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Symbol Chr.No Map Name Explanation Allele
elp 18 9.9 ellipsoid egg Spontaneous;egg shape ellipsoidal: elpm(眉蚕長形卵,ellipsoid-egg of Mayuko)similar. elpm
emi 12 9.5 miniature egg Spontaneous;egg size small like sm and sm-2, but fertile and viable though variable in degrees.
Esd W ? egg size determinant Spontaneous;presence of a morphological gene, egg size determinant, is demonstrated first by comparison of the egg size of triploid female of ZWW and ZZW with diploid ZW, Ge on the Z chromosome is supposed to be a translocation of this gene.
Ge 1 14 Giant egg Spontaneous;length and width of egg 1.26 and 1.11 times of the normal egg, respectively, hatched larvae bigger and heavier; hatchability reduced: Ge2 allele larger egg size. Might be translocation of Esd on the W chromosome. Ge2
ki 6 29.7 kidney Spontaneous;egg kidney-or bean-shaped, embryo within it develops only ectodermal organs such as skin, mouth parts, bristles, etc., but no mesodermal ones differentiated, and dies irrespective of  its own genotype is ki/ki or ki/+:kic (筑紫腎臓形卵, kidney of Chikushi) and kit(玉沢腎臓形卵, kidney of Tamazawa, induced by low temperature)similar. kic , kit
ki-2 19 ? kidney2 Spontaneous;egg shape like ki, number of eggs reduced, fertility low, mostly die as embryo.
sm 3 41.8 small egg Spontaneous;eggs extremely small and almost spherical; sterile lacking proteinaceous yolk sphere within, vitellogenin present in pupal hemolymph but scarcely transported into oocyte: smn(無卵, eggless) homozygotes produce no egg in well developed ovarioles, oocytes degenerated due to abnormal differentiation and function of follicle cells. smn
sm-2 13 0 small egg 2 Spontaneous;like sm, eggs small and sterile.
sm-3 7 4.5 small egg 3
sp 23 22.9 spindle shaped Spontaneous;eggs long and narrow, attenuated at both ends: sp2 and sp3 similar. sp2 , sp3
sp-t 12 ? splindle-egg of Tamazawa Low temperature induced;egg shape long and narrow.
vit 20 23 scanty of vitellin MNU-induced;eggs laid by homozygous female white and sterile; containing Egg Specific Protein, synthesized in ovary, in comparable amounts to normal eggs, while vitellin proteins of hemolymph origin in traces. See also Pes and sm.
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