Chimpanzees(List) in Kushiro City Zoo

Name of facility :

All including individuals bred in the past

The total number of individuals that have lived in Kushiro City Zoo, including those presently living there, is 12 chimpanzees.

*If you click the item in the table, information can be sorted by the clicked item.
*If you click the abbreviation for a facility, the pedigree of the individual will be displayed.
*C = Chimpanzee, B = Bonobo, G = Gorilla, O = Orangutan, and H = Gibbon
>>Display a pedigree ( C , B , G , O , H )
Group GAIN ID number Name Species /
Sex Date of birth Death date Facility
C 0027 Kenchi T M 1966? 2009.02.11 Kushiro
C 0069 Yuko V F 1973.07.09 2023.07.01 Kushiro
C 0124 Suguru V M 1978.12.28   Okinawa
C 0191 Tetsu V M 1973?   Kushiro
C 0208 Fames U F 1978? 1996.03.18 Kushiro
C 0263 Yuminosuke V M 1974?   Kushiro
C 0405 Lily V F 1991.05.29   Kushiro
C 0412 unknown U M 1991.11.05 1991.11.06 Kushiro
C 0506 unknown U F 1993.12.07 1993.12.07 Kushiro
C 0643 Poly H M 2001.11.03   S. Korea
C 0751 Yuzuru V M 2015.08.13   Kushiro
C 0780 Tsumugi V F 2020.02.08   Kushiro
Page : ALL

Kushiro City Zoo   

Location 085-0201  11 Shimo-ninishibetsu, Akan-cho, Kushiro-shi, Hokkaido
Tel. no. 0154-56-2121 Fax no.  
Opening hours 9:30-16:30
10:00-15:30 (winter season)
Closed day Wednesday from December to February except national holiday and December 24. December 29-January 2.
Entrance fee high school students and older 500yen, junior high school students and younger free
Note -

*By clicking an image, you can pop-up the original image.

Selection of Apes