids; glucose; mammalian cell culture; microalgae; nutrients
acidification; bluegreen algae; Cyanophyta; fluoride; phytoplankton; tolerance; toxicity
acidophilic algae; Chlamydomonas sp.; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Chlorophyta; culture conditions; fatty acids; lipids
actin gene; actin localization; cell division; karyotype; Nannochloris bacillaris
actin gene; autosporulation; binary fission; budding; cell division; Chlorophyta; DNA content; genome size; phylogeny; Nannochloris
action spectra; blue light; Euglena; photophobic responses; ultraviolet light
action spectrum; Chroomonas; Cryptomonas; cryptophyte; eyespot; phototaxis; phycobilin
acute toxic test; LC-MS/MS; Raphidocelis subcapitata; radical
acyl chain length; degree of substitution; Hansen solubility parameter; paramylon
adeninylcobamide; cobalamin; cyanobacteria; methionine synthase; pseudovitamine B12; Spirulina platensis
adenylate cyclase; cyanobacterium; cyclic AMP; cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
adenylate level; amino acid; ammonia effect; Chlorella vulgaris; dark CO2 fixation; respiration
adhesive tape; chemical fiber; light microscopy; microalgae; slide preparation; unfixed cells
advance oxidation; aeration; cyanobacteria; degradation; electrolysis
aerial algae; molecular phylogeny; Stichococcus ampulliformis sp. nov.; Trebouxiophyceae; 18SrRNA gene
aerobic sludge; anaerobic digestion effluent; Chlorella sorokiniana; free ammonia inhibition; post anaerobic digestion treatment; simultaneous bacterial process
aeruginosins; Choi; biogenesis; structural diversity; nonribosomal polypeptide synthesis; serine protease inhibitory activity
affinity chromatography; carbon dioxide concentration; carbonic anhydrase; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; enzyme induction
agglutinins; blue-green algae; cyanobacteria; carbohydrate-binding specificity; isolation; lectin; eucheuma; Myxococcus xanthus; Oscillatoria agardhii; N-terminal sequence
aggregate; diatom–virus interaction; particle size distribution; settling velocity; material cycle
aging; cell division; circadian plasticity; Euglena gracilis; microalgae; T-cycle
airlift photobioreactor; vegetative cells; astaxanthin; bioprocess design; microalga
akinetes; algal strain; Anabaena; heterocytes; vegetative cells
alanine-X-alanine motif; Chlorarachniophyta; Euglenophyta; phylogeny; plastids; psbO; secondary endosymbiosis; transit peptide; thylakoid-targeting domain
alga-lytic bacteria; musty odor; Phormidium tenue; Pseudomonas KA6
alga; Chlorophyta; Glaucophyta; polyamine; Rhodophyta
alga; chlorarachniophyte; chromerid; dinoflagellate; polyamine
alga; crustacean, fish, nitro-PAHs; predicted no effect concentrations
alga; heterokontophyte; hexa-amine; labyrinthulomycete; methylated polyamine; penta-amine
algae, plants; photosynthetic eukaryotes; genetic modification; multiple transformation; chloramphenicol; CAT selection marker
algae; Chlorella protothecoides; Ethylene glycol; Propylene glycol; Heterotrophic; pH
algae; Nannochloropsis; phosphorus starvation; inducible promoter; triacylglycerol
algae; CARS; microscopy; microspectroscopy; supercontinuum
algae; Charophyta; cryptic species; Entransia; green algae; Hormidiella; Interfilum; Klebsormidium; Streptosarcina; systematics
algae; Thailand; w-3 fatty acids; linolenic acid; eicosapentaenoic acid; docosahexaenoic acid
algae; allelopathy; biodiversityeffects; chemical compounds; productivity; species richness
algae; competition; light-emitting diode; water blooms
algae; difference in species sensitivity; herbicide
algae; plants; homologous recombination; conditional knockdown; gene inducible system
algal DOM; growth phase; UV effects; photoalteration; biodegradability; chemical composition
algal bloom; Japanese cedar; terpenoid; flavonoid, Cyanobacteria
algal bloom; artificial circulation; community succession; darkness tolerance; phytoplankton
algal bloom; calcification; coccolithophorid; Emiliania huxleyi; Gephyrocapsa oceanica; nitrate; phosphate; nutrient-depletion
algal bloom; cyanobacteria; genome; Microcystis
algal bloom; cyanobacteria; genome; microcystin; Microcystis aeruginosa; Lake Kasumigaura
algal bloom; mud gels; silver-contained ceramics
algal community; herbicide; simetryn; pretilachlor; pollution; effects
algal diversity; community structure; environmental DNA; Eustigmatophyceae; metabar-coding; species diversity
algal growth inhibition test; delayed fluorescence; rapid bioassay; whole effluent toxixity
algal growth potential (AGP); Microcystis aeruginosa; reclaimed water; recreational water reuse; soluble reactive phosphorus; wastewater reclamation plant
algal growth potential (AGP); bioindicator; dichloromethane; organic solvents; trichloroethlene
algal growth potential test; bioavailable phosphorus; Microcystis aeruginosa; particulate phosphorus; ultrasonic extraction
algal growth potential; Microcystis; Selenastrum; nutrient
algal phylogeny; biosynthesis of carotenoids; distribution of carotenoids; function of carotenoids; pigment-protein complex
algal toxicity test; oxygen evolution; short-term bioassay; sensitivity
algal-bacterial association; bacteria; community composition; culture collection; microalgae
algal-lysing activity; cyanobacteria; fruiting myxobacteria
algicidal bacteria; Anabaena crassa; Dolichospermum crassum; geosmin; musty odor; Rheinheimera spp
algicidal bacteria; Chattonella; Heterosigma; Raphidophyceae; red tide; virus
algicidal bacteria; growth-inhibiting bacteria; particle-associated bacteria; free-living bacteria; harmful algal blooms
algicidal bacteria; marine bacteria; marine phytoplankton; red tide; bloom; Raphidophyceae; Heterosigma akashiwo
algicidal bacteria; red tide; Chattonella; Alteromonas
algicidal bacterium; algicidal mechanism; biological control; indoor mesocosm; Pseudomonas fluorescens; Stephanodiscus hantzschii
algicidal compounds; Ulva fasciata; hexadeca-4,7,10,13-tetraenoic acid; octadeca-6,9,12,15-tetraenoic acid; α-linolenic acid
algicidal substance; Chaetoceros; Chattonella; Heterosigma; Pseudomona
algicide; Bacillus sp. SY-1; Cochlodinium polykrikoides; harmful algal bloom; mycosubtilin
alkalization; dissolved inorganic carbon concentrating mechanism; photosynthesis
alkenone, alkyl alkenoate; Uk'37; EE/K37; EE/K38; Emiliania huxleyi; Gephyrocapsa oceanica; coccolithophorid assemblage; northwest North Pacific sediment
alkylphenol; toxicity test; dietborne toxicity; exposure route; Heterocypris incongruens; ISO 14371
allelochemical; Microcystis aeruginosa; Myriophyllum spicatum; fatty acid; synergistic growth inhibition
allelochemical; fatty acid; Microcystis aeruginosa; Myriophyllum spicatum
allelochemical; polyphenol; algae; concentration-dependent synergistic growth inhibition; autoxidation
allelopathic suppression; biological control; cyanobacteria; macrophytes; plant extractions
allelopathy; Carex dispalata; floating bed; Microcystis aeruginosa; Phragmites australis; Typha domingensis
allelopathy; Gyrodinium instriatum; Skeletonema costatum; species interaction
allelopathy; Microcystis aeruginosa; Potamogeton pusillus
allelopathy; algal growth; inhibition; polyphenol; concurrent action; autoxidation
allelopathy; bioassay; leaf disk; Microcystis aeruginosa
allelopathy; blue-green algae; coexistence; growth inhibition; macrophyte; Myriophyllum spicatum
allelopathy; canna; carboxylic comp.; cyanobacteria; growth inhibition; phenolic comp.; umbrella plant
allelopathy; cyanobacteria; growth inhibition; macrophytes; plant extracts
allelopathy; growth inhibition; growth stimulation; harmful algal blooms (HABs); Heterosigma akashiwo; Skeletonema costatum
allophycocyanin (assembly); blue-green algae (Anabaena variabilis); in vitro association (phycobilisome); phycobilisome core; phycobilisome; protein assembly
alloxanthin; antheraxanthin; carotenogenesis; carotenoid; Cryptophyta; Glaucophyta; lutein; red algae; Rhodophyta; Zeaxanthin
amino acid; Charophyceae; freezing tolerance; osmotic strength; soluble sugar; ultrastructure
amino acids; glutamate; glutamine; glutamine synthetase; N turnover; N2 fixation; NH4+ uptake; NO3-; Trichodesmium; urea
aminobutylcadaverine; aminopentylspermidine; green alga; penta-amine; polyamine; thermospermine
aminobutylcadaverine; aminopropylcanavalmine; canavalmine; diaminohexane; polyamine; red algae; Rhodophyta
aminooxyacetate; Chlorophyta (microalgae); CO2-concentrating mechanism; cyanobacteria; Euglena; glycolate excretion; photosynthesis (CO2-concentrating mechanism)
amitochondriate; Carpediemonas membranifera; diplomonads; Excavata; microaerophilic; retortamonads; typical excavates
ammonia effect; Anabaena cylindrica; 31P NMR spectroscopy; cellular pH
ammonia effect; Chlorella; dark CO2 fixation; starch degradation; sucrose formation
ammonia effect; blue light effect; Chlorella; glutamine synthetase; nitrate uptake; nitrogen metabolism
ammonia; adenylates; blue light; Chlorella; orthophosphate; phosphorylase
ammonium ion; blue light; Euglena; greening; photophobic responses
amperometric biosensor; Chlorella vulgaris; algae; alginate gel; polyion complex; herbicides
amphidinol membrane-permeabilizaion
amphidinol; Amphidinium klebsii; amphotericin B
amphidinol; Amphidinium; AM7; AM3; CID MS/MS
anaerobic digestion supernatant; Chlorella vulgaris; membrane photobioreactor (MPBR)
anaerobic flagellate; growth rate; ingestion rate; Lake Suigetsu
anaesthetics; auxins; cell growth; cyanobacteria; cytokinins; phytohormones; principal component; analysis; Synechococcus leopoliensis
anatoxin-a; Aphanizomenon flos-aquae; cyanobacterial toxins; LC-MS; saxitoxin
angiotensin converting enzyme; inhibitor; microalgae; peptide; screening
anhydrobiosis; desiccation tolerance; extracellular polysaccharide (EPS); superoxide dismutase (SOD); water stress protein (WspA)
anisogamous conjugation; Chlorophyta; Eudorina elegans; gone colony formation; sexual reproduction; Volvocales
anisotropy; cell wall sugar composition; chemotaxonomy; Chlorella; Chlorophyta; classification; glucosamine; rigid wall; ruthenium red staining
anisotropy; cell wall sugar composition; chemotaxonomy; Chlorella; classification; lytic enzyme; rigid wall; ruthenium red
annulus; diatom; pattern center; scale; sternum
antarctic; Dunaliella; high salt lake; salt stress; NMR; glycerol
antenna pigment; carotenoid; Prasinophyceae; Pterosperma; siphonaxanthin; siphonaxanthin ester
anthraquinone dye; white-rot fungi; laccase; decolorization; toxicity
anti-Porphyridium carbonic anhydrase antibody; carbonic anhydrase; immunogold electron microscopy; intracellular distribution; Porphyridium cruentum
anti-HIV; high-mannose N-glycans; Oscillatoria agardhii lectin; recombinant lectin
antibacterial agent; clarithromycin; ecotoxicity; levofloxacin; risk
antibiotics; BSA; flow cytometry; microalgal; cultures; nanoeukaryotes; phytoplankton; picoeukaryotes;; single cell sorting
antibiotics; distribution; mud; sedimentation particles; accumulation; absorption; plankton
antifouling compound; degradation product; ecotoxicity; fate; berbicide; Irgarol 1051; M1; Seto Inland Sea Japan; transformation
antimicrobial agents; triclosan; triclocarban; phenoxyethanol; ecotoxicity; green algae; Ceriodaphnia dubia; ecological risk
antioxidant; astaxanthom; Haematococcus pluvialis oxidative stress; u.v.-B;
antioxidant; environmental adaptation; mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA); mys genes
antiserum; cross-reactivity; immunoblotting; photosystem; protein
antiviral activity; cyanobacteria; Microcystis aeruginosa; ssRNA viruses; ssDNA viruses
antiviral substances; exopolysaccharides; KHVD; koi herpesvirus
aplanogamy; Carteria eugametos; Chlorophyta; morphology; sexual reproduction; Volvocales
aplanosporic strain; Eudorina unicocca; Eudorina peripheralis stat. nov.; Chlorophyceae; molecular phylogeny; morphology; taxonomy; Volvocales; Yamagishiella
apochloritic; B-ketoadipate pathway; Entner-Doudoroff Pathway; glycolysis; lignin; mixotrophy; oxidative pentose phosphate pathway; photosynthesis
apochlorotic diatoms; genetic diversity; large subunit rRNA; molecular phylogenetic analysis; nonphotosynthetic plastids; plastid 16S rRNA
apochlorotic diatoms; nonphotosynthetic plastid genome; genome reduction; ATP synthase complex; Twin-arginine translocator
aqquatic organism; ecotoxic effect; industrial effluent; whole effluent toxicity (WET)
aquaculture wastewater; microalgae; lutein; two-stage
aquatic algae; cyanobacteria; photoautotrophs; photorespiration; photosynthesis; transport
aquatic habitat; Chara braunii; Charales; Charophyceae; intergenic spacer region; intraspecific phylogeny; morphological variation, rbcL gene
aquatic humic substances; Microcystis aeruginosa; iron limitation; siderophore; Lake Kasumigaura
aquatic plants; conjugation; flumioxazin; metabolism; sediment exposure; water exposure
artificial circulation; phytoplankton; dark survival; community succession; Microcystis aeruginosa
artificial seawater; coccolithophorids; Emiliania huxleyi; Gephyrocapsa oceanica; Helladosphaera; selenium-depletion; selenium-requirement
ascorbic acid; evolution; synthesis; aldonolactone oxidoreductases; insects; nematodes; prokaryotes
asexual reproduction; Chlorophyceae; morphology; Sphaerellopsis; Vitreochlamys aulata
asexual reproduction; Chlorophyta; Goniaceae; Gonium quadratum; mating papilla; phylogeny; sexual reproduction; zygote germination
asexual reproduction; Chlorophyta; flagellar emission; Gonium pectorale; isogamous conjugation; mating papilla; sexual reproduction; Volvocales
asexual reproduction; cell division; Closterium; teaching material
asexual spheroid; molecular phylogeny; monoicous species; morphology; sexual spheroid; taxonomy; Volvox; Volvox ferrisii; Volvox sect; Volvox
assimilation; 14C labeling; CERAS (closed ecological recirculating aquaculture system); density; ingestion; Spirulina; Oreochromis niloticus
assimilation; 14C labeling; CERAS (closed ecological recirculating aquaculture system); ingestion; Spirulina; Oreochromis niloticus
astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis; blue light emitting diode (LED); nutrient supply
astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis; fed-batch culture; blue light emitting diode (LED)
astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis; heterotrophy; acclimation
astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis; transmitted light; physiological response
astaxanthin; Scenedesmus; Coelastrella; carotenoprotein; astaxanthin-binding protein
astaxanthin; canthaxanthin; carotenoid; xanthophyll; Haematococcus pluvialis; green alga
astaxanthin; carotenogenesis; flow cytometry; Haematococcus pluvialis; oxidative stress; pigment mutant
astaxanthin; carotenoid biosynthesis; green algae; Haematococcus pluvialis; lycopene βcyclase; redox regulation
astaxanthin; carotenoids; Haematococcus pluvialis; heterotrophic; photoautotrophic; two phase culture
astaxanthin; chemostat cultures; chlorophyta; Haematococcus lacustris; photon flux density; specific growth rate
astaxanthin; dry conditions; photo-oxidative stress; Scenedesmaceae; terrestrial microalgae
astaxanthin; encystment; germination; Haematococcus pluvialis; life cycle; maturation
astaxanthin; light emitting diode; wavelength; accumulation of astaxanthin
astaxanthin; microalgae; Monoraphidium sp.; outdoor cultivation; energy-saving technology
attached diatom; growth inhibition test; herbicide; ecological risk assessment
aureochrome (AUREO); BL receptor; bZIP; LOV; stramenopiles
autofluorescence; Chrysophyceae; flagellum; fluorescence; heterokont; Ochromonas; photoreceptor; Prymnesium
autolysis; cell wall; Chlorella; lytic activity
autotrophic organisms; biocrust development; exopolysaccharides; organic carbon; soil nitrogen, soil; degradation
axenic Microcystis viridis; microcystin; toxic waterbloom; Japanese lakes
b-cyclocitral; Oxidation; Acidification; Cyanobacteria; Blue color formation; Lysis
b-cyclocitral; cyanobacteria; lysis; blue color formation; acid stress
bacteria; colonization; dispersal; disturbance; protists; spatial pattern; variation partitioning
basal apparatus; 18S rDNA, naked swimming cells; parallel basa bodies; pyrenoid; soil alga; unequal flagella
bead–phenol–chloroform method; cyanobacteria; RNA extraction; xanthogenate–SDS–phenol method
beta-tubulin; Cryptophyta; Katablepharidophyta/Kathablepharida; Katablepharis/Kathablepharis japonica; Leucocrypta; Leucocryptos marina; phylogeny; SSU rDNA
bicarbonate fixation; carbonic anhydrase; Chlorella; photosynthetic CO2-fixation
bicarbonate uptake; calcification; CO2 uptake; coccolithophorid; Emiliania huxleyi; inorganic carbon accumulation
bicarbonate utilization; carbon dioxide; carbonic anhydrase; cell surface; Dunaliella tertiolecta; photosynthesis
bicosoecids; chromophytes; Chrysophyceae; flagellar apparatus; heterokonts; phagotrophy; Pedinellophyceae; Pelagophyceae; Sulcochrysis; taxonomy
biflagellate green alga; Oogamochlamys; new species; SSU rDNA; ITS rDNA secondary structure; morphological characteristics; life cycle; temperate monsoon climate zone
bilateral mating papilla; Chlorophyta; Gonium pectorale; isogamete; mating type; sexual reproduction; tubular mating structure; Volvocales
binary fission; field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM); picoplankton; Prasinoderma; Prasinophyceae; taxonomy
bioassay; environmental risk; hazard quotien
bioassay; nanofiltration membrane; reclaimed water; reverse osmosis membrane; toxicity
biocrust; erosion; exopolysaccharide content; hydrophobicity; penetration resistance; wildfire
biodiversity; chloroplast genome; epiphyte; gene loss; pyrenoid; transmission electron microscopy
biodiversity; cryoflora; environmental sample; fatty acids; fluorometry; vegetative stages
biofuel production; Botryococcus braunii; Microcystis aeruginosa; water purification
biofuel; microalgal biomass; Chlorella; lipids
biogeography; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Chlorophyceae; mating population; species
biogeography; ITS; Pandorina; Volvulina; Volvocaceae; phylogenetics; speciation; Yamagishiella
biogeography; coccolithophore; Emiliania huxleyi; mitochondrial DNA; morphotype
biogeography; cryptic species; distribution; LSU rDNA; phytoplankton; Skeletonema costatum
biogeography; endemism; Synura; Synurophyceae; ubiquity hypothesis
biological activities; cultivation system, biorefining proces
biological risk; cyanobacteria; cyanotoxin; water supply; African continent; molecular markers; mcy genes
biological species; Closterium; group I introns; ITS2; mating group; molecular phylogeny; speciation
biological test; wood preservative; chronic toxicity; daphnia; green algae; fish
biologically active glycoprotein; Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex; conjugation; gametic protoplast release
biomass; microalgae; carbon dioxide; useful material production
biomineralization; silica; Prymnesium; Chrysochromulina; 18S rDNA; rbcL
biomolecular; drinking water; database; geo; mic; monitoring; Taq-Man probes
biorefinery; Euglena; lactate; microalgae; succinate
biorefinery; carotenoid; Coelastrella; dual production; lipid
biosensor chip; fluorescence oxygen sensor; microalgae; pesticides
biosignatures; extremophiles; ionizing radiation; Raman spectroscopy; cyanobacteria; Mars exploration
biosorption; adsorption mechanism; single cell ICP-MS; XAFS; metal selectivity
biosynthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid; chlorophyll biosynthesis; 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance; Scenedesmus obliquus
biosystematic study; Closterium ehrenbergii; mating group; mating type; reproductive isolation
biotechnology; cyanobacteria; ecology; microviridin; oligopeptide
bloom; Microcystis; phylogeny; polyphasic approach; Radiocystis fernandoi; taxonomy
bloom; Cryptophyta; plankton; pyrenoids; tidal area
blue light effect; Chlorella; light-induced absorbancechange; NADH-nitrate reductase
blue light; carbonic anhydrase; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; enzyme induction; light intensity
blue light; carbonic anhydrase; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; enzyme induction; photoreceptor
blue-green alga (Anabaena variabilis); electron micrograph; cylindrical phycobilisomes; phycobilisomes; protein assembly
blue-green alga; Microcystis viridis; cyanoviridin RR; microcystin RR, toxins
blue-green algae, cyanobacterial bloom; grazing; microcystin; Microcystis; pond; tadpole; trophic relationship
blue-green algae; Microcystis aeruginosa; M. wesenbergii; isopropyl mercaptan; isopropyl disulfide; isopropyl sulfonyl chloride; chlorination; mutagenicity; Ames test
blue-green algae; Microcystis; interaction
blue-green algae; Phormidium tenue; growth characteristics; headspace-GC analysis; 2-methylisoborneol
blue-green algae; cyanobacteria; cyclic peptide; Microcystis; strain; toxin
blue/UV-photoreceptor; Chlorella kessleri; phosphofructokinase
bolidophyceae; parmales; diatoms; genetic diversity; mitosis; geographical distribution; seasonal dynamics and silicification
c-di-GMP; Arthrospira; diguanylate cyclase; phosphodiesterase; riboswitch
cDNA sequence; copper regulation; green alga; mRNA accumulation; Pediastrum boryanum; plastocyanin
calcification; CO2 fixation; coccolithophorids; Emiliania huxleyi; mitochondrial respiration; photosynthesis
calcification; coccolith production; coccolithophore; cold stress; Emiliania huxleyi; phosphate deprivation
calcification; coccolith; coccolithophorid; Emiliania huxleyi; inorganic carbon utilization; protoplast
calcification; coccolithophore; evolution; Gephyrocapsa oceanica; ocean acidification; plasticity
calcineurin B-like protein; calcium signalling; CBL-interacting protein kinase; evolution; liverwort; Marchantia polymorpha; salt stres
caldopentamine; homocaldopentamine; Chattonella antiqua; Heterosigma akashiwo
calium ion influx; Con A; exocytosis; extrusome; glycoprotein; secretory granule
cannibalism; Chrysophyceae; colorless chrysophyte; doubling time; growth rate; heterotrophic flagellate
cannibalism; grazing; growth; kleptoplastidy; light; Pfiesteria piscicida
carbohydrates; DOM; HPLC-PAD; lake water; algal culture
carbon assimilation; closed ecological recirculating aquaculture system (CERAS); Chlorella; 14C labeling; Euglena; ingestion; Oreochromis niloticus; Spirulina
carbon dioxide concentration; Euglena gracilis Z; isolated chloroplast; photoautotrophic growth; photosynthetic carbon fixation
carbon dioxide fixation; calcification; calcium carbonate crystal; cell growth; coccolith; coccolithophorids; Emiliania huxleyi; photosynthesis; nutrient-depletion effect; Warburg effect
carbon dioxide fixation; carbonic anbydrase; Chlorella; photosynthesis; transport of CO2
carbon dioxide; Chlamydomonas; fatty acid; lipid
carbon dioxide; Chlorella; CO2 capture; waste valorization
carbon dioxide; carbonic anhydrase; Chlorella vulgaris; inorganic carbon; photosynthesis
carbonic anhydrase (cellular distribution); Chlamydomonas
carbonic anhydrase synthesis; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; synchronous culture
carbonic anhydrase; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; enzyme induction; photosynthesis; photosynthetic mutants
carbonic anhydrase; Chlorella vulgaris (11h cell); CO2 fixation; photosynthesis
carbonic anhydrase; Chlorella vulgaris; CO2 concentration; photosynthesis; temperature
carbonic anhydrase; Chlorella; CO2 fixation; kinetic analysis; photosynthesis
carbonic anhydrase; Chlorella; CO2 fixation; photosynthesis; ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase
carbonic anhydrase; Dunaliella; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase; photosynthesis; Porphyridium
carbonic anhydrase; Cl- activation; Cl- inhibition; marine microalgae; NaCl effect; photosynthesis
carbonic anhydrase; cell cycle; Chlorella; CO2 concentration; photosynthesis; synchronous culture
carbonic anhydrase; cell surface; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; trypsin treatment
carbonic anhydrase; cell wall-less mutant; Chyamydomonas reinhardtii; periplasm; wall lysing enzyme
carbonic anhydrase; chloride ion-activation; Porphyridium cruentum
carotenoid; Chlamydomonas; Chlamydomonas parkeae; Chlorophyta; ultrastructure; 2,4-divinylprotochlorophyllide (DVP); flagellar apparatus; siphonaxanthin; siphonaxanthin decenoate; siphonaxanthin dodecenoate; siphonaxanthin octenoate
carotenoid; Haematococcus pluvialis; mature cyst; microalgae; pigment; scale-up
carotenoid; dinoflagellates; P457; peridinin; Symbiodinium; symbiosis
carotenoids; Chattonella; Dictyochophyceae; harmful algae; LSU rDNA; new taxon; phylogeny; SSU rDNA; ultrastructure
carotenoids; Chlorophyta; high-performance liquid chromatography; loroxanthin; xanthophylls
carotenoids; carotenoproteins; cyanobacteria; nonphotochemical quenching; photoprotection; phylogenomics; protein structure; singlet oxygen (1O2) quenching
carotenoids; cellular carbon; Chattonella antiqua; chlorophyll; diel change; laboratory culture tank; light-dark cycles
carotenoids; cellurar carbon; chlorophyll; diel change; laboratory culture tank; light-dark cycles; loroxanthin dodecenoate; Pyremimonas parkeae
carotenoids; fatty acids; light; lipids; microalgae; photoperiod
carotenoids; methylation; Nephroselmis; photosynthetic antenna system; Prasinophyceae; siphonaxanthin series
cell covering; LysoTracker; protist; siliceous; scale; time-lapse video microscopy
cell culture; eukaryotic autotrophic picoplankton; flow cytometry; phycocyanin; phycoerythrin; Synechococcus
cell cycle progression; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; NH4+ starvation; organic nitrogen compounds; sexual reproduction
cell cycle; Chlamydomonas; 6-methyl purine; transition point
cell cycle; Chlamydomons; chloroplast division; DAPI; nucleoid
cell cycle; Chlorella; chloroplast rRNA; cytoplasmic rRNA; RNA synthesis; radioisotopic precursor
cell cycle; cell wall polysaccharides; Chlorella
cell cycle; cell wall polysaccharides; cell wall turnover; Chlorella ellipsoidea; photosynthesis; synchronous culture
cell cycle; cell wall synthesis; Chlorella ellipsoidea; glucose uptake; synchronous culture
cell cycle; cell wall; Chlorella; glucosamine; synchronous culture
cell cycle; chloroplast division; endosymbiosis; endosymbiotic gene transfer
cell cycle; chloroplast nucleoid; chloroplast-nucleus connection; chromosome; Euglena gracilis
cell cycle; chloroplast stromal protein; Heterosigma akashiwo; protein phosphorylation
cell cycle; chloroplast-nucleus association; chloroplast-nucleoid; Euglena gracilis; three-dimensional chloroplast model
cell cycle; chloroplast-nucleus association; chloroplast-nucleoid; chromosome; Euglena gracilis
cell cycle; clustering analysis; Cyanidioschyzon; organelle; transcriptome
cell cycle; microarray; mitochondria-plastid division genes; organelle division genes; Cyanidioschyzon merolae
cell destruction; fixation; Lugol's iodine solution; Microcystis aeruginosa; sonication
cell division; culture tank; DCMU-induced fluorescence; Heterosigma akashiwo; vertical migration
cell extraction; Heterosigma akashiwo; intracellular phosphate; phosphodiester; 31P-NMR; polyphosphate; Raphidophyceae; sugar-phosphate
cell fusion; Chlamydomonas monoica; germination; karyogamy; maturation; mutant; nuclear migration; sporulation; zygospore
cell plastics; unicellular green algae; attachment factors in matrices; proteomics
cell shape and size; clonal culture; Closterium ehrenbergii; mating group; morphological variability; statistical analysis
cell sorting; flow cytometry; on-chip Sort; lipid-producing algae; Nile Red
cell viability; Heterosigma akashiwo; n-alkylamine
cell wall amino compounds; cell wall composition; cell wall polysaccharides; Chlorella cell wall; Chlorella ellipsoidea; strain identification
cell wall composition; Chlorophyta; 2-keto-sugar acids; Prasinophyceae; scale composition
cell wall degradation; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; gametolysin; zygote-specific gene
cell wall-lytic enzyme; chitosanase; Chlorella ellipsoidea C-27; protoplast
cell wall; chloroplast division; freeze-substitution; intermediate fibres; Pediastrum duplex; transmission electron microscopy
cell wall; contractile vacuoles; Hapalochloris nozakii gen. et sp. nov.; mitochondria; molecular phylogeny; morphology; new species; taxonomy; Volvocale
cell-cell recognition; Closterium; ConcanavalinA; conjugation; lectin; Lycopersicon esculentum lectin; sexual reproduction
cell-plastics; biodegradability; unicellular green alga; green plastics
cellulase; glycosyl hydrolase family 9; carbohydrate binding module (CBM); bioinformatics; RT-qPCR
central pit; green alga: Japan; morphology; new record; Phycopeltis; Printzina; Trentepohlia
centric diatom, cytoplasmic inheritance; non-genetic heritability; quantitative genetics; structural inheritance; rapid evolution
centromere; CENH3; chromosome segregation; Cyanidioschyzon merolae
cesA1; Fish oil; Homologous recombination; Live feed; Photoautotrophic microalgae
charophycean; Closterium; conjugation; gamete; Concanavalin A (Con A); sexual reproduction
charophycean; Closterium; landplants; mating-type; sexual reproduction
charophyte; Evolution; Klebsormidium nitens; Plastid peptidoglycan; Streptophyte
charophyve; land plants; Chara; Coleochaete; Closterium
chelate; growth; iron; microalgae; red tide; siderophore
chemical characterization, lipopolysaccharide, Microcystis aeruginosa, O-chain
chemical ecology; water bloom, β-cyclocitral, density stress, quorum sensing
chemiluminescence; flow injection; superoxide; luciferin analogue; red tide
chemotaxis; Closterium; conjugation; mating; sex pheromone; sexual reproduction
chemotaxonomy; Chlorella; Chlorophyta; UTEX culture collection; utilization for research and biotechnology
chilling injury; Chlorella ellipsoidea; O2 evolution; O2 uptake
chlorarachniophytes; Lotharella; Mediterranean Sea; RCC375, RCC376; taxonomy
chlorophyll c complex; chlorophyll pigments; diatoms; field desorption mass spectrometry; methanol extracts; reverse phase HPLC
chlorophyll f; Cuatro Ciénegas Basin; far-red light; photosynthesis; phycobilisomes.
chlorophyll-c; chiral HPLC; enantioimer; chromophyte algae; light-harvesting complexes
chloroplast DNA variation; chloroplast genome; intraspecific variation; prasinophyte; Pyramimonas parkeae
chloroplast DNA; Cyanidium caldarium; transfer RNA-lysine
chloroplast development; Euglena; propyrenoid; ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase; immunocytochemistry
chloroplast division; algal cell cycle; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Cyanophora paradoxa
chloroplast division; chloroplast DNA replication; FtsZ ring; Nannochloris bacillaris; phosphate-enriched culture
chloroplast division; cyanelle; Cyanophora paradoxa; endosymbiosis; Glaucocystophyta; peptidoglycan; plastid dividing-ring; plastid division; plastid envelope
chloroplast nuclei; classification (chloroplast); development (Chloroplast); division cycle (chloroplast)
chloroplast promoters; chloroplast transformation; Cyanidioschyzon merolae
chloroplast; Closterium; conjugation; disintegration of chloroplast; Zygnematales; zygote maturation
chloroplast; Corynoplastis gen. et sp. nov.; Dixoniellales nov. ord.; Golgi; mannitol; Porphyridiales; pyrenoids; Rhodella; Rhodellales; Rhodellophyceae
chloroplast; diatom; gene arrangement; Skeletonema costatum
chloroplast; group II introns; insertion sequences; deep phylogeny; ptDNA; plastid genome; red algae; Rhodophyta; secondary plastids; transposases
chloroplast; nucleoid; evolution; endosymbiosis
chromist; chromalveolate; secondary endosymbiosis; model misspecification; separate model; concatenate model
chromophyte algae; flagellar apparatus; ; microtubular roots; Phaeomonas parva gen. et sp. nov.; phylogeny; Pinguiophyceae; stramenopiles
chromosome number; Cyanidium caldarium; DNA content; Galdieria maxima; Galdieria partita; Galdieria sulphuraria; genome size
ciguatera fish poisoning; epiphytic; dinoflagellate; Gambierdiscus scabrosus; Japan; LM; morphology; SEM; taxonomy
ciguatera poisoning; ciguatoxin; maitotoxin; bioactive; mass spectrometry; benthic dinoflagellate; toxicity
cis-element; Closterium; genomic DNA; protoplast-release- inducing protein (PR-IP); sex pheromone; transcription
climate change; CO2; CO2 fixation; microalgae; Chlorella
climate change; heat tolerance; microbiome transfer; moss; peatland; Sphagnum; symbiosis; synthetic communities
coccolithophore; DNA barcoding; Emiliania huxleyi; Gephyrocapsa oceanica; phylogeny; species complex
coccolithophorid; Emiliania huxleyi; Haptophyceae; alkenones; alkenoic acids; lipid biomarker; membrane fractionation; intracellular localization; unsaturation index
coccolithophorid; Emiliania huxleyi; enzyme purification; nitrate reductase; nitrate utilization
coccolithophorid; Emiliania huxleyi; selenite uptake; selenium accumulation
coccolithophorid; element concentration; elemental composition; Emiliania huxleyi; multi-element analysis; particle-induced X-ray emmision
coherent X-ray diffraction imaging; X-ray free-electron laser; frozen-hydrated non-crystalline specimens; cryogenic X-ray diffraction experiment; structures of cells and cellular organelles
coil number; culture status; syanobacteria; floating activity; Spirulona platensis
colonial Volvocales; evolution; molecular phylogeny; Pleodorina; sexual reproduction; Volvox
colonial Volvocales; molecular phylogeny; morphology; Pleodorina starrii sp. nov.; Pleodorina thompsonii sp. nov.; taxonomy
colony; cyanobacteria; Microcystis; morphology; phycoerythrin; pigment
colorimetric viability assay; cyanobacteria; heat sensitivity; spirulina
columun liquid chromatography; mass spectrometry detection; microcystins and nodularins; cyanobacteria; toxins
combined sewer overflows (CSOs); toxicity identification evaluation (TIE); toxicity test; heavy metals; aquatic organisms
comet assay; Euglena gracilis; landfill leachate; umu test
comet assay; DNA damage; environmental microorganisms; Euglena gracilis; cell lysis; unwinding; electrophoresis; SDS; γ-irradiation
comet assay; tail moment; normalization; mutagenicity test
comparative genomics; cyanobacteria; genome sequence; nitrogen fixation
compatible solute, desiccation tolerance, post-translational regulation, terrestrial cyanobacterium
compatible solute; cyanobacteria; extracellular polysaccharides; heat tolerance; life cycle of cell; Nostoc sp. HK-01
compatible solute; stress tolerance; extracellular; polysaccharide; water stress protein (WspA)
compatible solutes; cyanobacteria; harmful algal blooms; lake mitigation; microcystins; salt stress
compensation irradiance; growth rates; light; loss rates; Pseudochattonella; salinity; saturating irradiance; temperature
competitive PCR; microcystin; Microcystis; peptide synthetase; toxic cyanobacteria
conjugate alga; stonewort; gene family; divergence; phylogenetic tree; molecular evolution
conjugation; homothallic; homothallism; Penium; selfing conjugation; sexual reproduction; zygospore
contractile vacuoles; dorsoventral zoospores; Ettlia; 18S rDNA; ITS2; Neochloris; soil algae; microtubular roots; Chlorophytes; SSU rDNA
contraction; microtubules; contractile tubules; heliozoa; calcium
contraction; precipitate; heliozoan; protozoa
copepod dynamics; egg production; Eodiaptomus japonicus; individual growth rates; temperature–food effects
crowding effect; metabolites; diapause induction; Eurytemora affinis
cryoinjury; cryopreservation; Cyanidioschyzon merolae; unicellular red alga
cryopreservation; DMSO; Microcystis aeruginosa f. aeruginosa; rapid cooling; two step cooling
cryopreservation; cyanobacteria; green algae; FDA staining method; NIES-Collection
cryopreservation; dimethylformamide; hydroxyacetone; Volvocaceae; Volvox; Chlamydomonas
cryopreservation; epitype; Haematococcus; lectotype
cryptic diversity; Desmidiales; geometric morphometrics Micrasterias truncata; small subunit rDNA; species concept; trnGUCC intron
cryptomonads; endosymbiosis; evolution; genome reduction; nucleomorph; phylogeny
cryptophyte; Cryptomonas borealis: genome evolution; mixotrophy; photosynthetic loss
crystalline glycoprotein lattice; CWClade; ITS2; L. panduriformis; rbcL; Reinhardtinia; scanning electron microscopy; SSU nrRNA
cultivation; culture collections; cell immobilisation; microalgae; microtiter plates; filter plates
cultivation‐dependent; fitness; harmful algal blooms; host–microbe interactions; phytoplankton
culture collection; marine microalga; picoplankton; prasinophyte; biodiversity
cyanelle; Cyanophora paradoxa; FtsZ; Glaucocystophyta; plastid division
cyanidiales; EST-analysis; extremophile; genomics
cyanobacteria (blue-green algae); cyclic AMP; motility; Spirulina platensis
cyanobacteria; 16S rRNA gene; RFLP; sequencing; REP; ERIC
cyanobacteria; Anabaena circinalis; iron limitation; humic acid
cyanobacteria; Arthrospira platensis; exopolysaccharides; axenic cultures; Alcian blue
cyanobacteria; Arthrospira; health supplement; genome; cAMP
cyanobacteria; Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii; deoxy-cylindrospermopsin; distribution
cyanobacteria; Microcystis; bacterial criteria; molecular analysis
cyanobacteria; Microcystis; cyanophage; insertion sequence; horizontal gene transfer
cyanobacteria; Microcystis; internal transcribed spacer; phylogeny; microcystin
cyanobacteria; Microcystis; vitamin B12; growth factor
cyanobacteria; Phormidium; supracellular structure; biofilm; spiral formation; emergence of order; slime gun model
cyanobacteria; Synechococcus; phylogeny; ribosomal RNA; maximum-likelihood method; neighbor-joining method; rate homo- and heterogeneous models
cyanobacteria; gyrB; phylogeny; protein evolution; rpoC1; rpoD1; 16S rDNA
cyanobacteria; DNA extraction; nucleic acids; PCR; xanthogenate
cyanobacteria; DNA-DNA hybridization; Microcystis; taxonomy; unification
cyanobacteria; MALDI Biotyper; microcystins; profiling
cyanobacteria; Phylogeny; 16S rDNA; systematics
cyanobacteria; Red Sea; oligonucleotide probes; 16S rRNA; TSA
cyanobacteria; Taxonomy; Nostoc
cyanobacteria; blooms; microcystin; Lake Ludoš
cyanobacteria; blue-green algae; microcystin; toxins; antibodies; immunoassays
cyanobacteria; cadmium; calcium; magnecium; hard water; sodium hydroxide
cyanobacteria; cadmium; zinc; copper; lead; hard water
cyanobacteria; cell division; DNA replication; FtsZ; Microcystis
cyanobacteria; cyanophage; non-bleaching gene (nblA); phycobilisome; Microcystis
cyanobacteria; cyanotoxins; nutrient enrichment; akinetes; harmful algal blooms; PCR; phylogenetic analyses
cyanobacteria; dietary supplements; spirulina; Arthrospira platensis; cryopreservation
cyanobacteria; gene cluster; mass spectrometry; cyanotoxins; terpenes; water quality
cyanobacteria; homospermidine; polyamine; spermidine
cyanobacteria; homospermidine; polyamine; spermine; thermospermine
cyanobacteria; homospermidine; polyamine; thermospermine
cyanobacteria; metabolomics; nitrogen; transcriptomics; transposase; urea
cyanobacteria; microalgae; crater-lake; saline-alkaline lake; polyphasic approach; Arthrospira
cyanobacteria; microcystin synthetase; Microcystis; NRPS; recombination; split decomposition
cyanobacteria; musty odor; 16S ribosomal RNA; PCR; phylogenetic trees
cyanobacteria; peptide; NRPS; anabaenopeptin
cyanobacteria; phycocyanin; phylogeny; 16S rDNA; Synechococcus
cyanobacteria; quantitative estimation; phycocyanin; waterblooms; Microcystis aeruginosa
cyanobacteria; scanning electron microscope; transmission electron microscope; morphological change; b-cyclocitral; L-lysine
cyanobacteria; secondary metabolites; MALD-TOF; PSD; microcystin; anabaenopeptolins
cyanobacteria; soils dry; steppes semideserts
cyanobacteria; toxic Microcystis; anticoagulant; fVIIa-sTF inhibitors; peptides; aeruginosins; blood coagulation cascade
cyanobacteria; volatile organic compounds; 3-methyl-1-butanol; 2-keto-acid decarboxylase; Microcystis
cyanobacteria; water bloom; oscillatorioid; nomenclature; taxonomy
cyanobacteria; waterblooms; in vivo fluorescence; monitoring; Microcystis aeruginosa
cyanobacterial bloom; DCMU [3'-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1',1'-dimethyl urea]; maximum quantum yieldMicrocystis aeruginosa
cyanobacterial bloom; comparative genomics; ecophysiology; genomic complexity; metatranscriptome; Microcystis aeruginosa; adaptation; cyanobacteria; ecogenomics; water blooms
cyanobacterial growth; stress responses; Pseudanabaena galeata; Microcystis aeruginosa; oxidative stress; antioxidative enzymes
cyanobacterial taxonomy; phylogenetic analysis; transmembrane transporter sequences
cyanobacterium; Anabaena flos-aquae f. flos-aquae; nitrogen-fixation; glycolipid
cyanobacterium; Microcystis; 16S rDNA; taxonomy
cyanobacterium; Thermosynechococcus; genome; comparative genomics; thermophilic; cyanobacterium; adaption
cyanobacterium; CO2 supplementation; lactic acid; Lactobacillus agilis; L. amylovorus; L. ruminis; starch; water bloom
cyanobacterium; Pleurocapsales; 16S rDNA; phylogeny
cyanobacterium; UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-pentapeptide; peptidoglycan
cyanobacterium; drought-tolerance; hormogonia; Nostoc
cyanophage; Microcystis aeruginosa; real-time RT-PCR; succession; toxic cyanobacteria
cyanophytes/cyanobacteria; Microcystis; allozyme divergence; allozyme genotype; allozyme study; cell size; molecular taxonomy
cyanotoxins; biocrusts; loess; terrestrial cyanobacteria; sedimentary biosignatures; land restoration
cytochrome oxydase subunit I; Phaeophyceae; Tribonema; Xanthophyceae
cytochrome oxydase subunit I; deviant genetic code; heterokont algae; Phaeophyceae; Xanthophyceae
dark acclimation; MYB-type transcription factor; phycobilisome
degenerative homing; intron diversification; intron transposition; Paramecium bursaria symbiotic algae; reverse splicing
degradation; Microcystis; microflagellate; toxic substance; aquatic large scale microcosm
desmids; new findings; new species; Japan
destratification system; multiply capability; blight and dark condition; Microcystis; algal growth potential; record of light shield
determination of glyoxylate; pumpkin isocitrate lyase; Euglena gracilis
deviant genetic code; COXI; Chlorophyceaen mitochondria; release factor
diagnosis; direct PCR amplification; drowning; human tissues; phytoplankton
diatom effect; copepod; Pseudocalanus newmani; clutch size; hatching success
diatom; population dynamics; viral infection
diatoms; Dinophyta; endosymbiosis; Haptophyta; N-terminal region; phylogeny; plastid; psbO genes
diatoxanthin; photoprotection; phytoplankton; picoplankton; pigments; xanthophyll cycle
dinoflagellate cyst; planozygote; rDNA
dinoflagellate; Gymnoxanthella radiolariae gen. et sp. nov.; molecular phylogeny; radiolarians; symbiont; Zooxanthella nutricula
dinoflagellate; Heterocapsa circularisquama; internal transcribed spacer; ITS; red tide
dinoflagellate; polyketides; biosynthesis; amphidinol; Amphidinium; isotopic labelling
dinoflagellate; red tide; Heterocapsa circularisquama; intracellular bacteria; growth
disappearance process; grazer; Microcystis; microflagellate; large scale microcosm
discoid chloroplast; Euglenaceae; Euglenales; multigene analysis; Phacaceae; phylogeny; synapomorphy
dissolved organic matter (DOM); humic substances; algal DOM; trihalomethane precursors; Lake Biwa
dissolved organic matter; DOM; cyanobacteria; iron; organic complexation
diversity; ITS rDNA; mycobiont; Parmotrema tinctorum; photobiont; selectivety; Trebouxia corticola; vegetative reproduction.
diversity; geographical distribution; microcystin; Microcystis
diversity; phylogeny; Planktothrix; 16S rRNA; rbcLX; rpoC1; taxonomy; water bloom
ecotoxicity; bioremediation; oil-spill; acute toxicity; marine organisms
electron microscopy; endoplasmic reticulum; germination; Nephroselmis olivacea; Prasinophyceae; sexual reproduction; zygote formation; zygote wall
endocytosis; life-cycle stages; microarray; quantitative RT-PCR; transcriptome profiling
endosymbiosis; green algae; Mesostigma ; Rickettsiales; symbiosis; transcriptome
equation of radiative transfer; coastal pollution; discharge of soil particle; red tide
eukaryote evolution; long branch attraction; phylogeny; plastid endosymbiosis; primary photosynthetic eukaryotes; taxon sampling
eukaryotes; evolution; nuclear genes; outgroup; phylogeny; plantae; plastid; protein-coding genes; red algae
eutrophication; fine-grained soil; phosphorus
evolution; Marvania; Stichococcus; phylogeny; Trebouxiophyceae; 18S rRNA
evolution; primer design; cytosolic MVA pathway; plastid MEP pathway; Chlorophyta; Plantae; Cyanophora paradoxa
expressed sequence tags (ESTs); Fibrocapsa japonica; harmful algal blooms; heterokont; phylogeny; raphidophyte; stramenopile; toxicity
extracellular organic carbon; fractionation; blue-green algae; growth phases
extreme light; filamentous cyanobacteria; growth suppression; odorous compounds; stress response
feeding; harmful algal bloom; Kareniaceae; lysis; protist; red tide; trophic mode
filamentous cyanobacteria; molecular phylogeny; Oscillatoriales; 16S rRNA
filter-feeder; cyanobacterial bloom; dietary utilization; stable isotope; fatty acids
fish; hepatotoxin; Microcystis; hemorrhage
flagella; calcium; phototaxis; Volvox
flagellar apparatus; Phaeophyceae; Phaeothamniophyceae; pigment composition; Xanthophyceae; phylogeny
flagellar hairs; Mamiella; Mantoniella; Nephroselmis; Prasinophyceae; Pseudoscourfieldia; Pterosperma; Pyramimonas; Scherffelia; ultrastructure
flashing light; blue light emitting diode; astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis
flashing light; blue light emitting diode; light intensity; astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis
flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-requiring enzyme; glycolate metabolism; glycolate oxidase; glycolate-oxidizing enzyme; Mesostigma viride; Prasinophyceae
flow-through technique; crowding effect; growth and reproduction; neonate size; reproductive investments; Simocephalus vetulus
food level; mixis; population density threshold; reproduction; rotifer; sex
freeze-drying method; low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (LV SEM); plankton; scanning electron microscope (SEM)
frequency of dividing cells; incubation experiment; Microcystis aeruginosa; specific growth rate
freshwater harmful algal blooms; Microcystis; metagenomics; mcy operon; Lake Erie
functional biodiversity; bioprospecting; biocatalysis; coccolithophore
g-linolenic acid; Spirulina platensis; green algae; lipid; marine microalgae
gel-based cell manipulation; microcavity array; phytoplankton; single-cell; whole genome amplificatio
gender-based divergence; gene conversion; male–female sexual dimorphism; MAT3/RB, mating type locus; volvocine algae
gene duplication; dosage compensation; copy number variation; green algae
gene fragmentation; RNA processing; mitochondrial genome; diplonemids; Euglenozoa
gene fusion; de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis; lateral gene transfer; evolutionary marker
genetic diversity; mitochondrial genome; plastid genome; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; green algae; genome architecture
genetic typing; 16S rDNA; Microcystis; cyanobacteria; phylogenetic analysis
genome reduction; Lepidodinium; Pedinophyceae; secondary plastids; plastid replacement
glass fiber paper chromatography; nitrogen-15-amino acid
glass microchannel; high-speed imaging flow cytometry; microchannel deformation effects; sample focusing
gliding movement; Spirulina; thylakoid; trichome; motive force
glyceroglycolipid; nitrogen-fixing algae; Anabaena flos-aquae f. flos-aquae; cyanobacterium
green aglae; Mesostigma viride; mitochondrial DNA; group I introns; group II introns; trans-splicing
green alga; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; cDNA; EST; normalized library; similarity search
green alga; homospermidine; polyamine; thermospermine
green algae; Marvania geminata; Nannochloris bacillaris; algal septins; septin phylogeny
green algae; cyanobacteria; nitrophenol; chlorophenol; bisphenol A; photoautotrophic conditions
green algae; mitochondrial genome evolution; horizontal DNA transfers; introns; repeated sequences
green algae; phototransformation; protochlorophyllide; protochlorophyllide reductase; Scenedesmus obliquus
green microalgae; morphology; ecology; molecular phylogeny; polyphasic approach
group II intron; mitochondrial genome; intron encoded protein; lateral intron transfer; Chrysochromulina sp.
growth control; Microcystis aeruginosa; dead-leaves; deciduous trees; condensed tannin
growth inhibition; Anabaena variabilis; UV irradiation; model calculation
growth phase
growth rate; Heterosigma akashiwo; minimum cell quota; Raphidophyceae; red tide
growth rate; phosphate; nitrogen; turbidity; ATR-FTIR
growth; red tide; phytoplankton; urea; uptake kinetics
halogenase; cyanopeptolin; aeruginosin; DNA rearrangement; secondary peptide metabolite; chlorination; internal transcribed spacer; phylogeny
halotolerant species; 13C-enriched sodium bicarbonate; glycerol
harmful algal bloom (HAB); molecular monitoring; real-time PCR; red tide
harmful algal bloom; interstrain variation; oxidant stress; reactive oxygen species (ROS)
harmful algal bloom; luciferase gene; luminescence; protist; red tide
heavy metal; photosynthesis; algae; tolerance
heavy metal; photosynthesis; periphyton; tolerance; Cyanophyceae; genetic adaptation
herbicide tolerance; photosynthesis; phytoplankton; simetryn; triazine herbicides; ultraviolet radiation
herbicides; effects; algal production; algal community; channel carrying river water; bioassay; pesticide analysis
heterotrophy; ochrophyte; phylogenomics; dual targeting; protist
high-ammonia-containing wastewater; immobilization; light-stress; microalgal-bacterial consortia; nitrification; photo-oxygenation
high-throughput screening; biofuel; Euglena gracilis; global warming; microfluidics; optofluidics; single-cell analysis; quantitative phase microscopy
high-throughput sequencing; metabarcoding; photosynthesis; phytoplankton; plastidial 16S rRNA gene; protists
histone deacetylase; epigenetics; plant evolution; ductility; intrinsic disorder; zinc-binding
hloroplast; dinoflagellate; Dinophyceae; Gertia; Kareniaceae; lipid
homothallism; phylogenetics; reversion; self-fertilization; sexual reproduction; volvocine green algae
horizontal gene transfer; chemical diversification; freshwater ecotypes; shallow waterbodies; deep waterbodies
hydrogen peroxide; L-lysine; algaecide; Microcystis aeruginosa; cyanobacteria
hydrogen peroxide; marine ecotoxicity; seaweed gametophytes; phytoplankton; zooplankton
identification; Heterocapsa; dinoflagellate; antibody
info-chemicals; microcystin production; Microcystis aeruginosa; zooplankton; zooplankton culture media filtrate
integrative taxonomy; Chlamydomonas; intraspecific variation; species concept; DNA barcoding
internal transcribed spacer region; Phormidiumtenue; Pseudanabaena foetida; Pseudanabaena subfoetida; rRNA operon; secondary structure
intron sliding; exon/intron structure; gene duplication; gene transfer; rbcS; ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxyase/oxygenase (Rubisco)
iron; growth rate; uptake rate; model simulation; cyanobacteria
iron; sidenophore; cyanobacteria; Anabaena cylindrica; CAS
iron; speciation; chelating ligands; phytoplankton growth
juveniles; larvae; lipids; scleractinia; symbionts
kairomonda; phytoplankton; Daphnia; Scenedesmus; aliphatic sulfate
kathablepharids; cytochrome c maturation; goniomonads; cryptophytes; holocytochrome c synthase
lead; unicellular alga; pectin; immobilization; filter paper
light intensity; CO2 supplement; TAG; Chlamydomonas debaryana; starch
light-driven enzyme; chlorophyll biosynthesis; evolution; aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria; photosynthesis
light-harvesting antenna; phycobilisomes; time-resolved spectroscopy; energy transfer
light-harvesting complex; photosynthesis; photosystem; red alga
limiting nutrient; algal growth potential test; speciation; iron
macrophyte; algae; allelopathy; antialgal bioactive compound; growth inhibition
magnetic micro stirrer bar; microchip; motion analysis; microalga; Chlamydomonas; neodymium magnet; flagella; orbital motion
male gamete; mating system; minus dominance gene (MID); molecular evolution; sex; sperm packet; volvocine green algae
marine cyanobacteria; nitrogen limitation; nitrogen metabolism; prochlorococcus; quantitative proteomics
marine diatom; Chaetoceros tenuissimus; Chaetoceros setoensis; host-virus specificity; RdRp; ssRNA virus; ssDNA virus; viral genome
marine diatoms; phosphate diester; phosphodiesterase; phosphorus
marine environment; PTOX; water cycle; eletron flow; photoprotection
membrane lipid; Nannochloropsis oceanica; phosphate starvation; transcription factor
membrane photobioreactor; microalgae; resource recovery from wastewater
metabolomics; chemometrics; HPLC-DAD; alternating least squares; regularized term; independent component analysis
microalgae; Botryococcus braunii (NIES-836); growth efficiency; light-emitting diodes (LEDS); economic efficiency
microalgae; Chlorella vulgaris; photosynthesis; productivity; biofuel; lipid
microalgae; Haematococcus lacustris; astaxanthin; ionic liquid; nanoplate; cell disruption; room-temperature extraction
microalgae; Haematococcus pluvialis; astaxanthin; electric treatment; stimulation; stress
microalgae; CO2/O2 gas exchange system; regenerative life support system
microalgae; SYTOX Green; viability assay; autofluorescence
microalgae; Spirulina; SOT medium; culture condition; CO2/O2 gas exchange system
microalgae; morphology; ecology; phylogeny; 18S−ITS1−5.8S−ITS2 fragments; polyphasic approach
microalgae; nitrogen oxides; treatment of exhaust gas; NO sensor; reactor
microalgae; picoeukaryotic plankton; prasinophytes; Ryukyu Islands; zooxanthellae
microalgae; virus; antiviral compounds; SARS-CoV-2; microalgae antiviral activity; coronavirus disease
microalgae; wastewater treatment; directed evolution; machine learning; single-cell analysis; imaging flow cytometry
microcyclamide; absolute configuration; advanced Marfey's method; thiazole-containing (TZL-) amino acid
microcystin; Microcystis; peptide synthetase; population dynamics; real-time PCR; toxic cyanobacteria
microcystin; biodegradation; hydrogen peroxide; treatment; cyanobacteria; bloom
microcystin; kairomone; Hypophthalmichthys molitrix; Carassius gibelio langsdorfi
microcystin; variants; cytotoxicity; primary cultured rat hepatocytes; environmental water
microcystis; RNA-Seq; transcriptome; grazing
microrobot; phototaxis; Volvox; micro-swimmer; biohybrid system; motion control
mitochondria; chloroplast; organelle genome; Trebouxiophyceae
mitochondrial COXI gene; Dinoflagellata; Apicomplexa; Kinetoplastida; Euglenophyta; endosymbiosis; genetic code; malarian circle
molecular phylogeny; morphology; Nephroselmidophyceae; Nephroselmis clavistella sp. nov.; scale morphology; taxonomy; ultrastructure
molecular phylogeny; morphology; taxonomy; Volvox ovalis sp. nov.; Volvox sect. Merrillosphaera
molecular phylogeny; taxonomy; Volvocaceae; Volvulina compacta
morphology; Nephroselmis spinosa; Prasinophyceae; scale morphology; taxonomy; ultrastructure
morphology; taxonomy; planktonic; Anabaena; strains; culture; blue-green algae; Japan
multicellularity; cyanobacteria; Stigonematales; cell differentiation; nitrogen fixation; heterocyst spacing pattern; PatS
musty odor; Phormidium tenue; Uroglena americana; fuzzy neural network; wind speed
musty odor; gene; cyanobacteria
mycosporine-glycine; palythene; palythine; porphyra-334; shinorine
nanoplastics; dinoflagellate; coral reef; Symbiodinium; Cladocopium; gene expression
natural products; phytocomplexes; antimicrobial activity; alkaloids; tannins; terpenoids
new species; polyphasic approach; rbcL; rpoC1; 16S–23S ITS
next-generation sequencing; eukaryote-to-eukaryote endosymbioses; horizontal and endosymbiotic gene transfer; chromalveolate hypothesis; long-branch attraction artifacts
nitrogen fixation; endosymbiosis; haptophyte; UCYN-A; reductive evolution
nitrogen removal; ammonia; nitrite; fishery; fish pond
nitrogen; Micromonas; Ostreococcus; green algae; green lineage; quantitative PCR; genomics; phylogeny
nucleomorph; periplastidal compartment; Pyrenomonas; Rhodomonas
paramylon; Euglena gracilis; molecular weight
pesticide; ecological risk; flow cytometry; green algae
phagotrophy; mixoplankton; bacterivory; prasinophyte; geneexpression
pharmaceuticals; initial risk assessment; aquatic organisms; predicted no effect concentration
phosphatidylglycerol; diastereomer; Enteromorpha sp.; Chlorella vulgaris; Heterosigma akashiwo; spinach; parsley; green tea; chiral phase HPLC; 3,5-dinitrophenylurethane
photoacclimation; picoeukaryote; xanthophyll cycle
photochromism; spironaphthoxazine; shielding sunlight; algal growth potential; eutrophication
photoirradiation; wavelength cut filter; photodegradation; dissolved organic matter; fulvic-like fluorophore; protein-like fluorophore; environmental waters
photosynthesis; light regulation; zinc; CO2-concentrating mechanism; intracellular processing
photosynthesis; photosynthetically usable radiation; phycobilin; resource acquisition
photosystem II; chlorophyll; free radical; cyanobacteria; oxygen evolution center; chlorophyll f biosynthesis
phototoxicity of chlorophylls; microbial herbivory; phagocytosis; biodiversity of eukaryotes; microbial loop
phylogeny; protein insertions; apicomplexa; recombination
phytic acid; Euglena gracilis; photosynthetic pigments; cell morphology
phytoplankton bloom; prokaryotes; prokaryotic viruses; microcosm; Heterosigma akashiwo; Chaetoceros sp.
picoeukaryotes; PPEs; psbA; transcripts; Mediterranean Sea; diversity
plant terrestrialization; plant evolution; streptophytes; green algae; phylogenomics; phycology
plastocyanin; cytochrome c-553; absorption chromatography; cyanobacteria; photosynthesis
pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) information; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; toxicity identification evaluation (TIE); wastewater treatment; whole effluent toxicity (WET)
polynuclear hydroxyl-Aluminium ion; diatom; complex ecological impact of coexistent metal cations
polyphosphate; vacuole; primitive; Cyanidioschyzon; isolation; mass spectrometry (MS)
prasinophyte green algae; Picocystis salinarum; chloroplast genome; mitochondrial genome; phylogenomic analyses; AUA codon reassignment
prasinophytes; SSU rDNA; LSU rDNA; ITS2; systematics; freshwater; Monomastigales; Dolichomastigales; Mamiellales; Monomastigaceae; Dolichomastigaceae; Crustomastigaceae; Bathycoccaceae
protozoa; water treatment; ceramic carrier; microcystin-producing; cyanobacteria
pseudovitamin B12; corrinoid compounds; cyanobacteria; meheionine synthase; shellfish
pyrenoid; ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase; Chlorella pyrenoidosa; immunocytochemistry
red tide plankton; Chattonella marina; Heterosigma akashiwo; galacturonic acid; reactive oxygen species
red tide plankton; Raphidophyceae; fish mucus; reactive oxygen species
red tide planlton; Raphidophyceae; Chattonella marina; reactive oxygen species; toxicity
red tide; Chattonella marina; monoclonal antibody; piezoelectric sensors
red tide; Chattonella; Heterosigma; killer bacteria; viruses
red tide; Heterocapsa circularisquama; algicidal bacteria; viruses; Ago Bay
red tide; Heterocapsa circularisquama; rotifer; toxicity; dinoflagellate
red tide; concanavalin A; glycocalyx; phytoplankton
red tide; mitigation; algicidal bacteria; macroalgae; co-culture of fish and macroalgae
reed; Phormidium tenue; cyanobacteria; inhibition; allelopathy
resource removal; calcium chloride; phosphorus; water bloom; anthropogenic eutrophication; organic pollution
road dust; toxicity; benthic ostracod; runoff process; solid/liquid ratio; holding time; water phase; solid phase
road runoff; road sediment; genotoxicity; growth inhibition; acute toxicity
rubisco; activase; photosynthesis; AAA+ proteins; red algae
saline lakes; biodiversity; prokaryotes; halophilic bacteria; archaea; planktonic communities; high-throughput sequencing; Illumina; 16S rRNA gene
saltwater alga; Dunaliella; herbicide; toxicity; log Pow, susceptibility
secondary endosymbiosis; nucleomorph; endosymbiotic gene transfer; plastid; Pedinophyceae
sex allocation; spilit sex ratio; size advantage model; fertility insurance; unicellular organism; microfluidic system
sex; volvocine green algae; multicellularity; ancestral state; reconstruction; anisogamy; sexual dimorphism
sexual differentiation; evolutionary game theory; synchronization; centric diatom; spem competition
silicon; eukaryotes; SIT, Lsi2; convergent evolution; transporter
small subunit rDNA; Heterosigma carterae; fluorescence polarization; asymmetric polymerase chain reaction; surface plasmon resonance
spillover; red algae; delayed fluorescence; phycobilisome; red chlorophyll
strigolactone; Haematococcus pluvialis; astaxanthin; fatty acid; phytohormone; rac-GR24
sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG); glyceroglycolipid; green alga; Chlorella vulgaris; branched fatty acid
symbiosis; plant evolution; algae; plant–microbe interactions; phylogeny
taste and odor; off-flavor compound; earthy/muddy smell; cyanotoxin
taxonomy; life cycle; Netrium; desmids; Chlorophyceae
tebuconazole; toxicity test; dietborne toxicity; exposure route; Heterocypris incongruens; dietary contribution
tellurium; biogenic nanorod; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; single-particle ICP-MS; electron microscopy; bioremediation
temperature acclimatization; metabolic rates; oxygen consumption rates; zooplankton; optical oxygen meter
temperature; irradiance; salinity; Botryococcus braunii; hydrocarbon
toxic cyanobacteria; Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii; STRR sequences; Thailand; Japan; low-temperature adapted group; genotypic clusters
toxic dinoflagellate; — Alexandrium; paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP); real-time PCR; species-specific identification; quantification
triacylglycerol; wax synthase; microalgae; bifunctional; Haematococcus pluvialis; biotechnological application
tributyltin; Irgarol; diatom; chlorophyll; photosynthesis
ultraviolet radiation; microalgae; raphidophytes; Chattonella; mycosporine amino acids; pigments; xanthophyll cycle; stratospheric ozone depletion
wastewater treatment; microalgae; Euglena gracilis; phototaxis; solids-liquid separation; bioreactor; photo-clarifier
whole effluent toxicity; algal growth inhibition; small-scale method
whole effluent toxicity; drainage management; Raphidocelis subcapitata; johkasou
whole effluent toxicity; industrial effluent; toxicity characterization
whole-genome amplification; photosynthetic; microbial eukaryote; flow cytometry sorting; rRNA genes
“Oscillatoriales” cyanobacteria; polyphasic taxonomy; form-genus; PCC type strains; 16S rRNA gene sequencing; HIP1 fingerprinting
“cave Cyanidium”; Cyanidiales; organelle genome; phylogeny; Rhodophyta; taxonomy
アナベナ(ドリコスペルマム)(Anabaena (Dolicospermum)); 遺伝子; 検査法; ジェオスミン; 浄水場原水
トラフグ; フェバンテル; ヘテロボツリウム症
ドコサヘキサエン酸; DHA; スピルリナ; 機能性食品
ヤコウチュウ; 有害赤潮プランクトン: LAMP法; 摂食
α-Chitin; β-Chitin; Deuteration; FT-IR spectroscopy; X-ray diffraction
α-L-arabinofuranosidase; arabinoxylan; maize; homology modeling; molecular docking
α-Quartz; Nanoplates; Hydrothermal; Microalgae; Biorefinery
α-chitin microfibril; Phaeocystis; FT-IR spectroscopy; X-ray diffraction; high-resolution electron microscopy; lattice imaging
α-ketoglutarate decarboxylase; Microcystis aeruginosa; biochemical characterization; structural modeling
α-linolenic acid; linoleic acid; Ulva fasciata; red tide phytoplankter
観光関連施設; アオコ形成種; 河川水質; 釣り堀; 練餌
抗菌薬; 環境教育; 環境教育実験教材; 植物生長抑制; 藻類生長抑制; 葉緑素合成抑制
殺藻細菌; 赤潮; Karenia mikimotoi; Flavobacterium
初期有機物濃度; 分解過程; 植物プランクトン; 粒子状有機物; 溶存態有機物
除草剤; フローサイトメトリー; 藻類; 形態変化; 回復性; 生態リスク評価
消毒副生成物(DBP); ハロ酢酸類; 藻類; ラフィド藻類; 琵琶湖
全排水毒性試験; 毒性同定評価; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; 排水管理
探究活動; 総合的な探究の時間; 環境教育実験教材; ムレミカヅキモ; 抗菌薬; 発芽・生長抑制
茶, アオコ, 増殖阻害, タンニン酸
都市ごみ焼却飛灰; 溶出試験; 生態毒性; 藻類生長阻害試験: 重金属
有明海; AGP試験; 栄耀塩; 鉄; 微細藻類