Strain Detail

Strain Name Q0545 Organization Kyushu University
dp Demono m-w
Common name Japanese monring glory
Scientific name Ipomoea nil
Cultiver name
Phenotype(category) plant body
leaf yellow, variegated, wiry
flower organs split narrow petaled
flower color brown
Gene type y1 v1 ac br;mw ;mg dy tw
Gene type (wild)
Mutation Gene
Mutations plant body
seed br(brown), v1(variegated)
cotyledons ac(acuminate), dy(dusky), mw(maple-willow), mg(magenta), v1(variegated), y1(yellow)
leaf ac(acuminate), mw(maple-willow), v1(variegated), y1(yellow)
shoot dy(dusky), mg(magenta), v1(variegated), y1(yellow)
flower organs ac(acuminate), mw(maple-willow), v1(variegated), y1(yellow)
flower color dy(dusky), mg(magenta), tw(tube white)
Origin -
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  •    1  Hits
    • Pubmed ID :  31819731
      Author Park KI, Nitasaka E, Hoshino A.
      Title Anthocyanin mutants of Japanese and common morning glories exhibit normal proanthocyanidin accumulation in seed coats.
      Journal Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo)   2018   35(3)   259-266
Notes -
Notes(color of the flower) -
DNA info -
Standard strain -
Availability 0
Mutable alleles -
Fertility -
Sterile gene 1
Genotype morph y1 v1 ac mw
Genotype homozygous morph -
Heterozygous m-w
Genotype flower color mg dy tw
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