gibbon : Marron

GAIN ID numberGAIN ID number
We assinged GAIN original IDs based on the domestic studbook numbers.
:0303    (2016-09-29Updated)
International studbook number: -

Name Marron
Sex Male
Species or Subspecies Hylobates lar
Date of birth 2013.02.05
Place of birth Tokiwa Zoo
Current facility Tokiwa Zoo
Father Goro
Mother Melon   (human rearing)
[Japanese studbook number: Hylobates lar #150]
According to the newsrelease of 19th Feb. 2013, his body weight is around 430g and his body length is around 30cm. He is covered with light-colored fur. Though his parents had three offsprings before this baby, mother couldn't raise for some reason.
Life history
2013.02.05 born
*By clicking an image, you can pop-up the original image.
Research results using samples from this individual

Selection of Apes