NIES-MCC | KU-MACC | Tree to Strain Japanese | English
生物 / 真核生物 / アメーバ生物界 / アメーボゾア門 / ツブリネア綱

エキノアメーバ目 (Echinamoeba, Vermamoeba etc.)
レプトミクサ目 (Flabellula, Gephyramoeba, Leptomyxa, Rhizamoeba etc.)
ノランデラ目 (ポセイドニダ目) (Nolandella)
ツブリニダ目 (真アメーバ目) (Amoeba, Chaos, Copromyxa, Hartmannella, Saccamoeba etc.)
ナベカムリ目 (Arcella, Centropyxis, Difflugia, Heleopera, Nebela etc.)

  • Brown, M. W., Silberman, J. D., & Spiegel, F. W. (2011) Slime Molds” among the Tubulinea (Amoebozoa): Molecular Systematics and Taxonomy of Copromyxa. Protist 162: 277-287.
  • Lahr, D. J., Grant, J. R., Nguyen, T., Lin, J. H. & Katz, L. A. (2011) Comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction of amoebozoa based on concatenated analyses of SSU-rDNA and actin genes. PLoS One, 6: e22780.
  • Lahr, D. J., Grant, J. R. & Katz, L. A. (2013) Multigene Phylogenetic Reconstruction of the Tubulinea (Amoebozoa) Corroborates Four of the Six Major Lineages, while Additionally Revealing that Shell Composition Does not Predict Phylogeny in the Arcellinida. Protist 164: 323-339.