
Strain information
Strain ID MT1191
Strain Name sox10b^E1del7
Strain Type Mutants
Characteristics A 7 bp deletion was generated by TALEN method in exon 1 of sox10b gene. The target spacer sequence of TALEN was AGCCCCGGCATGTC. The sox10b gene encodes a HMG type transcription factor SoxE family, and is expressed in the neural crest cells. The loss of Sox10b has much less severe effects than that of Sox10a. The homozygotes look normal and sometimes survive to adulthood. Importantly, the double loss of Sox10a and Sox10b results in complete lack of pigment cells except leucophores.
The original background is Nagoya, with wild-type body color.
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Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT shall give proper credit to the DEVELOPER in any publications reporting results of research using any derivatives developed from the BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS (hereinafter referred to as “the DERIVATIVES”), and shall procure other institutionsto which the DERIVATIVES are provided (including when provided through the NBRP) to do the same.
Category Mutants created by genome editing
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by Nagoya University
Order Request
Document (PDF) Genotyping protocol_MT1191_ sox10b^E1del7
