gibbon : Raja

GAIN ID numberGAIN ID number
We assinged GAIN original IDs based on the domestic studbook numbers.
:9943    (2017-02-01Updated)
International studbook number: -
Name Raja
Species or Subspecies Hylobates agilis
Date of birth 1972.08.28
Place of birth Japan Monkey Centre
Current facility Iida City Zoo
Father Java
Mother Kiki   (human rearing)
The individual is the first agile gibbon born and raised successfully in Japan. He was the fourth delivery for Kita, his mother. Unfortunately, the three children delivered before Raja survived for two weeks at the longest or died on their birth date. Even Raja had been neglected since September 14, 1972, and thus was hand raised. At the time of this change, the first joint of the third finger and the second joint of the fourth and fifth fingers of his left hind foot had been bitten off, and the bones had been exposed. The appearance that he was raised with great care by keepers can be found from the descriptions and pictures in "Monkey," a magazine published at the time. A child visitor commented one day, "Raja's legs look short," when Raja was playing with Pecha, a child chimpanzee. However, the child chimpanzee has shorter legs than Raja [4].
Life history
was born.
1983.07.01 moved from JMC to Iida.
Research results using samples from this individual

Selection of Apes