Gibbons(List) in Kamine Zoo

Name of facility :

All including individuals bred in the past

The total number of individuals that have lived in Kamine Zoo, including those presently living there, is 24 gibbons.

*If you click the item in the table, information can be sorted by the clicked item.
*If you click the abbreviation for a facility, the pedigree of the individual will be displayed.
*C = Chimpanzee, B = Bonobo, G = Gorilla, O = Orangutan, and H = Gibbon
>>Display a pedigree ( C , B , G , O , H )
Group GAIN ID number Name Species /
Sex Date of birth Death date Facility
H 0020 unknown LO F 1966? 1971.05.13 Kamine
H 0148 Daniele LO M 1981.05.23 2006.03.31 JMC
H 0211 Pakuchi LO F 1966? 2005.09.30 Hime.C.
H 0212 unknown LO F 1978.10.04 1997.05.07 Kamine
H 0213 Anny LO M 1984.07.22   Kamine
H 0214 Monta LO M 1979? 1991.03.05 Kamine
H 0215 unknown LO M 1987.07.17 1997.05.02 Kamine
H 0216 Yuta LO M 1987.11.19   Kamine
H 0217 unknown LO M 1979.05.23 1997.02.18 Kamine
H 0233 unknown LO M 196? 1971.05.13 Kamine
H 0234 unknown LO F 196? 1969.07.10 Kamine
H 0235 unknown LO M 196? 1969.10.09 Kamine
H 0236 unknown LO M 196? 1971.10.28 Kamine
H 0237 Kuro LO M 1970? 1984.06.02 Kamine
H 0238 unknown LO M 1975.08.16 1976.07.24 Kamine
H 0239 unknown LO M 1977.12.03 1977.12.03 Kamine
H 0240 Chii LO F 1991.01.04   Kamine
H 0270 Macchan NL M 19?? 2015.11.27 Kamine
H 0295 unknown LO M 2011.05.25 2011.05.28 Kamine
H 0307 unknown LO F 2012.12.15 2012.12.15 Kamine
H 0330 unknown LO M 2013.11.06 2013.11.06 Kamine
H 0355 no name LO F 2015.11.19 2015.11.21 Kamine
H 9845 unknown NO F 19?? 1991.04.24 Kamine
H 9846 unknown LO F 199? 199? Kamine
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Kamine Zoo   

Location 317-0000  5-2-22 Miyata-cho, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki
Tel. no. 0294-22-5586 Fax no. 0294-22-5596
Opening hours 9:00-17:00
9:00-16:15 (November-February)
Closed day open year-round except December 29-January 1.
Entrance fee high school students and older 500yen, 4 and older 100yen, 65 and older and 3 and younger free
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Selection of Apes