Chimpanzees(List) in Nagoya-city Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens

Name of facility :

All including individuals bred in the past

The total number of individuals that have lived in Nagoya-city Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens, including those presently living there, is 43 chimpanzees.

*If you click the item in the table, information can be sorted by the clicked item.
*If you click the abbreviation for a facility, the pedigree of the individual will be displayed.
*C = Chimpanzee, B = Bonobo, G = Gorilla, O = Orangutan, and H = Gibbon
>>Display a pedigree ( C , B , G , O , H )
Group GAIN ID number Name Species /
Sex Date of birth Death date Facility
C 0053 Rolly V F 1970? 2021.01.23 Nagoya
C 0054 Lindy V F 1970? 2001.04.26 Nagoya
C 0074 Yuri V F 1971? 2019.01.24 Nagoya
C 0104 Charlie V M 1978.02.05   Nagoya
C 0150 Rina ( E ) F 1978?   Kuma.San.
C 0152 Tetsu U M 1972? 1990.07.28 Nagoya
C 0287 Kazumi V F 1986.12.19   Nagoya
C 0310 Rimi V F 1979? 2002.11.16 Nagoya
C 0311 Mally V F 1979? 2003.03.08 Nagoya
C 0374 Romeo V M 1990.06.08 2019.07.22 Tokuyama
C 0405 Lily V F 1991.05.29   Kushiro
C 0446 Akiko V F 1978? 2023.09.07 Nagoya
C 0561 Ryu V M 1997.02.10   Nagoya
C 0727 Riki V M 2011.07.24   Nagoya
C 0734 Marimo V F 2012.09.05   Nagoya
C 0767 Kalan V F 2017.10.21   Nagoya
C 0768 Choe V F 2017.10.21   Nagoya
C 0789 Yotsuba V F 2021.04.28   Nagoya
C 9002 Mary U F 1952? 19?? Momotaro
C 9003 Lily U F 1953? 1966.09? Momotaro
C 9004 Happy U M 1960? 19?? seller
C 9018   U M 1938? 1955.08.19 Nagoya
C 9033 Morry U M 1959? 197? UNK
C 9170 Hachiro U M 1930? 1934.03.01 Nagoya
C 9171 unknown U F 194? 195? UNK
C 9172 Happy U F 19?? 1952.09.20 Nagoya
C 9173 Lacky U F 1951? 195? Itozu
C 9174 Meshy U M 195? 195? UNK
C 9175 Lucky U F 195? 195? UNK
C 9176 unknown U M 195? 19?? UNK
C 9177 unknown U F 19?? 19?? UNK
C 9178 Cheeta U F 195? 1966.04 Momotaro
C 9179 unknown U F 19?? 19?? UNK
C 9181 unknown U F 196? 19?? UNK
C 9182 Beauty U F 19?? 19?? UNK
C 9183 unknown U M 19?? 19?? UNK
C 9184 unknown U F 19?? 19?? UNK
C 9185 Popo U F 19?? 19?? UNK
C 9186 unkown U   19?? 19?? UNK
C 9187 Bamboo U M 196? 197? UNK
C 9188 Fancy U F 19?? 19?? UNK
C 9189 Rere U F 1970? 19?? UNK
C 9257 Unknown U M 1929? 194? Nagoya
Page : ALL

Nagoya-city Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens   

Location 464-0804  3-70 Higashiyamamotomachi, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
Tel. no. 052-782-2111 Fax no.  
Opening hours 9:00-16:50 Closed day Monday except national holidays (When a national holiday falls on Monday, the zoo is open Monday and closed the following day). December 29-January 1.
Entrance fee high school students and older 500yen
Note -

*By clicking an image, you can pop-up the original image.

Selection of Apes