Gorillas in Miyazaki-city Phoenix Zoo(maternal pedigree)

Name of facility :

Pedigree [ Advanced viewer ]

There is no gorilla in Miyazaki-city Phoenix Zoo.
Gorillas Maternal line
*If you click the name or photograph of an individual, detailed information on that individual will be displayed.

Wild origin
1978 born
1981.09.09 died

Miyazaki-city Phoenix Zoo

Location 880-0122  3083 Hamayama, Shioji, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki
Tel. no. 0985-39-1306 Fax no.  
Opening hours 9:00-17:00 Closed day Wednesday except spring, summer, and winter vacation, public holiday, and Golden week. December 31.
Entrance fee high school students and older 800yen, junior high school students 400yen, elementary school students 300yen
Website http://www.city.miyazaki.miyazaki.jp/gyousei/html/zoo/
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Selection of Apes