gibbon : Jinja

GAIN ID numberGAIN ID number
We assinged GAIN original IDs based on the domestic studbook numbers.
:9944    (2011-06-13Updated)
International studbook number: -
Name Jinja
Sex Female
Species or Subspecies Hylobates agilis
Date of birth 1962?
Place of birth Asia (other than china & south Korea) (Thai)
Current facility unknown
The individual is a gibbon raised by Mr. Gulik at the Netherlands Embassy in Japan. She is a white agile gibbon born in Thailand. She came to our institute after its birth in 1964 at the age of about one and a half years. She started singing at age three. When she was three and a half years old, Jinja's song was recorded by Victor Company of Japan, Limited, and a record is attached to the book entitled, The Gibbon in China (original article). She was under observation by Mr. Gulik in 1967.
The individual is devoted and temperate.
Life history
Research results using samples from this individual
  1. R. H. Van Gulik (1967). The Gibbons in China. An essay in chinese animal lore. E. J. Brill, Leiden, Holland.

Selection of Apes